Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide

ProcedureTroubleshoot Login Problems

  1. If your username or password is not recognized, check with the administrator.

  2. If your label range is not permitted on your workstation, check with the administrator.

    Workstations can be restricted to a limited range of session clearances and labels. For example, a workstation in a lobby might be limited to PUBLIC labels only. If the label or session clearance that you specify is not accepted, check with an administrator to determine if the workstation is restricted.

  3. If you have customized your shell initialization files and cannot log in, you have the following two options.

    • Contact your system administrator to correct the situation.

    • If you can become root, log in to a failsafe session.

      In a standard login, the shell initialization files are sourced at startup to provide a customized environment. In a failsafe login, the default values are applied to your system and no shell initialization files are sourced.

      In Trusted Extensions, failsafe login is protected. Only superuser can access failsafe login.

      1. As in the Solaris OS, choose Options –> Failsafe Session on the login screen.

      2. When prompted, provide your username and password.

      3. When prompted for an additional password, provide the password for root.