System Administration Guide: Security Services

ProcedureHow to Configure Automatic Migration of Users in a Kerberos Realm

Users, who do not have a Kerberos principal, can be automatically migrated to an existing Kerberos realm. The migration is achieved by using the PAM framework for the service in use by stacking the pam_krb5_migrate module in the service's authentication stack in /etc/pam.conf.

In this example, the dtlogin and other PAM service names are configured to use the automatic migration. The following configuration parameters are used:

Before You Begin

Setup server1 as a Kerberos client of the realm EXAMPLE.COM. See Configuring Kerberos Clients for more information.

  1. Check to see if a host service principal for server1 exists.

    The host service principal in the keytab file of server1 is used to authenticate the server to the master KDC.

    server1 # klist -k
    Keytab name: FILE:/etc/krb5/krb5.keytab
    	KVNO Principal
    	---- ------------------------------------------------
    	   3 host/
    	   3 host/
    	   3 host/
    	   3 host/
  2. Make changes to the PAM configuration file.

    1. Add entries for the dtlogin service.

      # cat /etc/pam.conf
      # dtlogin service (explicit because of pam_krb5_migrate)
      dtlogin       auth requisite
      dtlogin       auth required 
      dtlogin       auth required 
      dtlogin       auth sufficient
      dtlogin       auth requisite
      dtlogin       auth optional 
    2. (Optional) Force an immediate password change, if needed.

      The newly created Kerberos accounts can have their password expiration time set to the current time (now), in order to force an immediate Kerberos password change. To set the expiration time to now, add the expire_pw option to the lines which use the pam_krb5_migrate module. See the pam_krb5_migrate(5) man page for more information.

      # cat /etc/pam.conf
      dtlogin  auth optional  expire_pw
    3. Add the pam_krb5 module to the account stack.

      This addition allows for password expiration in Kerberos to block access.

      # cat /etc/pam.conf
      # Default definition for Account management
      # Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for account management
      other   account requisite
      other   account required
      other   account required
    4. Add the pam_krb5 module to the password stack.

      This addition allows for passwords to be updated when the password expire.

      # cat /etc/pam.conf
      # Default definition for Password management
      # Used when service name is not explicitly mentioned for password management
      other   password required
      other   password requisite
      other   password requisite
      other   password sufficient
      other   password required
  3. On the master KDC, update the access control file.

    The following entries grant migrate and inquire privileges to the host/ service principal for all users, excepting the root user. It is important that users who should not be migrated are listed in the kadm5.acl file using the U privilege. These entries need to be before the permit all or ui entry. See the kadm5.acl(4) man page for more information.

    kdc1 # cat /etc/krb5/kadm5.acl
    host/ U root
    host/ ui *
    */admin@EXAMPLE.COM *
  4. On the master KDC, restart the Kerberos administration daemon.

    This step allows the kadmind daemon to use the new kadm5.acl entries.

    kdc1 # svcadm restart network/security/kadmin
  5. On the master KDC, add entries to the pam.conf file.

    The following entries enable the kadmind daemon to use the k5migrate PAM service, to validate UNIX user password for accounts that require migration.

    # grep k5migrate /etc/pam.conf
    k5migrate        auth    required
    k5migrate        account required