Solaris Express Developer Edition ????????? ??????

Solaris Express 5/06??? ????????? ??????

??? ??????????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ??????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????????????.

?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ??????

??? ????????? ????????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????. ???????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? “dXXX” ????????????, ??? ????????? ??? ????????? “hspYYY” ???????????? ?????????????????????.

?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide??? ??????????????????.

?????? ????????? ???????????? ??????(fsstat)

?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? fsstat??? ???????????????. ????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

?????? fsstat ??????????????? ZFS ?????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ?????????.

$ fsstat zfs
 new  name   name  attr  attr lookup rddir  read read  write write
 file remov  chng   get   set    ops   ops   ops bytes   ops bytes
8.26K  240K 6.34K 4.03M 6.33K  12.6M  482K  204K 1.24G 13.4K  363M zfs

?????? fsstat ??????????????? /export/home ????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ?????????.

$ fsstat /export/home
 new  name   name  attr  attr lookup rddir  read read  write write
 file remov  chng   get   set    ops   ops   ops bytes   ops bytes
    0     0     0   972     0    224    22     0     0     0     0 /export/home

?????? fsstat ??????????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ?????????.

$ fsstat -F
 new  name   name  attr  attr lookup rddir  read read  write write
 file remov  chng   get   set    ops   ops   ops bytes   ops bytes
1.71K 1.16K    37  371K   562  1.90M 1.04K  151K  142M 21.9K 55.3M ufs
    0     0     0 1.60K     0  2.93K   344 1.30K  761K     0     0 proc
    0     0     0     0     0      0     0     0     0     0     0 nfs
8.31K  240K 6.37K 4.04M 6.48K  12.6M  482K  204K 1.25G 13.7K  365M zfs
   29    12    12 37.4K     8  22.5K    28 1.04K 2.34M   120 76.1K lofs
10.8K 4.72K 5.43K 54.6K    49  19.8K    28  173K  610M  513K  487M tmpfs
    0     0     0   338     0      0     0    44 12.2K     0     0 mntfs
    1     1     1   429     1  14.3K   115 1.34K 1002K     0     0 nfs3
   12     6     9   150     0    442    30    91 3.32M    12 69.2K nfs4
    1     0     1 20.8K     0  20.5K     0     0     0     0     0 autofs

????????? ????????? fsstat(1M) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????.

useradd ?????? ???

????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

??? ?????????????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ????????? useradd -D ??????????????? ?????????????????????.

????????? ????????? useradd(1M) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????.

????????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ZFS ??? ????????????

??? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

??? ??????????????? zpool ????????? ????????? ????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

????????? ????????? zpool(1M) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????.

ZFS ?????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ZFS ????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????? ??????????????????.

????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????

????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

??? ?????????????????? zonecfg ????????? ???????????? ????????? ????????? ?????????????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

?????? ????????? ??????????????????.

????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??????????????????.

SO_TIMESTAMP ?????? ??????

??? ????????? ???????????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

SO_TIMESTAMP ????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????. SOCK_DGRAM ?????? SOCK_RAW ????????? ?????? SO_TIMESTAMP ????????? ???????????? ??????, recvmsg(2) ????????? ?????????????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ?????????????????? ???????????????.

????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????.

?????? ??? NFSv4 ????????? ?????? ?????? ??????

??? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

OS ?????? ?????? NFS ?????? 4 ???????????? ????????? ??? ????????????. ??? ??? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? sysidnfs4 ??????????????? ???????????? NFSv4 ???????????? ??????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ????????? ???????????????. ?????? ????????? Solaris 10 ?????????????????? ?????? ??? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ??? NFS ????????? ????????? ?????????????????????.

????????? NFSv4 ???????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

NFSv4 ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? 

System Administration Guide: Network Services

Solaris ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? 

Solaris 10 11/06 ?????? ?????????: ?????? ??????

Solaris ???????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? 

Solaris 10 11/06 ?????? ?????????: ???????????? ?????? ??????

????????? ?????? JumpStart ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? 

Solaris 10 11/06 ?????? ?????????: ????????? ?????? JumpStart ??? ?????? ??????

sysid ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ??????

sysidtool(1M) ??? sysidnfs4(1M) ????????? ?????????

????????? ???????????? DTrace ??????

??? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

????????? dtrace_proc ??? dtrace_user ????????? ????????? ????????? ??? DTrace??? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ??? ????????????. DTrace ????????? ??? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????????. dtrace_proc ???????????? fasttrap ??? pid ???????????? ????????? ??? ??????, dtrace_user ??????????????? 'profile' ??? 'syscall' ???????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

zonecfg ????????? limitpriv ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????????????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????????.

?????? ??????, ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? DTrace ???????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??????????????????.

64 ?????? SPARC: ?????? ???????????? ?????? MSI-X(Extended Message Signaled Interrupt) ??????

??? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

MSI-X(Extended Message Signaled Interrupts)??? MSI ??????????????? ????????? ???????????????. MSI-X ????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? MSI ??? MSI-X ???????????? ?????? ????????? ??? ????????????. SPARC PCI-Express ?????????(Ultra 45 ??? Sun Fire T2000)?????? MSI-X ??????????????? ???????????????.

?????? ???????????? SPARC ??? x86 ??????????????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? mdb/kmdb ????????? ????????? ::interrupts??? ???????????????.

????????? ????????? Writing Device Driver??? 8??? Interrupt Handlers??? ??????????????????.

IPsec ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????

??? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

??? ??????????????? ipsec_rl_strlog() ????????? ???????????? ?????? IPsec ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????? ???????????????. ipsec_rl_strlog() ????????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ????????? ???????????????. ??? ????????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ???????????????.

ndd ????????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

# ndd -get /dev/ip ipsec_policy_log_interval 

???????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????????.

ipsec_policy_log_interval??? IPsec??? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ???????????????. ??? ????????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ??????????????? ?????? ????????????.

# ndd -set /dev/ip ipsec_policy_log_interval 0

??? –

???????????? ???????????? ??? IPsec ????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????????.

iSCSI ???????????? ??????

??? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

iSCSI ???????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ???????????? ??????????????? ????????? iSCSI ???????????? ??????????????? ??? ????????????. ???????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????????. ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? logical unit in use ???????????? ???????????????. ??? ????????? ???????????? ??????????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????????? ??? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????????.

????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

????????? iSCSI ???????????? ??????????????? ????????? ??? ??? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????? ????????????.

????????? ????????? iscsiadm(1M) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????. ?????? System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems??? ??????????????????.

iSCSI MS/T ??????

??? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

iSCSI MS/T(Multiple Session per Target) ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? iSCSI ???????????? ????????? ?????? ??? ????????????. ?????? iSCSI ????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ???????????????. iSCSI MS/T ?????? ????????? MPxIO ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????.

????????? iscsiadm ????????? ????????? ????????????.

iSCSI MS/T ?????? ????????? ???????????? ???????????? iSCSI ???????????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????.

????????? ????????? ????????? ??????????????????.

iSNS ?????????????????? iSCSI ??????

??? ?????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

iSNS(Internet Storage Name Service) ??????????????? ????????? Solaris OS iSCSI ??????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????????. ??? ????????? ???????????? iSNS??? ???????????? IP-SAN(????????? ????????????) ?????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????. ??? ????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????? ????????? ????????????. iSNS ????????????????????? iSNS ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? iscsiadm ?????? ??????, ?????? ??? ???????????? ????????? ?????????????????????.

iSCSI??? ???????????? ?????? ?????? IP-SAN??? ???????????? ???????????? SAN??? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????????. iSNS ??????????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ??? IP-SAN ???????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????????.

?????? ??? ????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? iscsiadm(1M) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????. ?????? System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems??? ??????????????????.

SNIA ?????? ?????? ?????? API ??????

??? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 5/06 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

SNIA(Storage Networking Industry Association) ?????? ?????? ?????? API(MP API)??? ?????? ?????? ??????, ?????? ?????? ?????? ??? ?????????????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???????????????. ??? ????????? ?????? Sun??? scsi_vhci ???????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? SNIA MP API ??????????????? ????????? ???????????????.

SNIA MA API??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ????????????.

SNIA MP API ????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ?????????????????????.

????????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? scsi_vhci ?????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

????????? ????????? mpathadm(1M) ??? libMPAPI(3LIB) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????. ?????? Solaris Fibre Channel Storage Configuration and Multipathing Support Guide??? ??????????????????.