System Administration Guide: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization

IPv6 Test Addresses

The only valid IPv6 test address is the link-local address of a physical interface. You do not need a separate IPv6 address to serve as an IPMP test address. The IPv6 link-local address is based on the Media Access Control (MAC ) address of the interface. Link-local addresses are automatically configured when the interface becomes IPv6-enabled at boot time or when the interface is manually configured through ifconfig. Just like IPv4 test addresses, IPv6 test addresses must be configured with the NOFAILOVER flag.

For more information on link-local addresses, refer to Link-Local Unicast Address in System Administration Guide: IP Services.

When an IPMP group has both IPv4 and IPv6 plumbed on all the group's interfaces, you do not need to configure separate IPv4 test addresses. The in.mpathd daemon can use the IPv6 link-local addresses with the NOFAILOVER flag as test addresses.