Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures

Configuring the Sun Java System Directory Server on a Trusted Extensions System

The LDAP naming service is the supported naming service for Trusted Extensions. If your site is not yet running the LDAP naming service, configure a Sun Java System Directory Server (Directory Server) on a system that is configured with Trusted Extensions. If your site is already running a Directory Server, then you need to add the Trusted Extensions databases to the server. To access the Directory Server, you then set up an LDAP proxy on a Trusted Extensions system.

Note –

If you do not use this LDAP server as an NFS server or as a server for Sun RayTM clients, then you do not need to install any labeled zones on this server.

ProcedureCollect Information for the Directory Server for LDAP

  1. Determine the values for the following items.

    The items are listed in the order of their appearance in the Sun Java Enterprise System Install Wizard.

    Install Wizard Prompt 

    Action or Information 

    Sun Java System Directory Server version

    Administrator User ID 

    The default value is admin.

    Administrator Password 

    Create a password, such as admin123.

    Directory Manager DN 

    The default value is cn=Directory Manager.

    Directory Manager Password 

    Create a password, such as dirmgr89.

    Directory Server Root 

    The default value is /var/Sun/mps. This path is also used later if the proxy software is installed.

    Server Identifier 

    The default value is the local system. 

    Server Port 

    If you plan to use the Directory Server to provide standard LDAP naming services to client systems, use the default value, 389.

    If you plan to use the Directory Server to support a subsequent installation of a proxy server, enter a nonstandard port, such as 10389.


    Include your domain component, as in dc=example-domain,dc=com.

    Administration Domain 

    Construct to correspond to the Suffix, as in,

    System User 

    The default value is root.

    System Group 

    The default value is root.

    Data Storage Location 

    The default value is Store configuration data on this server.

    Data Storage Location 

    The default value is Store user data and group data on this server.

    Administration Port 

    The default value is the Server Port. A suggested convention for changing the default is software-version TIMES 1000. For software version 5.2, this convention would result in port 5200.

ProcedureInstall the Sun Java System Directory Server

The Directory Server packages are available from the Sun Software Gateway web site.

  1. Find the Sun Java System Directory Server packages on the Sun web site.

    1. On the Sun Software Gateway page, click the Get It tab.

    2. Click the checkbox for the Sun Java Identity Management Suite.

    3. Click the Submit button.

    4. If you are not registered, register.

    5. Log in to download the software.

    6. Click the Download Center at the upper left of the screen.

    7. Under Identity Management, download the most recent software that is appropriate for your platform.

  2. In the /etc/hosts file, add the FQDN to your system's hostname entry.

    The FQDN is the Fully Qualified Domain Name. This name is a combination of the host name and the administration domain, as in: myhost
  3. Install the Directory Server packages.

    Answer the questions by using the information from Collect Information for the Directory Server for LDAP.

  4. Ensure that the Directory Server starts at every boot.

    Templates for the SMF services for the Directory Server are in the Sun Java System Directory Server packages.

    • For a Trusted Extensions Directory Server, enable the service.

      # dsadm stop /export/home/ds/instances/your-instance
      # dsadm enable-service -T SMF /export/home/ds/instances/your-instance
      # dsadm start /export/home/ds/instances/your-instance

      For information about the dsadm command, see the dsadm(1M) man page.

    • For a proxy Directory Server, enable the service.

      # dpadm stop /export/home/ds/instances/your-instance
      # dpadm enable-service -T SMF /export/home/ds/instances/your-instance
      # dpadm start /export/home/ds/instances/your-instance

      For information about the dpadm command, see the dpadm(1M) man page.

  5. Verify your installation.

    # dsadm info /export/home/ds/instances/your-instance
    Instance Path:         /export/home/ds/instances/your-instance
    Owner:                 root(root)
    Non-secure port:       389
    Secure port:           636
    Bit format:            32-bit
    State:                 Running
    Server PID:            298
    DSCC url:              -
    SMF application name:  ds--export-home-ds-instances-your-instance
    Instance version:      D-A00

For strategies to solve LDAP configuration problems, see Chapter 13, LDAP Troubleshooting (Reference), in System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP).

ProcedureConfigure the Logs for the Sun Java System Directory Server

This procedure configures three types of logs: access logs, audit logs, and error logs. The following default settings are not changed:

The settings in this procedure meet the following requirements:

  1. Configure the access logs.

    The LOG_TYPE for access is ACCESS. The syntax for configuring logs is the following:

    dsconf set-log-prop LOG_TYPE property:value

    # dsconf set-log-prop ACCESS max-age:3M
    # dsconf set-log-prop ACCESS max-disk-space-size:20000M
    # dsconf set-log-prop ACCESS max-file-count:100
    # dsconf set-log-prop ACCESS max-size:500M
    # dsconf set-log-prop ACCESS min-free-disk-space:500M
  2. Configure the audit logs.

