Sun Enterprise 250 Server Owner's Guide

OBDiag Menu

The OBDiag menu is created dynamically whenever you invoke OBDiag in interactive mode. OBDiag determines whether any optional devices are installed in the system. If the device has an on-board self-test, OBDiag incorporates the test name into the list of menu entries. It sorts the menu entries in alphabetical order and numbers them accordingly. Therefore, the menu entries may vary from system to system, depending on the system configuration.

The OBDiag menu always displays the core tests that exercise parts of the basic system. These tests include envctrltwo, ebus, ecpp, eeprom, fdthree, network, scsi@3, scsi@3,1, se, su, and rsc. For information about each test, see "OBDiag Test Descriptions". For a description of the interactive commands for running OBDiag, see "OBDiag Commands".

Once you invoke OBDiag as described in "How to Use OpenBoot Diagnostics (OBDiag)", the OBDiag menu is displayed.

Figure 12-2  
