Alphabetic Command Reference

This section provides in tabular form a summary of all of the System Controller commands designed for an end user of entry-level midrange systems (Sun Fire trademark E2900/V1280/Netra 1280) and provides complete descriptions, command syntax, and examples of each System Controller command.

System Controller Command Summary

TABLE 1 lists and describes the System Controller commands and how you can access them.

TABLE 1 System Controller Command Summary




Configure the way Solaris boots at the next reboot.


Sends a Break signal to the console.


Opens a console connection.


Deprecated starting with the 5.17.0 release. Replaced by the setls command.


Deprecated starting with the 5.17.0 release. Replaced by the setls command.


Updates the flash PROMs.


Provides basic help information.


Shows the command history along with date and time stamps.


Shows the SEPROM contents of a FRU or system.


Log out from this connection.


Sets the LOM access password.


Powers off system or components.


Powers on system or components.


Resets the system.


Resets the System Controller (LOM).


Sets system alarms.


Sets the time, date, and time zone for the System Controller.


Sets LOM escape characters.


Sets event reporting.


Sets locator light.


Sets the component location status. Replaces enablecomponent and disablecomponent commands starting with the 5.17.0 release.


Sets up LOM network settings.


Configures the System Controller (LOM)


Displays state of system alarms LEDs.


Lists status and assignment information for boards in the system.


Displays a component or a list of components.


Displays the time and date.


Displays the current environmental status, temperatures, currents, voltages, fan speeds, and so on.


Shows the contents of the error buffer.


Displays LOM escape characters.


Displays event reporting status.


Displays state of system fault LED.


Displays the hostname.


Displays state of system locator LED.


Shows the logs.


Displays the platform model.


Displays LOM network settings.


Displays the CPU registers after a reset.


Displays the System Controller uptime and version information.


Shuts down Solaris and takes the system to standby mode.


Tests the CPU/Memory board in isolation.

FRU State and Test Status

TABLE 2 and TABLE 3 describe the FRU states and the current test status.

TABLE 2 FRU States




The FRU has been blacklisted (RPx only).


The FRU is assigned to the system.


The FRU is in use by the system

Auto Speed

The fans run at thermally regulated speed (FT0 only).

High Speed

The fans run at maximum speed (FT0 only).

Unknown Speed

The fans run at unknown speed (FT0 only).


The FRU is the Main System Controller (SSC1 only).


The FRU State is unknown.


The FRU State is not relevant.

TABLE 3 Test Status

Test Status



All board components passed all tests.


A test failed, a failure occurred during normal operation, or a component has been disabled. The board is still accessible and some of its devices can still be used.


The FRU has been blacklisted.


The board failed a test.

Under Test

The system is running POST (power-on self-test). The board status is transitioning between Assigned and Active.

Not Tested

No testing has been done.


The slot is empty or not tested. Not applicable for this device.

Alphabetical Listing of System Controller Commands

The following sections describe the System Controller commands.


Configure the way Solaris boots at the next reboot.


bootmode normal

bootmode [diag|skipdiag] [forth] [reset_nvram]

bootmode -h

Option Parameters

-h displays help for this command

normal Instructs the OpenBoot PROM on the next reboot to boot the system using the values held in the OBP variables verbosity-level and diag-level. This value also clears any previously requested bootmode command that had not timed out.

diag Instructs the OpenBoot PROM on the next reboot to boot the system as if the CPU POST verbosity-level had been set to max and the diag-level to max. This ensures that the highest level of POST tests are run prior to Solaris booting.

skipdiag Instructs the OpenBoot PROM on the next reboot to boot the system as if the CPU POST verbosity-level had been set to min and the diag-level to init. This causes the fastest POST pass prior to booting Solaris.

forth Instructs the OpenBoot PROM on the next reboot to stop at the ok prompt even if the OBP variable auto-boot? is set to true. This prevents automatic booting to Solaris for that boot attempt.

reset_nvram Instructs the OpenBoot PROM to reset its OBP NVRAM variables on the next reboot.


Configures the way Solaris boots at the next reboot.

When a bootmode command is issued it sets a flag that is read by the OpenBoot PROM at the next Solaris reboot. If the system is not rebooted with 10 minutes the bootmode value is restored to normal. Once the system has been rebooted the bootmode value is also set to normal. When bootmode is set to normal the OBP values verbosity-level and diag-level are used directly by OBP to control the POST behavior at boot time.

See Also

reset, break, OBP setenv (verbosity-level, diag-level)


lom>bootmode skipdiag


Send a break signal to the Solaris console.


break [-y|-n]

break -h


-h displays help for this command.

-y does not prompt for confirmation.

-n does not execute the command if confirmation is requested.


Sends a 30 ms Break signal to the Solaris console.

The Solaris console is resumed after sending the break signal. When the Solaris operating environment is running, and providing the system is not in secure mode, then the usual effect of this command is to force entry into the PROM or the debugger.

See Also

console, setupsc


CODE EXAMPLE 1 Using the break Command to Drop the System From Running Solaris To the OpenBoot PROM
This will suspend Solaris.
Do you want to continue? [no] y
Type 'go' to resume
{0} ok 


Connect to the Solaris/OpenBoot PROM console.



console -h


-h displays help for this command.


If Solaris/OpenBoot PROM is booted, leave the lom> prompt and connect to the Solaris/OpenBoot PROM console. The system remains in console mode until the LOM escape sequence is typed.

Note - After issuing the console command (including its carriage return) note that no prompt is displayed until another carriage return is entered. If there is output being sent to the Solaris console at the time then this will continue immediately.

See Also

setescape, showescape


console login:


The disablecomponent command has been deprecated starting with the 5.17.0 release and has been replaced by the setls command. It is suggested that you use the setls command even though the disablecomponent command is still available. For further information, see the setls command description.


The enablecomponent command has been deprecated starting with the 5.17.0 release and has been replaced by the setls command. It is suggested that you use the setls command even though the enablecomponent command is still available. For further information, see the setls command description.


Update the flash PROMs in the System Controller, all the system boards, or a specified board number.


flashupdate [-y|-n] -f <URL> all

flashupdate [-y|-n] -f <URL> systemboards|scapp|rtos|<board> ...

flashupdate [-y|-n] -u

flashupdate [-y|-n] -c <source_board> <destination_board>

flashupdate -h


-h displays help for this command.

-y does not prompt for confirmation.

-n does not execute the command if confirmation is requested.

-f specify a URL as the source of the flash images:

<URL> is the URL of the directory containing the flash images. Supported protocols are:



-c specifies a board as the source of the flash images.

-u upgrades boards to the current firmware level.

all is the System Controller and all system boards.

scapp is the System Controller. This requires the System Controller to be rebooted.

rtos is the Real Time Operating System for the System Controller. This requires the System Controller to be rebooted.

systemboards are all CPU/Memory boards and I/O assemblies, that is, SB0, SB2, SB4 and IB6.

When you flash update the System Controller, the command will give you the following message:

As part of this update, the system controller will automatically reboot.
ScApp will be upgraded automatically during the next boot.
Rebooting will interrupt any current operations.
This includes keyswitch changes, Solaris reboots
and all current connections.
Do you want to continue? [no]

Note - flashupdate cannot retrieve flash images from a secure (userid/password) protected HTTP URL. A message of the form flashupdate: failed, URL does not contain required file: <file> will be returned, although the file may exist.


Updates the flash PROMs in the System Controller, all the system boards, or a specified board number.

