Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Troubleshooting Guide

Linux OS Update Deployment Failures

This section describes troubleshooting scenarios and possible solutions for the following categories of failures during Linux OS update deployment:

In the following unload command, the update could be either the update name in the list that appears when you type show update all list, or the update could be the actual package name on the target server.

N1-ok> load server server update update

The following are common failures that can occur before the job is submitted:

Target server is not initialized


Check that the add server feature osmonitor command was issued and that it succeeded.

Another running job on the target server


Only one job is allowed at a time on a server. Try again after the job completes.

Update is incompatible with operating system on target server


Check that the OS type of the target server matches one of the update OS types. Type show update update-name at the N1–ok> prompt to view the OS type for the update.

Target server is not in a good state or is powered off


Check that the target server is up and running. Type show server server-name at the N1–ok> prompt to view the server status. Type reset server server-name force to force a reboot.

The following are possible causes for Load Update job failures:

Sometimes, Load Update jobs fail because either the same package already exists or because a higher version of the package exists. Ensure that the package does not already exist on the target server if the job fails.

error: Failed dependencies:

A prerequisite package should be installed


Use an RPM tool to address and resolve Linux RPM dependencies.

Preinstall or postinstall scripts failure: Non-zero status

ERROR: ... script did not complete successfully


Check the pre-installation or post installation scripts for possible errors to resolve this error.

Insufficient diskspace


Load Update jobs might fail due to insufficient disk space. Check the available disk space by typing df -k. Also check the package size. If the package size is too large, create more available disk space on the target server.

The following are stop job failures for loading or unloading update operations:

If you stop a Load Update or Unload Update job and the job does not stop, manually ensure that the following process is killed on the management server:

# ps -ef |grep swi_pkg_pusher
ps -ef |grep rpm

Then, check any processes that are running on the manageable server:

# ps -ef |grep rpm, ...

The following are common failures for Unload Server and Unload Group jobs:

The rest of this section provides errors and possible solutions for failures related to the following commands: unload server server-name update update-name and unload group group-name update update-name.

Job step failure without error details


This message might indicate that the job was not successfully started internally. Contact a Sun Service Representative for more information.

Job step failure with vague error details: Connection to 10.0.0.xx


This message might indicate that the uninstallation failed because some RPMs were not fully installed. In this case, manually install the package in question on the target server. For example:

To manually install an RPM, type the following command:

# rpm -Uvh rpm-name

Then, run the unload command again.

Job hangs


If the job appears to hang, stop the job and manually kill the remaining processes. For example:

To manually kill the job, type the following command:

# n1sh stop job job-ID

Then, find the PID of the RPM and kill the process, by typing the following commands:

# ps -ef |grep rpm-name
# pkill rpm-PID

Then run the unload command again.