Web Stack Getting Started Guide

ProcedureTo Start the Database Server Instance

  1. Check the status of the SMF service.

    The mysql;version_50 service is disabled by default.

    example% svcs mysql
    STATE         STIME     FMRI
    disabled      14:27:09  svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50
  2. Enable the mysql:version_50 service.

    example%svcadm enable mysql:version_50

  3. Check the status of the service.

    example% svcs mysql
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         14:30:08 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50

    The state of the service is online, and the database server is started successfully.

    Note –

    To shutdown the database instance and prevent automatic restart, disable the SMF service.

    example% svcadm disable mysql:version_50