The flash PROMs are located on the CPU/Memory boards, I/O assembly, and System Controller boards. There are no flash PROMs on the Repeater boards.

See Also

Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Administration Guide (for step-by-step procedures on how to update the firmware).


Update the specified flash PROM in the I/O assembly:

CODE EXAMPLE 2 Using flashupdate to Update a Flash PROM in the I/O Assembly
lom>flashupdate -f ftp://host/path ib6 
Waiting for critical processes to finish.  This may take a while.
Critical processes have finished.
Retrieving: ftp://host/path/lw8pci.flash
Validating  ...... Done
Programming PROM /N0/IB6/FP0
Erasing     ..... Done
Programming ..... Done
Verifying   ..... Done

Update CPU/Memory board sb0

lom>flashupdate ftp://host/path sb0 
Waiting for critical processes to finish.  This may take a while.
Critical processes have finished.
Retrieving: ftp://host/path/lw8cpu.flash
Validating  .............. Done
Programming PROM /N0/SB0/FP0
Erasing     ............. Done
Programming ............. Done
Verifying   ............. Done
Programming PROM /N0/SB0/FP1
Erasing     ............. Done
Programming ............. Done
Verifying   ............. Done

Update the System Controller firmware:

lom>flashupdate -f ftp://host/path scapp 
As part of this update, the system controller will automatically reboot.
ScApp will be upgraded automatically during the next boot.
Rebooting will interrupt any current operations.
This includes keyswitch changes, Solaris reboots
and all current connections.
Do you want to continue? [no]


Without arguments, list all available LOM commands. When an argument is supplied, display basic usage of the specified command and a short description.


help [<command_name>]

help [<partial_command_name>]

help -h


-h displays help for this command.

<command_name> is the name of the LOM command.

<partial_command_name> can be one letter of the command or a portion of the command name, such as show.


The help command, without arguments, lists all available LOM commands. When an argument is supplied, the help command displays basic usage of the specified command and a short description.


Display help information on the setlocator command:

lom>help setlocator
setlocator -- set the system locator led
	Usage: setlocator on|off
		setlocator -h
	 -h -- display this help message

Display all commands beginning with show:

lom>help show

Display all commands beginning with the letter b:

lom>help b


Display the command history along with date and time stamps.



history -h


-h displays help for this command.


Shows the command history for the current connection, along with date and time stamps.


CODE EXAMPLE 3 Using the history Command
Nov 26 14:34:37 : showalarm 1
Nov 26 14:34:40 : showalarm 2
Nov 26 14:34:45 : showalarm system
Nov 26 14:40:01 : showeventreporting
Nov 26 15:06:00 : showfault
Nov 26 15:53:05 : shownetwork
Nov 26 16:15:32 : help setlocator
Nov 26 16:17:32 : history


Display SEPROM contents of a FRU.



inventory [<board>]

inventory -h


<board> is the name of a FRU.

-h displays help for this command.


Shows the contents of a FRU SEPROM.


To show all FRU SEPROMs:


lom>inventory PS1 
/N0/PS1: PS: 300-1523-01-02 serial# E00254 "Power Supply (A166,V1280)"
    Made on Fri Nov 30 11:47:41 PST 2001 by 03ad at DELTAELECTRONICS CHUNGLI 
    Powered on for 87 days 12 hours 1 minute 


Log out from this connection.



logout -h


-h displays help for this command.


Only one user can be logically connected to the system console or LOM prompt at any one time. If you wish to establish a connection through the System Controller network port then you must first make the connection available by logging out of the serial port connection. The same is also true if you are logged into the network port but wish to connect over the serial port.

Note - Typing another character on the serial port after logging out from the serial port is interpreted as an attempt to re-connect the connection.




Set the password for the LOM.



password -h


-h displays help for this command.


Sets the password for establishing connections to the shared LOM/console port, and for other password-protected activities. Prior to allowing the password to be changed, the current password will be authenticated. Changed passwords take effect immediately. The old password will no longer be accepted.

You can remove the password by pressing Return at the Enter new password and Enter new password again prompts.

In the event that your password has been lost or forgotten, contact SunService for advice.

See Also

setupsc, reset, break, Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Administration Guide.


You will see the following display when you type the password command at the LOM shell.

CODE EXAMPLE 4 Using the password Command
Enter current password:
Enter new password:
Enter new password again: 


Forcibly power off the whole system to standby, or a FRU, or a list of FRUs.



poweroff [-y|-n]

poweroff [-y|-n] <fru_name> [<fru_name>...]

poweroff -h


-h displays help for this command.

-y will answer yes to all questions. This option is potentially hazardous. You can forcefully power off a component with the -y option.

-n answers no to all questions. You cannot forcefully power off a component with the -n option.

<fru_name> is the name of an individual FRU.


poweroff <fru_name> powers off a FRU or set of FRUs, which can be:

poweroff without an argument explicitly terminates the Solaris system before proceeding to power off the FRUs. The power status of each board is displayed by the showboards output.

Note - In normal circumstances you should use the shutdown command.

See Also

poweron, shutdown


To power off CPU/Memory board sb2, type:

lom>poweroff sb2

To terminate and power off the entire system, type:



Power on the entire system, or a FRU, or a list of FRUs.



poweron [all|<fru_name> [<fru_name>...]]

poweron -h


-y does not prompt for confirmation.

-n does not execute the command if confirmation is requested.

<fru_name> powers on a FRU or set of FRUs.

all powers on all FRUs but does not boot Solaris.

-h displays help for this command.


poweron without an argument is the normal way to power on a system from standby and boot Solaris.

poweron <fru_name> powers on a FRU or set of FRUs, which can be:

poweron all powers on all FRUs without booting Solaris. The power status of each board is displayed by the showboards output.

See Also

shutdown, showboards, poweroff


To power on and boot the entire system, type:


To power on CPU/Memory board sb2, type:

lom>poweron sb2


Reset the Solaris system.


reset [-x|-a] [-y|-n]

reset -h


-h displays help for this command.

-y does not prompt for confirmation.

-n does not execute the command if confirmation is requested.

-x forces the default behavior of reset via XIR (externally initiated reset).

-a resets all hardware. Skips externally initiated reset (XIR) data collection and will lose extra debugging data.

Note that typing reset, without options, is the same as reset -x.


Resets the Solaris system. The operation is not allowed if the system is in secure mode or powered down to standby mode. The Solaris system console will be resumed after completing the reset.

By default, reset uses XIR (eXternally Initiated Reset) to reset the CPU processors in the Solaris system. The XIR forces control of the Solaris system into the OpenBoot PROM and begins the OpenBoot PROM's error reset recovery actions. The error reset recovery actions preserve most Solaris system states to allow the collection of the data needed for debugging the hardware and software, including a Solaris operating environment core file. The OpenBoot PROM's error reset recovery actions are controlled by setting the OpenBoot PROM error-reset-recovery configuration variable.

If the Solaris system is hard hung (you cannot log into the Solaris operating environment and typing the break command did not force control of the Solaris system back to the OpenBoot PROM ok prompt), after you type the reset command for the first time, you must next type reset -a in order to reset everything.

The reset -a command is equivalent to the OpenBoot PROM reset-all word.

See Also

setupsc, Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Administration Guide (for step-by-step procedures on recovering from a hung or hard hung Solaris system).


To reset the Solaris system:


To reset everything (skips XIR data collection and you will lose extra debugging data):

lom>reset -a

Note - You will need to type reset -a if the Solaris system is hard hung and typing reset (without any options) failed.


