System Administration Guide: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization

VLANs on Legacy Devices

Certain legacy devices handle only packets whose maximum frame size is 1514 bytes. Packets whose frame sizes exceed the maximum limit are dropped. For such cases, follow the same procedure listed in How to Configure a VLAN. However, when creating the VLAN, use the -f option to force the creation of the VLAN.

The general steps to perform are as follows:

  1. Create the VLAN with the -f option.

    # dladm create-vlan -f -l link -v VID [vlan-link]
  2. Set a lower size for the maximum transmission unit (MTU), such as 1496 bytes.

    # dladm set-linkprop -p default_mtu=1496 vlan-link

    The lower MTU value allows space for the link layer to insert the VLAN header prior to transmission.

  3. Perform the same step to set the same lower value for the MTU size of each node in the VLAN.

    For more information about changing link property values, refer to Administering NIC Driver Properties.