Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Troubleshooting Guide

ProcedureTo Patch a Solaris 9 OS Distribution by Using a Solaris 9 OS on an x86 Patch Server

This procedure describes how to patch a Solaris 9 OS distribution in the N1 System Manager. The steps in this procedure need to be performed on both the patch server and the management server. The patches described are necessary for the N1 System Manager to be able to provision Solaris OS 9 update 7 and below. This procedure is not required for Solaris OS 9 update 8 and above.

Consider opening two terminal windows to complete the steps. The following steps first guide you through patching the patch server and then provide steps for patching the distribution.

Before You Begin
  1. Patch the Solaris 9 OS on x86 patch server.

    1. Log in as root.

      % su

      The root prompt appears.

    2. Reboot the Solaris 9 patch server to single-user mode.

      # reboot -- -s
    3. In single-user mode, change to the patch directory.

      # cd /patch
    4. Install the patches.

      # patchadd -M . 117172-17
      # patchadd -M . 117468-02

      Tip –

      Pressing Control+D returns you to multiuser mode.

  2. Prepare to patch the distribution on the management server.

    1. Log in to the management server as root.

      % su

      The root prompt appears.

    2. Edit the /etc/exports file.

      # vi /etc/exports
    3. Change /js *(ro,no_root_squash) to /js *(rw,no_root_squash).

    4. Save and close the /etc/exports file.

    5. Restart NFS.

      # /etc/init.d/nfs restart
  3. Patch the distribution that you copied to the management server.

    1. Log in to the Solaris 9 patch server as root.

      % su

      The root prompt appears.

    2. Mount the management server.

      # mount -o rw management-server-IP:/js/DISTRO_ID /mnt
    3. Install the patches by performing one of the following actions:

      • If you are patching an x86 distribution, type the following commands:

        # patchadd -C /mnt/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/ -M /patch 117172-17
        # patchadd -C /mnt/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/ -M /patch 117468-02
      • If you are patching a SPARC distribution, type the following commands:

        # patchadd -C /mnt/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/ -M /patch 117171-17
        # patchadd -C /mnt/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/ -M /patch 117175-02
        # patchadd -C /mnt/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/ -M /patch 113318-20

        Note –

        You will receive a partial error for the first patch installation. Ignore this error.

    4. Unmount the management server.

      # unmount /mnt
  4. Restart NFS on the management server.

    1. Edit the /etc/exports file.

      # vi /etc/exports
    2. Change /js *(rw,no_root_squash) to /js *(ro,no_root_squash).

    3. Restart NFS.

      # /etc/init.d/nfs restart

      NFS is restarted.

      The Solaris 9 OS on SPARC distribution is ready for deployment to target servers.

  5. Fix the Solaris 9 OS on x86 distribution.

    1. Change to /js/<distro_id>/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/boot/solaris.

      # cd /js/<distro_id>/Solaris_9/Tools/Boot/boot/solaris
    2. Re-create the bootenv.rc link.

      # ln -s ../../tmp/root/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc .

      The Solaris 9 OS on x86 distribution is ready for deployment to target servers.


If you want to patch another distribution, you might have to delete the /patch/117172-17 directory and re-create it using the unzip command. When the first distribution is patched, the patchadd command makes a change to the directory that causes problems with the next patchadd command execution.

This patch is not needed for the Solaris 9 update 8 build 5 OS and beyond. Versions of the Solaris OS from Solaris 9 9/05 s9x_u8wos_05, therefore, do not require this patch.