Reset the System Controller.


resetsc [-y|-n]

resetsc -h


-h displays help for this command.

-y Do not prompt for confirmation.

-n Do not execute this command if confirmation is requested.


Reboots the System Controller. System Controller log history will be lost.

Note - Do not use this command during any system-wide operational sequences, such as booting and shutting down.

See Also



CODE EXAMPLE 5 Using the resetsc Command to Reset the System Controller
lom>resetsc -y
Are you sure you want to reboot the system controller now? yes (-y)
Waiting for critical processes to finish.  This may take a while.
Critical processes have finished.
Rebooting. All telnet connections closed. Reestablish any needed connections.
Fri Dec 12 08:51:25 commando lom: Stopping all services on this SC
Fri Dec 12 08:51:25 commando lom: All services on this SC have been stopped.
Software Reset...
@(#) SYSTEM CONTROLLER(SC) POST 38 2003/11/18 21:21
PSR = 0x044010e5
PCR = 0x04004000
        Memory size = 128MB
Basic sanity checks done.
Skipping POST ...
ERI Device Present
Getting MAC address for SSC1
Using SCC MAC address
MAC address is 0:3:ba:19:8b:92
Hostname: commando
Attached TCP/IP interface to eri unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done
interrupt: 100 Mbps full duplex link up
          Copyright 2001-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
          Use is subject to license terms.
Sun Fire System Firmware
RTOS version: 38
ScApp version: 5.17.0 Build_02
SC POST diag level: off
The date is Friday, December 12, 2003, 8:52:42 AM PST.
Fri Dec 12 08:52:43 commando lom: Boot: ScApp 5.17.0, RTOS 38
Fri Dec 12 08:52:45 commando lom: SBBC Reset Reason(s): Peer Reset, Watchdog Reset
Fri Dec 12 08:52:51 commando lom: Caching ID information
Fri Dec 12 08:52:52 commando lom: Clock Source: 75MHz
Fri Dec 12 08:52:57 commando lom: /N0/PS0: Status is OK
Fri Dec 12 08:52:58 commando lom: /N0/PS1: Status is OK
Fri Dec 12 08:52:58 commando lom: /N0/PS2: Status is OK
Fri Dec 12 08:52:59 commando lom: /N0/PS3: Status is OK
Fri Dec 12 08:52:59 commando lom: Chassis is in single partition mode.


Set the system alarm relays and associated LEDS.


setalarm 1|2 on|off

setalarm -h


-h displays help for this command

1 specifies alarm number 1

2 specifies alarm number 2

on turns on the specified alarm relay and LED.

off turns off the specified alarm relay and LED.


Sets the system alarm relays and associated LEDs.

See Also



lom>setalarm 1 on

lom>setalarm 2 off


Set the date and time for the system.


setdate [-v] [-t <time zone>] [<mmdd>]<HHMM>

setdate [-v] [-t <time zone>] <mmddHHMM>[[<cc>]<yy>]][.<SS>]

setdate [-v] -r <datehost>

setdate [-v] -t GMT<+|-><offset from GMT>

setdate -h


-h displays help for this command.

-v verbose mode.

-t <time zone> sets the time zone using the time zone abbreviation.

-t GMT<+|-><offset from GMT> sets the time to GMT plus the specified offset.

<mm> = month number

<dd> = day number in the month

<HH> = hour number (24-hour system)

<MM> = minute number

<cc> = first two digits of year number

<yy> = last two digits of the year number

<SS> = second number.

-r <datehost> Sets the date based on the current values of datehost. The host must be a valid system.

Note - For a full listing of all timezones, type showdate -t -v.


Sets the date and time.

Note - that if your time zone area is using daylight or summer time, this is set automatically.

Note - If Solaris is running you must use the Solaris date(1) command.

See Also



To set the date and time to Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 18 hours 15 minutes and 10 seconds:

lom>setdate 042018152000.10

To set the date from the datehost system:

lom>setdate -r hostname
Mon Apr 03 09:30:58 PST 2000

To set the date and time to Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 18 hours 15 minutes and 10 seconds and the time zone to Eastern Standard Time (EST), using the time zone abbreviations, type:

lom>setdate -t EST 042018152000.10

To set just the time zone for the UK, type:

lom>setdate -t Europe/London

To set just the time zone for European Central Time using the time zone abbreviations and not the date and time, type:

lom>setdate -t ECT


Set the sequence of characters used to switch from the Solaris or OpenBoot PROM console to the LOM prompt.


setescape <escapechars>

setescape -h


-h displays help for this command.

<escapechars> Up to five alphanumeric characters can be specified as the escape sequence. The default sequence when the LOM is first started is a pound (#) followed by a period (.), that is, #.


Sets the sequence of characters used to switch from the Solaris or OBP console to the LOM prompt.

If you are typing at the console and type the first character of the escape sequence (by default this is #), there is a one second delay before the character appears on the screen. This is because the system waits for one second to see if the next character in the escape sequence is about to be typed. If the next character is typed then the system waits up to one second for the next character and so on. If you type all the characters in the escape sequence then the lom> prompt appears. If you do not, then the characters belonging to the escape sequence that were typed are output to the screen.

It is recommended that you choose an escape sequence that does not start with a sequence of characters that is frequently typed at the console, otherwise the delay between your striking the keys and the character appearing on the screen may be confusing and affect your typing.

See Also



To set the escape characters to #. type:

lom>setescape "#."

Note - As # is the comment character for the LOM command shell the sequence must be enclosed in quotes.

To set the escape characters to ~~~.. type:

lom>setescape ~~~..


The seteventreporting command controls which messages are printed at the LOM prompt and the level of logged messages sent to Solaris.


seteventreporting on [0|1|2|3|4]

seteventreporting off [0|1|2|3|4]

seteventreporting default [0|1|2|3|4]

seteventreporting -h


default By default the LOM software prints messages at the lom> prompt, but only when Solaris is not running. The Solaris software will print messages from the LOM as directed by the syslogd system log daemon configuration file /etc/syslog.conf.

on All messages are reported to the lom> prompt at the currently set reporting level and below.

off No messages are reported to the lom> prompt. Messages continue to be sent to Solaris at the current reporting level and below.

The reporting levels are:

0 no messages are reported

1 only fatal messages are reported

2 fatal and warning messages are reported

3 fatal, warning and notice messages are reported

4 does not currently have any significance, operates as level 3.

If not specified, the default reporting level is 3.

-h displays help for this command.


The seteventreporting command controls which messages are printed at the LOM prompt and the level of logged messages sent to Solaris. The reporting level controls the level of message that is passed to Solaris whilst it is active, or later retrieved when Solaris next boots. Regardless of the level setting, all messages appear in the System Controller internal log which is displayed using the showlogs command.

See Also



To turn off event reporting at the LOM prompt:

lom>seteventreporting off

To set default messaging handling at the LOM prompt:

lom>seteventreporting default

To report all fatal and warning messages at the LOM prompt:

lom>seteventreporting on 2


Set the state of the system Locator LED.


setlocator on|off

setlocator -h


on turns on the system Locator LED.

off turns off the system Locator LED.

-h displays help for this command.


Sets the state of the system Locator LED.

See Also



To turn off the system Locator LED:

lom>setlocator off

To turn on the system Locator LED:

lom>setlocator on


Sets the component location status.




setls -s new_status -l location

setls -h


-h displays help for this command.

