Writing Device Drivers

GLDv3 MAC Registration Functions

The GLDv3 interface includes driver entry points that are advertised during registration with the MAC layer and MAC entry points that are invoked by drivers.

The mac_init_ops() and mac_fini_ops() Functions

void mac_init_ops(struct dev_ops *ops, const char *name);

A GLDv3 device driver must invoke the mac_init_ops(9F) function in its _init(9E) entry point before calling mod_install(9F).

void mac_fini_ops(struct dev_ops *ops);

A GLDv3 device driver must invoke the mac_fini_ops(9F) function in its _fini(9E) entry point after calling mod_remove(9F).

Example 19–1 The mac_init_ops() and mac_fini_ops() Functions

        int     rv;
        mac_init_ops(&xx_devops, "xx");
        if ((rv = mod_install(&xx_modlinkage)) != DDI_SUCCESS) {
        return (rv);

        int     rv;
        if ((rv = mod_remove(&xx_modlinkage)) == DDI_SUCCESS) {
        return (rv);

The mac_alloc() and mac_free() Functions

mac_register_t *mac_alloc(uint_t version);

The mac_alloc(9F) function allocates a new mac_register structure and returns a pointer to it. Initialize the structure members before you pass the new structure to mac_register(). MAC-private elements are initialized by the MAC layer before mac_alloc() returns. The value of version must be MAC_VERSION_V1.

void mac_free(mac_register_t *mregp);

The mac_free(9F) function frees a mac_register structure that was previously allocated by mac_alloc().

The mac_register() and mac_unregister() Functions

int mac_register(mac_register_t *mregp, mac_handle_t *mhp);

To register a new instance with the MAC layer, a GLDv3 driver must invoke the mac_register(9F) function in its attach(9E) entry point. The mregp argument is a pointer to a mac_register registration information structure. On success, the mhp argument is a pointer to a MAC handle for the new MAC instance. This handle is needed by other routines such as mac_tx_update(), mac_link_update(), and mac_rx().

Example 19–2 The mac_alloc(), mac_register(), and mac_free() Functions and mac_register Structure

xx_attach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_attach_cmd_t cmd)
        mac_register_t        *macp;

/* ... */

        if ((macp = mac_alloc(MAC_VERSION)) == NULL) {
                xx_error(dip, "mac_alloc failed");
                goto failed;

        macp->m_type_ident = MAC_PLUGIN_IDENT_ETHER;
        macp->m_driver = xxp;
        macp->m_dip = dip;
        macp->m_src_addr = xxp->xx_curraddr;
        macp->m_callbacks = &xx_m_callbacks;
        macp->m_min_sdu = 0;
        macp->m_max_sdu = ETHERMTU;
        macp->m_margin = VLAN_TAGSZ;

        if (mac_register(macp, &xxp->xx_mh) == DDI_SUCCESS) {
                return (DDI_SUCCESS);

/* failed to register with MAC */
        /* ... */

int mac_unregister(mac_handle_t mh);

The mac_unregister(9F) function unregisters a MAC instance that was previously registered with mac_register(). The mh argument is the MAC handle that was allocated by mac_register(). Invoke mac_unregister() from the detach(9E) entry point.

Example 19–3 The mac_unregister() Function

xx_detach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_detach_cmd_t cmd)
        xx_t        *xxp; /* driver soft state */

        /* ... */

        switch (cmd) {
        case DDI_DETACH:

                if (mac_unregister(xxp->xx_mh) != 0) {
                        return (DDI_FAILURE);
        /* ... */