Web Stack Getting Started Guide

Installing Web Stack Components

OpenSolaris 2008.05 release allows you to install Web Stack components individually. The following table lists the packages and command to install them.

Note –

Ensure to import SMF manifest file before setting up an AMP cluster or installing as an individual package. For more information see Administering Apache Server, Administering MySQL Server, and Administering memcached.

Note –

The pfexec command allows the non-root user to install packages.

Table 2–1 Installing the Web Stack components

Component Name 

Package Name 

Command to install the component 

Apache 2.2 core only 


Use the following command to install Apache core: 

pfexec pkg install SUNWapch22 SUNWapch22d

Apache 2.2 modules 

SUNWapch22m-security, SUNWapch22m-jk, SUNWapch22m-fcgid, SUNWapch22m-dtrace

Use the following command to install Apache modules: 

pfexec pkg install SUNWapch22m-security SUNWapch22m-jk SUNWapch22m-fcgid SUNWapch22m-dtrace


SUNWphp524, SUNWphp524core, SUNWphp524man, SUNWphp524-mysql, SUNWphp524-pgsql, SUNWapch22m-php5

Use the following command to install PHP5: 

pfexec pkg install SUNWphp524 SUNWphp524core SUNWphp524man SUNWphp524-mysql SUNWphp524-pgsql SUNWapch22m-php5



Use the following command to install MySQL: 

pfexec pkg install SUNWmysql5

For more information on how to start the MySQL, see Setting Up MySQL



Use the following command to install PostgreSQL: 

pfexec pkg install SUNWpostgr-82-devel



Use the following command to install Squid: 

pfexec pkg install SUNWsquid

Web Stack user interface 


This package adds menu to operate Apache, PHP, MySQl and other components in the stack. 

Use the following command to install Web Stack user interface: 

pfexec pkg install webstackui

You can install the components using the PackageManager graphical user interface for IPS. To install, update, and manage packages using the PackageManager, see the screencast.

Installing AMP Cluster

The AMP cluster package is a super set of all individual AMP packages. For more information on how to install an AMP cluster, see Setting Up Your AMP Development Environment.

Note –

Ensure to import SMF manifest file before setting up an AMP cluster. For more information on how to import the manifest, see Administering Apache Server, Administering MySQL Server, and Administering memcached.

Administering Apache Server

When you install the Apache Web Server package, the binaries are installed in the /usr/apache2/2.2 and run time configuration files will be available in the following location /etc/apache2/2.2.

SMF Framework for Web Stack components are not initialized in the this release. Use either the Web Stack UI or start the server by running the startup command manually. Perform the following steps as root user to start Apache Web Server:

svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/network/http-apache22.xml
svcadm enable network/http:apache22

The import command allows you to import the apache manifest file and the enable command allows you to start the server.

Execute the disable command to stop the server.

svcadm disable network/http:apache22

Administering MySQL Server

SMF Framework for Web Stack components are not initialized in the this release. Use either the Web Stack UI or start the server by running the startup command manually. Perform the following steps as root user to start MySQL Server:

Perform the following steps as root user to start MySQL server.

svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/application/database/mysql.xml
svcadm enable application/database/mysql:version_50 

The import command allows you to import the MySQL manifest file and the enable command allows you to start the server.

Execute the disable command to stop the server.

svcadm disable application/database/mysql:version_50

Administering memcached

SMF Framework for Web Stack components are not initialized in the this release. Use either the Web Stack UI or start the server by running the startup command manually. Perform the following steps as root user to start memcached:

Perform the following steps as root user to start memcached.

svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/application/database/memcached.xml
svcadm enable application/database/memcached:default

The import command allows you to import the memcached manifest file and the enable command allows you to start the server.

Execute the disable command to stop the server.

svcadm disable application/database/memcached:default