-s new_status sets the location status of a component:

-l location specifies the component location:


Use this command to control whether components in a particular location are configured into a system. The location status of a component can be set to one of the following states:

In some cases a disabled component cannot be re-enabled by using the setls command. If a a disabled component has a POST status of chs, as indicated in showcomponent command output, the component cannot be configured into the system. Contact your service provider for further service action.

Note - The location status is updated at the next reboot, board power cycle, or POST execution. For example, POST runs automatically whenever you perform a setkeyswitch on or off operation.

When you disable the location of a component, its subcomponent locations are also disabled. For example, if you disable the location of a CPU slot, the memory locations that are controlled by that CPU are also automatically disabled.

Similarly, when you enable the location of a component, its subcomponent locations are also enabled, except when the subcomponent locations were previously disabled on an individual basis by using the setls command. The subcomponent locations cannot be enabled automatically through the parent component location. Each subcomponent location must be enabled individually by using the setls command.

Component locations can be the following (see TABLE 4 and TABLE 5):

TABLE 5 location Descriptions for an I/O Assembly

Board or Device

Component Location

I/O assemblies (slots)

IB6, IB7, IB8, IB9

Ports on the I/O assembly

P0, P1

Buses on the I/O assembly

B0, B1

I/O cards in the I/O assembly

C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7--the number of cards varies with the I/O assembly

Note - If you are disabling the port locations of an I/O assembly, leave at least one I/O controller 0 enabled in a domain, so that the domain can communicate with the system controller.

See Also

showcomponent, the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Administration Guide


CODE EXAMPLE 6 enables a component located in slot sb4. This means that the CPU/Memory board in slot sb4 is considered for configuration into the system, subject to the component health status. The status change occurs at the next reboot, board power cycle, or POST execution.

CODE EXAMPLE 6 setls Command Example Enabling the Location of a CPU/Memory Board in Slot sb4
commando lom> setls -s enable -l sb4 

CODE EXAMPLE 7 enables an I/O assembly located in port 1 of slot ib6. This means that I/O assembly 6, port 1 is considered for configuration into the system, subject to the component health status. The status change occurs at the next reboot, board power cycle, or POST execution.

CODE EXAMPLE 7 setls Command Example Enabling the Location of an I/O Assembly in Slot ib6
commando lom> setls -s enable -l ib6/p1 

CODE EXAMPLE 8 disables a component located in slot sb0 and CPU port 3.This means that the CPU/Memory board in slot sb0 is deconfigured from the system at the next reboot, board power cycle, or POST execution. Also, any memory banks on this CPU port are unreachable and are implicitly disabled.

CODE EXAMPLE 8 setls Command Example Disabling the Location of a CPU/Memory Board in Slot sb0 and CPU port 3
commando lom> setls -s disable -l sb0/p3 

CODE EXAMPLE 9 disables a component located in slot sb4 and deconfigures the CPU/Memory board in slot sb4 at the next reboot, board power cycle, or POST execution.

CODE EXAMPLE 9 setls Command Example Disabling the Location of a CPU/Memory Board in Slot sb4
commando lom> setls -s disable -l sb4


Set up System Controller network attributes.



setupnetwork -h


-h displays help for this command.


This command enables the network details for the System Controller to be set up so that it can be accessed through a network connection. After setting these attributes the System Controller must be reset in order for them to take effect.

TABLE 6 setupnetwork Attributes



Is the system controller on a network?

If the System Controller is to be accessed over a network connection this option should be set to yes.

Use DHCP or static network settings?

static - means that the network IP and hostname will be the same each time the System Controller is powered on.

DHCP - means that the hostname and IP address are obtained automatically by using the network service called DHCP.


The human-readable network identity for this System Controller.

IP Address

The network identity for use by the System Controller.


For this value specify how much of the address should be reserved for subdividing networks into subnetworks. The mask includes the network part of the local address and the subnet part.

The mask contains 1s for the bit positions for the subnet part and 0s for the host.


IP address should be extracted from the network using the router discovery mechanism.

DNS Domain

Domain name. For example

There is no default value. You must supply this information.

Primary DNS Server

IP address of your DNS primary server. No default value.

Secondary DNS Server

IP address of your DNS secondary server.

No default value. If the primary DNS server is not working, the secondary DNS server takes over automatically.

Connection type

Type of network connection to the SC. Default value is none (no network connection). Set it to telnet to enable system administration using a telnet connection.

See Also

shownetwork, resetsc


Network Configuration
Is the system controller on a network? [no]: yes
Use DHCP or static network settings? [DHCP]: static
Hostname []: somename 
IP Address []:
Netmask []:
Gateway []:
DNS Domain []:
Primary DNS Server []:
Secondary DNS Server []:
Connection type (telnet, none) [none]: telnet
Rebooting the SC is required for changes in network settings to take effect. 


Configure optional System Controller features.



setupsc -h


-h displays help for this command.


The setupsc command is used to configure a number of optional features of the System Controller.

Controls the level of the Power On Self Test diagnostic level for the System Controller when it is reset or powered on.

Enable/Disable a system reset when the Solaris watchdog expires

Enable/Disable front panel ON/Standby rocker switch

Enable/Disable use of the reset and break commands. When Secure Mode is enabled the reset and break commands are disabled. If a password has been set for the System Controller then you are prompted for password confirmation before a new setting for Secure Mode is accepted.

See Also

break, reset, password


To display the current settings enter a carriage return at each field prompt.

System Controller Configuration
SC POST diag Level [off]: 
Host Watchdog [enabled]:
Rocker Switch [enabled]:
Secure Mode [off]:

A password may be required in order to accept a new setting for secure mode.

System Controller Configuration
SC POST diag Level [off]: min
Host Watchdog [enabled]: 
Rocker Switch [enabled]: disabled
Secure Mode [off]: on
Enter Password:

When secure mode is enabled the reset and break commands cannot be used:

The break command has been disabled using the Secure Mode 
option of the setupsc command. 

When secure mode is enabled the reset and break commands cannot be used.

The reset command has been disabled using the Secure Mode 
option of the setupsc command. 


Display state of system alarm relays and LEDs.


showalarm 1|2|system

showalarm -h


1 show the state of the alarm 1 LED and relay.

2 show the state of the alarm 2 LED and relay.

system show state of system (UNIX Running) alarm relay and LED.

-h displays help for this command.


Show state of system alarm relays and LEDs.

See Also



Show the state of the system alarm (UNIX running):

lom>showalarm system
system alarm  is on

Show the state of alarm 1:

lom>showalarm 1
alarm1 is off

Show the state of alarm 2:

lom>showalarm 2
alarm2 is off


Display the status for all boards in the system


showboards [-ev] [-p <part>] ...

showboards -h


-e includes empty slots.

-p shows a specific part. <part> can be:

board shows board status.

cpu shows CPU information.

io shows I/O information.

memory shows memory information.

serial shows board serial number information.

version shows version information.

-v displays all information.

-h displays help for this command.


