System Administration Guide: Virtualization Using the Solaris Operating System

Reporting Memory Utilization and the Memory Cap Enforcement Threshold

You can use the -g option of rcapstat to report the following:

The -g option causes a memory utilization and cap enforcement line to be printed at the end of the report for each interval.

# rcapstat -g
    id project   nproc    vm   rss   cap    at avgat   pg  avgpg
376565    rcap       0    0K    0K   10G    0K    0K   0K     0K
physical memory utilization: 55%   cap enforcement threshold: 0%
    id project   nproc    vm   rss   cap    at avgat   pg  avgpg
376565    rcap       0    0K    0K   10G    0K    0K   0K     0K
physical memory utilization: 55%   cap enforcement threshold: 0%