    # dsconf set-log-prop AUDIT max-age:3M
    # dsconf set-log-prop AUDIT max-disk-space-size:20000M
    # dsconf set-log-prop AUDIT max-file-count:100
    # dsconf set-log-prop AUDIT max-size:500M
    # dsconf set-log-prop AUDIT min-free-disk-space:500M
    # dsconf set-log-prop AUDIT rotation-interval:1d

    By default, the rotation interval for audit logs is one week.

  3. Configure the error logs.

    In this configuration, you specify additional data to be collected in the error log.

    # dsconf set-log-prop ERROR max-age:3M
    # dsconf set-log-prop ERROR max-disk-space-size:20000M
    # dsconf set-log-prop ERROR max-file-count:30
    # dsconf set-log-prop ERROR max-size:500M
    # dsconf set-log-prop ERROR min-free-disk-space:500M
    # dsconf set-log-prop ERROR verbose-enabled:on
  4. (Optional) Further configure the logs.

    You can also configure the following settings for each log:

    # dsconf set-log-prop LOG_TYPE rotation-min-file-size:undefined
    # dsconf set-log-prop LOG_TYPE rotation-time:undefined

    For information about the dsconf command, see the dsconf(1M) man page.

ProcedureConfigure a Multilevel Port for the Sun Java System Directory Server

To work in Trusted Extensions, the server port of the Directory Server must be configured as a multilevel port (MLP) in the global zone.

  1. Start the Solaris Management Console.

    # /usr/sbin/smc &
  2. Select the This Computer (this-host: Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL) toolbox.

  3. Click System Configuration, then click Computers and Networks.

    You are prompted for your password.

  4. Type the appropriate password.

  5. Double-click Trusted Network Zones.

  6. Double-click the global zone.

  7. Add a multilevel port for the TCP protocol:

    1. Click Add for the Multilevel Ports for Zone's IP Addresses.

    2. Type 389 for the port number, and click OK.

  8. Add a multilevel port for the UDP protocol:

    1. Click Add for the Multilevel Ports for Zone's IP Addresses.

    2. Type 389 for the port number.

    3. Choose the udp protocol, and click OK.

  9. Click OK to save the settings.

  10. Update the kernel.

    # tnctl -fz /etc/security/tsol/tnzonecfg

ProcedurePopulate the Sun Java System Directory Server

Several LDAP databases have been created or modified to hold Trusted Extensions data about label configuration, users, and remote systems. In this procedure, you populate the Directory Server databases with Trusted Extensions information.

Before You Begin

If site security requires separation of duty, complete the following before populating the Directory server:

  1. Create a staging area for files that you plan to use to populate the naming service databases.

    # mkdir -p /setup/files
  2. Copy the sample /etc files into the staging area.

    # cd /etc
    # cp aliases group networks netmasks protocols /setup/files
    # cp rpc services auto_master /setup/files
    # cd /etc/security
    # cp auth_attr prof_attr exec_attr /setup/files/
    # cd /etc/security/tsol
    # cp tnrhdb tnrhtp /setup/files

    # cd /etc/inet
    # cp ipnodes /setup/files
  3. Remove the +auto_master entry from the /setup/files/auto_master file.

  4. Remove the ?:::::? entry from the /setup/files/auth_attr file.

  5. Remove the :::: entry from the /setup/files/prof_attr file.

  6. Create the zone automaps in the staging area.

    In the following list of automaps, the first of each pair of lines shows the name of the file. The second line of each pair shows the file contents. The zone names identify labels from the default label_encodings file that is included with the Trusted Extensions software.

    • Substitute your zone names for the zone names in these lines.

    • myNFSserver identifies the NFS server for the home directories.

     * myNFSserver_FQDN:/zone/public/root/export/home/&
     * myNFSserver_FQDN:/zone/internal/root/export/home/&
     * myNFSserver_FQDN:/zone/needtoknow/root/export/home/&
     * myNFSserver_FQDN:/zone/restricted/root/export/home/&
  7. Add every system on the network to the /setup/files/tnrhdb file.

    No wildcard mechanism can be used here. The IP address of every system to be contacted, including the IP addresses of labeled zones, must be in this file.

    1. Open the trusted editor and edit /setup/files/tnrhdb.

    2. Add every IP address on a labeled system in the Trusted Extensions domain.

      Labeled systems are of type cipso. Also, the name of the security template for labeled systems is cipso. Therefore, in the default configuration, a cipso entry is similar to the following:

      Note –

      This list includes the IP addresses of global zones and labeled zones.

    3. Add every unlabeled system with which the domain can communicate.

      Unlabeled systems are of type unlabeled. The name of the security template for unlabeled systems is admin_low. Therefore, in the default configuration, an entry for an unlabeled system is similar to the following:
    4. Save the file, and exit the editor.

    5. Check the syntax of the file.

      # tnchkdb -h /setup/files/tnrhdb
    6. Fix any errors before continuing.

  8. Copy the /setup/files/tnrhdb file to the /etc/security/tsol/tnrhdb file.

  9. Use the ldapaddent command to populate every file in the staging area.

    # /usr/sbin/ldapaddent -D "cn=directory manager" \
    -w dirmgr123 -a simple -f /setup/files/hosts hosts