Displays the status of all of the boards in the system (for example CPU/Memory boards, I/O assembly, fan tray and so on).


showboards command sample output (same as showboards -p board):

CODE EXAMPLE 10 Using the showboards Command
Slot     Pwr Component Type                 State      Status     
----     --- --------------                 -----      ------     
SSC1     On  System Controller              Main       Passed     
/N0/SCC  -   System Config Card             Assigned   OK         
/N0/BP   -   Baseplane                      Assigned   OK
/N0/SIB  -   Indicator Board                Assigned   OK
/N0/SPDB -   System Power Distribution Bd.  Assigned   Passed
/N0/PS0  On  A166 Power Supply              -          OK         
/N0/PS1  On  A166 Power Supply              -          OK         
/N0/FT0  On  Fan Tray                       Auto Speed OK         
/N0/RP0  On  Repeater Board                 Assigned   OK         
/N0/RP2  On  Repeater Board                 Assigned   OK         
/N0/SB0  On  CPU Board                      Active     Passed     
/N0/IB6  On  PCI I/O Board                  Active     Passed 
/N0/MB   -   Media Bay                      Assigned   OK

showboards -e command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 11 Using the showboards -e Command
lom>showboards -e
Slot     Pwr Component Type                 State      Status     
----     --- --------------                 -----      ------     
SSC1     On  System Controller              Main       Passed
/N0/SCC  -   System Config Card             Assigned   OK
/N0/BP   -   Baseplane                      Assigned   Passed
/N0/SIB  -   Indicator Board                Assigned   OK
/N0/SPDB -   System Power Distribution Bd.  Assigned   Passed
/N0/PS0  On  A166 Power Supply              -          OK
/N0/PS1  On  A166 Power Supply              -          OK
PS2      -   Empty Slot                     Assigned   -
PS3      -   Empty Slot                     Assigned   -
/N0/FT0  On  Fan Tray                       Auto Speed Passed
/N0/RP0  On  Repeater Board                 Assigned   OK
/N0/RP2  On  Repeater Board                 Assigned   OK
/N0/SB0  On  CPU Board                      Active     Passed
/N0/SB2  On  CPU Board                      Active     Passed
SB4      -   Empty Slot                     Assigned   -
/N0/IB6  On  PCI I/O Board                  Active     Passed
/N0/MB   -   Media Bay                      Assigned   OK

