Writing Device Drivers

Example Implementation of Interrupt Resource Management

One type of device driver that is an excellent candidate for interrupt resource management is a network device driver. The network device hardware supports multiple transmit and receive channels.

The network device generates a unique interrupt condition whenever the device receives a packet on one of its receive channels or transmits a packet on one of its transmit channels. The hardware can send a specific MSI-X interrupt for each event that can occur. A table in the hardware determines which MSI-X interrupt to generate for each event.

To optimize performance, the driver requests enough interrupts from the system to give each separate interrupt its own interrupt vector. The driver makes this request when it first calls ddi_intr_alloc(9F) in its attach(9F) routine.

The driver then evaluates the actual number of interrupts it received from ddi_intr_alloc() in actualp. It might receive all the interrupts it requested, or it might receive fewer interrupts.

A separate function inside the driver uses the total number of available interrupts to calculate which MSI-X interrupts to generate for each event. This function programs the table in the hardware accordingly.

The driver should have two different interrupt handler functions.

In the example driver in this section, the function xx_setup_interrupts() uses the number of available interrupt vectors to program the hardware and calls the appropriate interrupt handler for each of those interrupt vectors. The xx_setup_interrupts() function is called in two places: after ddi_intr_alloc() is called in xx_attach(), and after interrupt vector allocations are adjusted in the xx_cbfunc() callback handler function.

xx_setup_interrupts(xx_state_t *statep, int navail, xx_intrs_t *xx_intrs_p);

The xx_setup_interrupts() function is called with an array of xx_intrs_t data structures.

typedef struct {
        ddi_intr_handler_t      inthandler;
        void                    *arg1;
        void                    *arg2;
} xx_intrs_t;

This xx_setup_interrupts() functionality must exist in the driver independent of whether the Interrupt Resource Management feature is available. Drivers must be able to function with fewer interrupt vectors than the number requested during attach. If the Interrupt Resource Management feature is available, you can modify the driver to dynamically adjust to a new number of available interrupt vectors.

Other functionality that the driver must provide independent of whether the Interrupt Resource Management feature is available includes the ability to quiesce the hardware and resume the hardware. Quiesce and resume are needed for certain events related to power management and hotplugging. Quiesce and resume also are required to handle interrupt callback actions.

The quiesce function is called in xx_detach().

xx_quiesce(xx_state_t *statep);

The resume function is called in xx_attach().

xx_resume(xx_state_t *statep);

Make the following modifications to enhance this device driver to use the Interrupt Resource Management feature:

 * attach(9F) routine.
 * Creates soft state, registers callback handler, initializes
 * hardware, and sets up interrupt handling for the driver.
xx_attach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_attach_cmd_t cmd)
        xx_state_t              *statep = NULL;
        xx_intr_t               *intrs = NULL;
        ddi_intr_handle_t       *hdls;
        ddi_cb_handle_t         cb_hdl;
        int                     instance;
        int                     type;
        int                     types;
        int                     nintrs;
        int                     nactual;
        int                     inum;

        /* Get device instance */
        instance = ddi_get_instance(dip);

        switch (cmd) {
        case DDI_ATTACH:

                /* Get soft state */
                if (ddi_soft_state_zalloc(state_list, instance) != 0)
                        return (DDI_FAILURE);
                statep = ddi_get_soft_state(state_list, instance);
                ddi_set_driver_private(dip, (caddr_t)statep);
                statep->dip = dip;

                /* Initialize hardware */

                /* Register callback handler */
                if (ddi_cb_register(dip, DDI_CB_FLAG_INTR, xx_cbfunc,
                    statep, NULL, &cb_hdl) != 0) {
                        ddi_soft_state_free(state_list, instance);
                        return (DDI_FAILURE);
                statep->cb_hdl = cb_hdl;

                /* Select interrupt type */
                ddi_intr_get_supported_types(dip, &types);
                if (types & DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSIX) {
                        type = DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSIX;
                } else if (types & DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSI) {
                        type = DDI_INTR_TYPE_MSI;
                } else {
                        type = DDI_INTR_TYPE_FIXED;
                statep->type = type;

