Writing Device Drivers

Request Features and Fields

Data for all requests is passed in message blocks so that the data is handled uniformly whether the driver is a STREAMS, character, or block driver. The message block type, mblk_t, is described in the mblk(9S) man page. The DDI offers several routines for manipulating message blocks. Examples include allocb(9F) and freemsg(9F). To learn about other routines for manipulating message blocks, see the “SEE ALSO” sections of the allocb(9F) and freemsg(9F) man pages. Also see the STREAMS Programming Guide.

The following request fields are included in all transfer types. In each field name, the possible values for xxxx are: ctrl, bulk, intr, or isoc.


This field value is a pointer that is intended for internal data to be passed around the client driver along with the request. This pointer is not used to transfer data to the device.


This field value is a set of transfer attributes. While this field is common to all request structures, the initialization of this field is somewhat different for each transfer type. See the appropriate request structure man page for more information. These man pages are listed in Table 20–1. See also the usb_request_attributes(9S) man page.


This field value is a callback function for normal transfer completion. This function is called when an asynchronous transfer completes without error.


This field value is a callback function for error handling. This function is called only when asynchronous transfers complete with errors.


This field holds the completion status of the transfer itself. If an error occurred, this field shows what went wrong. See the usb_completion_reason(9S) man page for more information. This field is updated by the USBA 2.0 framework.


This field lists the recovery actions that were taken by the USBA 2.0 framework before calling the callback handler. The USB_CB_INTR_CONTEXT flag indicates whether a callback is running in interrupt context. See the usb_callback_flags(9S) man page for more information. This field is updated by the USBA 2.0 framework.

The following sections describe the request fields that are different for the four different transfer types. These sections describe how to initialize these structure fields. These sections also describe the restrictions on various combinations of attributes and parameters.