showboards -v command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 12 Using the showboards -v Command
Slot     Pwr Component Type                 State      Status     
----     --- --------------                 -----      ------     
SSC1     On  System Controller V2           Main       Passed     
/N0/SCC  -   System Config Card             Assigned   OK         
/N0/BP   -   Baseplane                      Assigned   Passed     
/N0/SIB  -   Indicator Board                Assigned   Passed     
/N0/SPDB -   System Power Distribution Bd.  Assigned   Passed     
/N0/PS0  On  A166 Power Supply              -          OK         
/N0/PS1  On  A166 Power Supply              -          OK         
/N0/PS2  On  A166 Power Supply              -          OK         
/N0/PS3  On  A166 Power Supply              -          OK         
/N0/FT0  On  Fan Tray                       Auto Speed Passed     
/N0/RP0  On  Repeater Board                 Assigned   OK         
/N0/RP2  On  Repeater Board                 Assigned   OK         
/N0/SB0  On  CPU Board                      Active     Passed     
/N0/SB2  On  CPU Board V3                   Active     Passed     
/N0/SB4  On  CPU Board                      Active     Passed     
/N0/IB6  On  PCI I/O Board                  Active     Passed     
/N0/MB   -   Media Bay                      Assigned   Passed     
Component         J-No.   Size      Reason       
---------         -----   ----      ------                  
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D0  J13300  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D1  J13400  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D2  J13500  256 MB              
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D3  J13600  256 MB              
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/D0  J13301  256 MB               
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/D1  J13401  256 MB            
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/D2  J13501  256 MB            
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/D3  J13601  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D0  J14300  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D1  J14400  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D2  J14500  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D3  J14600  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/D0  J14301  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/D1  J14401  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/D2  J14501  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/D3  J14601  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D0  J15300  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D1  J15400  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D2  J15500  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D3  J15600  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/D0  J15301  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/D1  J15401  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/D2  J15501  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/D3  J15601  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D0  J16300  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D1  J16400  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D2  J16500  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D3  J16600  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/D0  J16301  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/D1  J16401  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/D2  J16501  256 MB             
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/D3  J16601  256 MB             
/N0/SB2/P0/B0     -       -         DRAM DIMM Group 0 Empty
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D0  J13301  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D1  J13401  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D2  J13501  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D3  J13601  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P1/B0     -       -         DRAM DIMM Group 0 Empty
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D0  J14301  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D1  J14401  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D2  J14501  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D3  J14601  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P2/B0     -       -         DRAM DIMM Group 0 Empty
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D0  J15301  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D1  J15401  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D2  J15501  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D3  J15601  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P3/B0     -       -         DRAM DIMM Group 0 Empty
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D0  J16301  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D1  J16401  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D2  J16501  512 MB             
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D3  J16601  512 MB             
/N0/SB4/P0/B0/D0  J13300  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P0/B0/D1  J13400  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P0/B0/D2  J13500  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P0/B0/D3  J13600  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P0/B1/D0  J13301  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P0/B1/D1  J13401  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P0/B1/D2  J13501  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P0/B1/D3  J13601  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P1/B0/D0  J14300  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P1/B0/D1  J14400  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P1/B0/D2  J14500  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P1/B0/D3  J14600  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P1/B1/D0  J14301  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P1/B1/D1  J14401  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P1/B1/D2  J14501  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P1/B1/D3  J14601  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P2/B0/D0  J15300  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P2/B0/D1  J15400  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P2/B0/D2  J15500  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P2/B0/D3  J15600  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P2/B1/D0  J15301  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P2/B1/D1  J15401  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P2/B1/D2  J15501  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P2/B1/D3  J15601  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P3/B0/D0  J16300  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P3/B0/D1  J16400  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P3/B0/D2  J16500  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P3/B0/D3  J16600  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P3/B1/D0  J16301  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P3/B1/D1  J16401  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P3/B1/D2  J16501  256 MB             
/N0/SB4/P3/B1/D3  J16601  256 MB             
Component   Segment Compatible In Date       Time  Build Version     
---------   ------- ---------- -- ----       ----  ----- -------         
SSC1/FP0    -       -          -  -          -     -     RTOS version: 38
SSC1/FP1    ScApp   Reference  12 01/27/2004 11:42 5.0   5.17.0          
SSC1/FP1    Ver     -          -  01/27/2004 11:42 5.0   5.17.0 Build_05 
/N0/IB6/FP0 iPOST   Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:41 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/IB6/FP0 Ver     -          -  01/27/2004 11:41 5.0   5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/IB6/FP0 Info    -          12 01/27/2004 11:41 5.0   5.17.0          
/N0/SB0/FP0 POST    Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:38 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB0/FP0 OBP     Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:37 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB0/FP0 Ver     -          -  01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB0/FP0 Info    -          12 01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB0/FP1 POST    Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:38 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB0/FP1 OBP     Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:37 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB0/FP1 Ver     -          -  01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB0/FP1 Info    -          12 01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB2/FP0 POST    Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:38 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB2/FP0 OBP     Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:37 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB2/FP0 Ver     -          -  01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB2/FP0 Info    -          12 01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB2/FP1 POST    Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:38 5.0   5.17.0        
/N0/SB2/FP1 OBP     Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:37 5.0   5.17.0        
/N0/SB2/FP1 Ver     -          -  01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB2/FP1 Info    -          12 01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB4/FP0 POST    Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:38 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB4/FP0 OBP     Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:37 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB4/FP0 Ver     -          -  01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB4/FP0 Info    -          12 01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB4/FP1 POST    Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:38 5.0   5.17.0         
/N0/SB4/FP1 OBP     Yes        12 01/27/2004 11:37 5.0   5.17.0        
/N0/SB4/FP1 Ver     -          -  01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB4/FP1 Info    -          12 01/27/2004 11:39 5.0   5.17.0         
Slot               Populated Slot Description
----               --------- ----------------
/N0/IB6/P0/B1/C0   Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P0/B1/C1   Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C2   Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C3   Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C4   Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P0/B0/C5   Empty     66/33MHz. 3.3V Short PCI card
Component         Part #         Serial #  Description          
---------         ------         --------  -----------          
/N0/SB0           540-5467-01-50 001004    CPU Board (1280)     
/N0/SB4           540-5467-01-50 000096    CPU Board (1280)     
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D0  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2F    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D1  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2K    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D2  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2P    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D3  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2W    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/D0  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2N    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/D1  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2R    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/D2  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2T    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/D3  501-5401-03-50 KD0W0T    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D0  501-5401-03-50 KD0W3B    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D1  501-5401-03-50 KD0W1Q    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D2  501-5401-03-50 KD0W05    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D3  501-5401-03-50 KD24GK    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/D0  501-5401-03-50 KD0W3C    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/D1  501-5401-03-50 KD0W35    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/D2  501-5401-03-50 KD0VZX    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/D3  501-5401-03-50 KD0W1W    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D0  501-5401-03-50 KD0W1R    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D1  501-5401-03-50 KD0W0G    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D2  501-5401-03-50 KD0VZQ    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D3  501-5401-03-50 KD0W24    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/D0  501-5401-03-50 KD0W1V    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/D1  501-5401-03-50 KD0W07    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/D2  501-5401-03-50 KD0W0B    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/D3  501-5401-03-50 KD0W1X    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D0  501-5401-03-50 KD0W1Y    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D1  501-5401-03-50 KD0W20    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D2  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2B    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D3  501-5401-03-50 KD0W27    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/D0  501-5401-03-50 KD0W1Z    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/D1  501-5401-03-50 KD0W23    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/D2  501-5401-03-50 KD0W25    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/D3  501-5401-03-50 KD0W2D    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D0  501-5030-03-50 479985    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D1  501-5030-03-50 479986    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D2  501-5030-03-50 479987    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D3  501-5030-03-50 479988    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D0  501-5030-03-50 479989    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D1  501-5030-03-50 479797    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D2  501-5030-03-50 479975    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D3  501-5030-03-50 479795    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D0  501-5030-03-50 479977    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D1  501-5030-03-50 479978    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D2  501-5030-03-50 479979    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D3  501-5030-03-50 479980    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D0  501-5030-03-50 479981    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D1  501-5030-03-50 479982    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D2  501-5030-03-50 479983    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D3  501-5030-03-50 479984    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P0/B0/D0  501-5401-03-50 712800    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P0/B0/D1  501-5401-03-50 712818    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P0/B0/D2  501-5401-03-50 812216    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P0/B0/D3  501-5401-03-50 812243    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P0/B1/D0  501-5401-03-50 712806    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P0/B1/D1  501-5401-03-50 712802    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P0/B1/D2  501-5401-03-50 712815    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P0/B1/D3  501-5401-03-50 812213    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P1/B0/D0  501-5401-03-50 812241    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P1/B0/D1  501-5401-03-50 812239    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P1/B0/D2  501-5401-03-50 812246    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P1/B0/D3  501-5401-03-50 812234    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P1/B1/D0  501-5401-03-50 812208    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P1/B1/D1  501-5401-03-50 812235    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P1/B1/D2  501-5401-03-50 812237    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P1/B1/D3  501-5401-03-50 812209    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P2/B0/D0  501-5401-03-50 712750    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P2/B0/D1  501-5401-03-50 712751    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P2/B0/D2  501-5401-03-50 712826    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P2/B0/D3  501-5401-03-50 712829    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P2/B1/D0  501-5401-03-50 812232    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P2/B1/D1  501-5401-03-50 712827    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P2/B1/D2  501-5401-03-50 712833    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P2/B1/D3  501-5401-03-50 712807    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P3/B0/D0  501-5401-03-50 712835    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P3/B0/D1  501-5401-03-50 712681    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P3/B0/D2  501-5401-03-50 712687    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P3/B0/D3  501-5401-03-50 712803    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P3/B1/D0  501-5401-03-50 712808    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P3/B1/D1  501-5401-03-50 712810    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P3/B1/D2  501-5401-03-50 712683    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB4/P3/B1/D3  501-5401-03-50 712688    256 MB NG SDRAM DIMM 
/N0/SB0/P0/E0     370-4128-03-50 4A5TDM    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB0/P0/E1     370-4128-03-50 4A5TBD    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB0/P1/E0     370-4128-03-50 4A5TBB    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB0/P1/E1     370-4128-03-50 4A5TDN    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB0/P2/E0     370-4128-03-50 4A5TBG    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB0/P2/E1     370-4128-03-50 4A5TBJ    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB0/P3/E0     370-4128-03-50 4A5TDY    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB0/P3/E1     370-4128-03-50 4A5TDV    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2/P0/E0     370-4129-01-01 2APK8W    8MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2/P0/E1     370-4129-01-01 2APK9D    8MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2/P1/E0     370-4129-01-01 2APK91    8MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2/P1/E1     370-4129-01-01 2APK97    8MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2/P2/E0     370-4129-01-01 2APK95    8MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2/P2/E1     370-4129-01-01 2APK87    8MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2/P3/E0     370-4129-01-01 2APKA7    8MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2/P3/E1     370-4129-01-01 2APKA5    8MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB4/P0/E0     370-4128-03-50 4A57JT    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB4/P0/E1     370-4128-03-50 4A580U    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB4/P1/E0     370-4128-03-50 4A580Y    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB4/P1/E1     370-4128-03-50 4A57ZT    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB4/P2/E0     370-4128-03-50 4A57JK    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB4/P2/E1     370-4128-03-50 4A57HP    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB4/P3/E0     370-4128-03-50 4A57HG    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB4/P3/E1     370-4128-03-50 4A57HV    4MB Ecache Module    
/N0/SB2           501-6520-02-01 A00065    CPU Board V3         
/N0/IB6           540-5564-01-01 A08712    IB_SSC Assembly (1280)
Component   Cpu Mask  Description
---------   --------  -----------
/N0/SB0/P0  2.2       UltraSPARC-III+, 660MHz, 8M ECache        
/N0/SB0/P1  2.2       UltraSPARC-III+, 660MHz, 8M ECache        
/N0/SB0/P2  2.2       UltraSPARC-III+, 660MHz, 8M ECache        
/N0/SB0/P3  2.2       UltraSPARC-III+, 660MHz, 8M ECache        
/N0/SB2/P0  1.1       UltraSPARC-IV, 660MHz, 16M ECache         
/N0/SB2/P1  1.1       UltraSPARC-IV, 660MHz, 16M ECache         
/N0/SB2/P2  1.1       UltraSPARC-IV, 660MHz, 16M ECache         
/N0/SB2/P3  1.1       UltraSPARC-IV, 660MHz, 16M ECache         
/N0/SB4/P0  6.0       UltraSPARC-III+, 660MHz, 8M ECache        
/N0/SB4/P1  6.0       UltraSPARC-III+, 660MHz, 8M ECache        
/N0/SB4/P2  6.0       UltraSPARC-III+, 660MHz, 8M ECache        
/N0/SB4/P3  6.0       UltraSPARC-III+, 660MHz, 8M ECache 

