Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 What's New

Chapter 3 Provisioning Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules in the Sun Blade 8000 Chassis

This chapter explains how to use N1 System Manager to provision operating systems and firmware on to Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules in a Sun Blade 8000 Modular System.

For general information on using N1 System Manager to provisioning operating systems and firmware on other supported hardware, see Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide.

For a list of supported operating systems that can be run on the management server or on managed servers, see Supported Hardware and Operating Systems.

Deploying an Operating System on to a Single Sun Blade X8400 Server Module

Provisioning of an OS works as explained in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide. This section outlines the changes to how provisioning works in the version of N1 System Manager for Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules.

When deploying supported UNIX based operating systems, you can optionally specify the network interfaces to be configured during deployment by specifying the physical port name of the device to be configured, or by the logical device name of the device to be configured. Use the bootnetworkdevice or networkdevice options at the command line. See load server in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Command Line Reference Manual for details about these options.

When provisioning Microsoft Windows, you cannot specify a logical device name or a physical port name. The OS is provisioned on the first network interface reported by the managed server.

Network Interface Mapping

N1 System Manager physical and network device names are explained in To View Sun Blade X8400 Server Module Details. Valid values for elements of the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System are shown in the following tables.

Note –

Physical and logical network device names are case-sensitive.

Table 3–1 Physical Network Device Names Valid for Use With N1 System Manager

Physical Network Device Name 



Network Expansion Module 0 


Network Expansion Module 0 


Network Expansion Module 1 


Network Expansion Module 1 


Network Expansion Module 2 


Network Expansion Module 2 


Network Expansion Module 3 


Network Expansion Module 3 


PCI Express Module 


PCI Express Module 


PCI Express Module 


PCI Express Module 

Table 3–2 Logical Device Names Valid for Use With N1 System Manager

Logical Device Name 

Real name 

eth0eth11 (Linux)

Network Interface Cards 0 to 11 


A provisioned OS assigns logical network interface names, such as eth3, in numerically ascending order to physical network ports based on the PCI bus probe order. The Network Bootable Devices section of the Server Details page in the browser interface displays network ports in PCI probe order.

To deduce the logical interface name for a given entry in the boot list, find its zero-based index in the Bootable Devices list. The first device in the list has an index of 0, the second device in the list has an index of 1. When you determine the index, prepend the logical interface name prefix for the OS being provisioned. So the nth entry in the list, starting from 0, maps to ethN for Linux, or to e1000gN for the Solaris OS.

ProcedureTo Provision A Supported Solaris OS Or Linux Distribution on to A Sun Blade X8400 Server Module

This procedure explains how to provision the Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4 Update 3 operating system on a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module. Read Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide for full details about provisioning.

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4 Update 3 operating system is only supported for Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules. You cannot provision this operating system to other hardware.

Before You Begin

You must discover the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module using SP-based discovery.

  1. For the OS you are deploying, follow the procedures described in Chapter 2, Provisioning UNIX Operating Systems, in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide.

  2. To load the OS profile on a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module, type the following command:

    N1-ok> load server server-name osprofile profile-name bootip bootip networktype=static [bootnetworkdevice bootnetworkdevice]
    [networkdevice networkdevice]

    The bootnetworkdevice and the networkdevice can be a physical or logical network device name.

    For more command line options, see load server in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Command Line Reference Manual.

    Physical interfaces names can be used only when every server being provisioned is part of a Sun Blade 8000 Modular System. For groups of servers that consist of more than one type of server, physical device names cannot be used.

    • If you do not specify the bootnetworkdevice and the networkdevice options:

      N1 System Manager selects the logical interface names corresponding to the first network boot device that is reported by the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module, based on the mapping of physical device names to logical device names as described in this section.

    • If you specify the physical interface name for the bootnetworkdevice and/or the networkdevice options:

      N1 System Manager selects the corresponding logical interface name that is reported by the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module, based on the mapping of physical device names to logical device names as described in this section.

    • If you specify the logical device name for the bootnetworkdevice and/or the networkdevice options:

      N1 System Manager selects the corresponding physical interface name that is reported by the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module, based on the mapping of physical device names to logical device names as described in this section.

    Note –

    If NEM or EM modules have been hot-plugged without also resetting any affected Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules, the network device list reported by N1 System Manager might be out of date. If so, the logical interface mapping may have changed from what is expected. To update the network device list:

    1. Run the reset server command on all Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules that are to be provisioned.

    2. Run the set server command with the refresh subcommand on all Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules that are to be provisioned.

    These steps are not necessary if you specify physical interface names. For more information about hot-plugging Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules, see Hot-Plugging Sun Blade 8000 Chassis Modules in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 Troubleshooting Guide.

    Use the load group command with the group name, to provision the operating system on to a group of servers. See Chapter 5, Managing Servers and Server Groups, in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide for details about grouping servers.

Provisioning Microsoft Windows on to Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules

This section discusses how to provision Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules with the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Note –

Although N1 System Manager enables you to provision the Windows operating system, the product does not provide OS monitoring or update capabilities for Windows.

ProcedureTo Provision Microsoft Windows on to a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module

Before You Begin

You can provision Microsoft Windows on to a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module if the module was discovered using SP-based discovery. You do not have to discover the server using manual discovery. For information about SP-based discovery, see SP-Based Discovery in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide.

When provisioning Microsoft Windows, you cannot specify a logical device name or a physical port name. The OS is provisioned on to the first network interface reported by the managed server.

  1. Follow the steps described by the procedures in Chapter 3, Provisioning Windows Operating Systems, in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide.

  2. Manually change the order of the interfaces by following the procedure described in Potential Issues Related to Provisioning Windows OS in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide.

    When provisioning the Windows OS on to Sun Blade X8400 Server Modules, note that the Nem0 interface is used by default.

    The LAN connection made after the Windows OS is provisioned on to a Sun Blade X8400 Server Module is detailed under Network Connections in the browser interface.