Solaris Containers: Resource Management and Solaris Zones Developer's Guide

Master Observing Process for Resource Controls

The following example is the master observer process. Figure 5–3 shows the resource controls for the master observing process.

Note –

The line break is not valid in an /etc/project file. The line break is shown here only to allow the example to display on a printed or displayed page. Each entry in the /etc/project file must be on a separate line.

Figure 5–3 Master Observing Process

diagram showing resource controls for the master observing

The key points for the example include the following:

rctlblk_t *mlwprcb;
sigset_t smask;

/* Omit return value checking/error processing to keep code sample short */
/* First, install a RCPRIV_BASIC, v=1000, signal=SIGXRES rctl */
mlwprcb = calloc(1, rctlblk_size());	 /* rctl blocks are opaque: */
       rctlblk_set_value(mlwprcb, 1000);
       rctlblk_set_privilege(mlwprcb, RCPRIV_BASIC);
       rctlblk_set_local_action(mlwprcb, RCTL_LOCAL_SIGNAL, SIGXRES);
       if (setrctl("task.max-lwps", NULL, mlwprcb, RCTL_INSERT) == -1) {
           exit (1);

/* Now, create the thread which waits for the signal */
        sigaddset(&smask, SIGXRES);
        thr_sigsetmask(SIG_BLOCK, &smask, NULL);
thr_create(NULL, 0, sigthread, (void *)SIGXRES, THR_DETACHED, NULL));

/* Omit return value checking/error processing to keep code sample short */

void *sigthread(void *a)
        int sig = (int)a;
        int rsig;
        sigset_t sset;

        sigaddset(&sset, sig);

        while (1) {
                 rsig = sigwait(&sset);
          if (rsig == SIGXRES) {
              /* e.g. sigsend(P_PID, child_pid, SIGXRES); */