showboards -p memory command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 13 Using the showboards -p memory Command
lom>showboards -p memory
Component         Size      Reason
---------         ----      ------
/N0/SB0           8192 MB
/N0/SB2           8192 MB

showboards -p version command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 14 Using the showboards -p version Command
lom>showboards -p version
Component   Compatible Version
---------   ---------- -------
SSC1        Reference  5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/IB6     Yes        5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB0     Yes        5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB2     Yes        5.17.0 Build_05
/N0/SB4     Yes        5.17.0 Build_05

showboards -p io command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 15 Using the showboards -p io Command
lom>showboards -p io
Slot             Populated Slot Description
----             --------- ----------------
/N0/IB6/P0/B1/C0 Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P0/B1/C1 Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C2 Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C3 Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C4 Empty     33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P0/B0/C5 Empty     66/33MHz. 3.3V Short PCI card

showboards -p serial command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 16 Using the showboards -p serial Command
lom>showboards -p serial
Component         Part #         Serial #  Description
---------         ------         --------  -----------
/N0/SB0           501-4362-08-50 013362    CPU Board
/N0/SB2           501-4362-08-50 014812    CPU Board
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D0  501-5030-02-50 428079    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D1  501-5030-02-50 428080    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D2  501-5030-02-50 428081    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D3  501-5030-02-50 428082    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D0  501-5030-02-01 010398    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D1  501-5030-02-01 010486    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D2  501-5030-02-01 010400    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/D3  501-5030-02-01 010392    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D0  501-5030-02-50 072411    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D1  501-5030-02-50 428072    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D2  501-5030-02-50 428073    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/D3  501-5030-02-50 428074    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D0  501-5030-02-50 428075    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D1  501-5030-02-50 428076    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D2  501-5030-02-50 428077    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/D3  501-5030-02-50 428078    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D0  501-5030-02-50 072392    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D1  501-5030-02-50 072403    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D2  501-5030-02-50 072399    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P0/B1/D3  501-5030-02-50 072396    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D0  501-5030-02-50 072388    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D1  501-5030-02-50 072273    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D2  501-5030-02-50 072398    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P1/B1/D3  501-5030-02-50 072394    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D0  501-5030-02-50 072395    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D1  501-5030-02-50 072393    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D2  501-5030-02-50 072406    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P2/B1/D3  501-5030-02-50 072410    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D0  501-5030-02-50 072402    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D1  501-5030-02-50 072404    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D2  501-5030-02-50 072400    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB2/P3/B1/D3  501-5030-02-50 072397    512 MB NG SDRAM DIMM
/N0/SB0/P0/E0     370-4125-01-01 498D2H    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB0/P0/E1     370-4125-01-01 498BUW    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB0/P1/E0     370-4125-01-01 498BD0    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB0/P1/E1     370-4125-01-01 498D1D    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB0/P2/E0     370-4125-01-01 498BTV    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB0/P2/E1     370-4125-01-01 498BKY    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB0/P3/E0     370-4125-01-01 498AYK    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB0/P3/E1     370-4125-01-01 498BU6    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB2/P0/E0     370-4125-01-01 4950NH    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB2/P0/E1     370-4125-01-01 4951EZ    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB2/P1/E0     370-4125-01-01 494XTW    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB2/P1/E1     370-4125-01-01 495581    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB2/P2/E0     370-4125-01-01 4951NN    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB2/P2/E1     370-4125-01-01 4951AV    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB2/P3/E0     370-4125-01-01 4951DK    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/SB2/P3/E1     370-4125-01-01 4950P0    4MB Ecache Module
/N0/IB6           000-0000-01-01 6543      PCI I/O Board

showboards -p cpu command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 17 Using the showboards -p cpu Command
lom>showboards -p cpu
Component   Description
---------   -----------
/N0/SB0/P0  UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB0/P1  UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB0/P2  UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB0/P3  UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB2/P0  UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB2/P1  UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB2/P2  UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB2/P3  UltraSPARC-III+, 900MHz, 8M ECache

TABLE 7 Output Header Definitions for the showboards Command




Slot designator. The N0 preceding the slot designator for CPU/Memory boards and I/O assemblies is the node number, which is always 0.


Indicates if the FRU is powered off or on.

Component type

Describes the board attached to each slot.

FRU state

Describes FRU state (see TABLE 2).

Test status

Describes test status (see TABLE 3).


Display a component or a list of components.


showcomponent [-v] <component_name> [ <component_name> . . . ]

showcomponent -h


-h displays help for this command. Includes <component_name> syntax.

-v is verbose.

<component_name> is the name of the board, as shown in TABLE 8.

TABLE 8 <component_name> Descriptions for the showcomponent Command

Component Description

Value of <component_name>

CPU system


CPU/Memory boards (slot)

sb0, sb2, sb4

Ports on the CPU/Memory board

p0, p1, p2, p3

Physical memory banks on CPU/Memory boards

b0, b1

Logical banks on CPU/Memory boards

l0, l1, l2, l3

Repeater system


Repeater boards

rp0, rp2

I/O assembly system


I/O assemblies (slot)


Ports on the I/O assembly

p0, p1

Busses on the I/O assembly

b0, b1

I/O cards in the I/O assembly

c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5


Displays a component or a list of components, together with their POST and blacklist status. The Status column shows the current blacklist status of the component; the Pending column displays the requested blacklist status of the component to be activated after the next reboot or Dynamic Reconfiguration of that component. The POST column shows the results of the most recent POST.

Note - When a Repeater Board has been blacklisted using the disablecomponent command or removed from the blacklist using the enablecomponent command while the system is in Standby mode, these changes will not be reflected in the showcomponent output until the system is powered on again.

See Also

enablecomponent, disablecomponent, Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Administration Guide (for a step-by-step procedure on displaying a component).


showcomponent sb0 sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 18 Using the showcomponent Command for a CPU/Memory Board
lom>showcomponent sb0
Component           Status  Pending   POST   Description
---------           ------  -------   ----   -----------
/N0/SB0/P0          enabled  -        pass   UltraSPARC-III, 750MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB0/P1          enabled  -        pass   UltraSPARC-III, 750MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB0/P2          enabled  -        pass   UltraSPARC-III, 750MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB0/P3          enabled  -        pass   UltraSPARC-III, 750MHz, 8M ECache
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/L0    enabled  -        pass   512M DRAM
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/L2    enabled  -        pass   512M DRAM
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/L1    enabled  -        untest empty
/N0/SB0/P0/B1/L3    enabled  -        untest empty
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/L0    enabled  -        pass   512M DRAM
/N0/SB0/P1/B0/L2    enabled  -        pass   512M DRAM
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/L1    enabled  -        untest empty
/N0/SB0/P1/B1/L3    enabled  -        untest empty
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/L0    enabled  -        pass   512M DRAM
/N0/SB0/P2/B0/L2    enabled  -        pass   512M DRAM
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/L1    enabled  -        untest empty
/N0/SB0/P2/B1/L3    enabled  -        untest empty
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/L0    enabled  -        pass   512M DRAM
/N0/SB0/P3/B0/L2    enabled  -        pass   512M DRAM
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/L1    enabled  -        untest empty
/N0/SB0/P3/B1/L3    enabled  -        untest empty

showcomponent ib6 command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 19 Using the showcomponent Command for the IB6 Subassembly of the IB_SSC FRU
lom>showcomp ib6
Component           Status   Pending  POST   Description
---------           ------   -------  ----   -----------
/N0/IB6/P0          enabled  -        untest IO Controller 0
/N0/IB6/P1          enabled  -        untest IO Controller 1
/N0/IB6/P0/B0       enabled  -        untest 66/33MHz. PCI Bus
/N0/IB6/P0/B1       enabled  -        untest 33MHz. PCI Bus
/N0/IB6/P1/B0       enabled  -        untest 66/33MHz. PCI Bus
/N0/IB6/P1/B1       enabled  -        untest 33MHz. PCI Bus
/N0/IB6/P0/B1/C0    enabled  -        untest 33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P0/B1/C1    enabled  -        untest 33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C2    enabled  -        untest 33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C3    enabled  -        untest 33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P1/B1/C4    enabled  -        untest 33MHz. 5V Short PCI card
/N0/IB6/P0/B0/C5    enabled  -        untest 66/33MHz. 3.3V Short PCI card


Display the current date and time for the system.


showdate [-tv]

showdate -h


-h displays help for this command.