                /* Get number of supported interrupts */
                ddi_intr_get_nintrs(dip, type, &nintrs);

                /* Allocate interrupt handle array */
                statep->hdls_size = nintrs * sizeof (ddi_intr_handle_t);
                statep->hdls = kmem_zalloc(statep->hdls_size, KMEM_SLEEP);

                /* Allocate interrupt setup array */
                statep->intrs_size = nintrs * sizeof (xx_intr_t);
                statep->intrs = kmem_zalloc(statep->intrs_size, KMEM_SLEEP);

                /* Allocate interrupt vectors */
                ddi_intr_alloc(dip, hdls, type, 0, nintrs, &nactual, 0);
                statep->nactual = nactual;

                /* Configure interrupt handling */
                xx_setup_interrupts(statep, statep->nactual, statep->intrs);

                /* Install and enable interrupt handlers */
                for (inum = 0; inum < nactual; inum++) {
                            intrs[inum].arg1, intrs[inum].arg2);


        case DDI_RESUME:

                /* Get soft state */
                statep = ddi_get_soft_state(state_list, instance);
                if (statep == NULL)
                        return (DDI_FAILURE);

                /* Resume hardware */


        return (DDI_SUCESS);

 * detach(9F) routine.
 * Stops the hardware, disables interrupt handling, unregisters
 * a callback handler, and destroys the soft state for the driver.
xx_detach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_detach_cmd_t cmd)
        xx_state_t      *statep = NULL;
        int             instance;
        int             inum;

        /* Get device instance */
        instance = ddi_get_instance(dip);

        switch (cmd) {
        case DDI_DETACH:

                /* Get soft state */
                statep = ddi_get_soft_state(state_list, instance);
                if (statep == NULL)
                        return (DDI_FAILURE);

                /* Stop device */

                /* Disable and free interrupts */
                for (inum = 0; inum < statep->nactual; inum++) {

                /* Unregister callback handler */

                /* Free interrupt handle array */
                kmem_free(statep->hdls, statep->hdls_size);

                /* Free interrupt setup array */
                kmem_free(statep->intrs, statep->intrs_size);

                /* Free soft state */
                ddi_soft_state_free(state_list, instance);


        case DDI_SUSPEND:

                /* Get soft state */
                statep = ddi_get_soft_state(state_list, instance);
                if (statep == NULL)
                        return (DDI_FAILURE);

                /* Suspend hardware */


        return (DDI_SUCCESS);

 * (*ddi_cbfunc)() routine.
 * Adapt interrupt usage when availability changes.
xx_cbfunc(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_cb_action_t cbaction, void *cbarg,
    void *arg1, void *arg2)
        xx_state_t      *statep = (xx_state_t *)arg1;
        int             count;
        int             inum;
        int             nactual;

        switch (cbaction) {
        case DDI_CB_INTR_ADD:
        case DDI_CB_INTR_REMOVE:

                /* Get change in availability */
                count = (int)(uintptr_t)cbarg;

                /* Suspend hardware */

                /* Tear down previous interrupt handling */
                for (inum = 0; inum < statep->nactual; inum++) {

                /* Adjust interrupt vector allocations */
                if (cbaction == DDI_CB_INTR_ADD) {

                        /* Allocate additional interrupt vectors */
                        ddi_intr_alloc(dip, statep->hdls, statep->type,
                            statep->nactual, count, &nactual, 0);

                        /* Update actual count of available interrupts */
                        statep->nactual += nactual;

                } else {

                        /* Free removed interrupt vectors */
                        for (inum = statep->nactual - count;
                            inum < statep->nactual; inum++) {

                        /* Update actual count of available interrupts */
                        statep->nactual -= count;

                /* Configure interrupt handling */
                xx_setup_interrupts(statep, statep->nactual, statep->intrs);

                /* Install and enable interrupt handlers */
                for (inum = 0; inum < statep->nactual; inum++) {

                /* Resume hardware */


                return (DDI_ENOTSUP);

        return (DDI_SUCCESS);