-v is verbose.

-t lists available time zones.


Shows the current date and time for the system, or if -t -v is selected then lists all available timezones.

See Also



CODE EXAMPLE 20 Using the showdate Command
Mon Apr 03 12:31:40 EDT 2000


Display the current environmental status, temperatures, voltages, fan status, and so on, for the system..


showenvironment [-ltuvw] [-p <part>] [<component>]

showenvironment [-ltuvw] [<component>]

showenvironment -h


-l shows the thresholds that apply to each selected measurement. Exceeding the thresholds will cause the status to display appropriate warning information.

-p shows a specific part. <part> can be:

faults show measurements that are suspect.

temps show temperatures.

voltage show voltages.

fans show fan status.

-t shows in sections (by board) with titles.

-u before displaying readings, polls all sensors for new values.

-v verbose mode .

-w shows the warning thresholds that apply to each selected measurement..

-h displays help for this command.

<component> is the name of the FRU. Displays information for this FRU only.


Displays the current environmental status, temperatures, voltages, fan status, and so on, for the system.

This command also displays minimum and maximum allowable values for each sensor being monitored. If no arguments are supplied, all applicable environmental information will be displayed.


showenvironment command sample output:

CODE EXAMPLE 21 Using the showenvironment Command
Slot Device    Sensor    Value  Units     Age     Status
---- --------- --------- ------ --------- ------- ------
SSC1 SBBC 0    Temp. 0    37    Degrees C   1 sec OK
SSC1 CBH 0     Temp. 0    45    Degrees C   1 sec OK
SSC1 Board 0   Temp. 0    24    Degrees C   1 sec OK
SSC1 Board 0   Temp. 1    22    Degrees C   1 sec OK
SSC1 Board 0   Temp. 2    28    Degrees C   1 sec OK
SSC1 Board 0   1.5 VDC 0   1.49 Volts DC    1 sec OK
SSC1 Board 0   3.3 VDC 0   3.35 Volts DC    1 sec OK
SSC1 Board 0   5 VDC 0     5.01 Volts DC    1 sec OK
/N0/PS0 Input 0   Volt. 0        - -           6 sec OK
/N0/PS0 48 VDC 0  Volt. 0    48.00 Volts DC    6 sec OK
/N0/PS1 Input 0   Volt. 0        - -           5 sec OK
/N0/PS1 48 VDC 0  Volt. 0    48.00 Volts DC    5 sec OK
/N0/FT0 Fan 0     Cooling 0   Auto             5 sec OK
/N0/FT0 Fan 1     Cooling 0   Auto             5 sec OK
/N0/FT0 Fan 2     Cooling 0   Auto             5 sec OK
/N0/FT0 Fan 3     Cooling 0   Auto             5 sec OK
/N0/FT0 Fan 4     Cooling 0   Auto             5 sec OK
/N0/FT0 Fan 5     Cooling 0   Auto             5 sec OK
/N0/FT0 Fan 6     Cooling 0   Auto             5 sec OK
/N0/FT0 Fan 7     Cooling 0   Auto             5 sec OK
/N0/RP0 Board 0   1.5 VDC 0   1.51 Volts DC    5 sec OK
/N0/RP0 Board 0   3.3 VDC 0   3.35 Volts DC    5 sec OK
/N0/RP0 Board 0   Temp. 0    22    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP0 Board 0   Temp. 1    22    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP0 SDC 0     Temp. 0    63    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP0 AR 0      Temp. 0    47    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP0 DX 0      Temp. 0    62    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP0 DX 1      Temp. 0    66    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP2 Board 0   1.5 VDC 0   1.49 Volts DC    4 sec OK
/N0/RP2 Board 0   3.3 VDC 0   3.33 Volts DC    4 sec OK
/N0/RP2 Board 0   Temp. 0    24    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP2 Board 0   Temp. 1    23    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP2 SDC 0     Temp. 0    57    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP2 AR 0      Temp. 0    42    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP2 DX 0      Temp. 0    53    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/RP2 DX 1      Temp. 0    56    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 Board 0   1.5 VDC 0   1.50 Volts DC    4 sec OK
/N0/SB0 Board 0   3.3 VDC 0   3.33 Volts DC    5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 SDC 0     Temp. 0    49    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 AR 0      Temp. 0    39    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 DX 0      Temp. 0    50    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 DX 1      Temp. 0    55    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 DX 2      Temp. 0    58    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 DX 3      Temp. 0    53    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 SBBC 0    Temp. 0    53    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 Board 1   Temp. 0    28    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 Board 1   Temp. 1    26    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 CPU 0     Temp. 0    56    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 CPU 0     1.8 VDC 0   1.72 Volts DC    5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 CPU 1     Temp. 0    50    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 CPU 1     1.8 VDC 1   1.74 Volts DC    5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 SBBC 1    Temp. 0    40    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 Board 1   Temp. 2    28    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 Board 1   Temp. 3    29    Degrees C   5 sec OK
/N0/SB0 CPU 2     Temp. 0    53    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB0 CPU 2     1.8 VDC 0   1.72 Volts DC    6 sec OK
/N0/SB0 CPU 3     Temp. 0    49    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB0 CPU 3     1.8 VDC 1   1.72 Volts DC    6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 Board 0   1.5 VDC 0   1.52 Volts DC    6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 Board 0   3.3 VDC 0   3.35 Volts DC    6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 SDC 0     Temp. 0    51    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 AR 0      Temp. 0    41    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 DX 0      Temp. 0    52    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 DX 1      Temp. 0    55    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 DX 2      Temp. 0    61    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 DX 3      Temp. 0    53    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 SBBC 0    Temp. 0    52    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 Board 1   Temp. 0    27    Degrees C   6 sec OK
/N0/SB2 Board 1   Temp. 1    26    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 CPU 0     Temp. 0    54    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 CPU 0     1.8 VDC 0   1.72 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 CPU 1     Temp. 0    52    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 CPU 1     1.8 VDC 1   1.73 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 SBBC 1    Temp. 0    43    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 Board 1   Temp. 2    27    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 Board 1   Temp. 3    27    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 CPU 2     Temp. 0    51    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 CPU 2     1.8 VDC 0   1.71 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 CPU 3     Temp. 0    51    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/SB2 CPU 3     1.8 VDC 1   1.71 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   1.5 VDC 0   1.51 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   3.3 VDC 0   3.29 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   5 VDC 0     4.95 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   12 VDC 0   11.88 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   Temp. 0    30    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   Temp. 1    28    Degrees C   7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   3.3 VDC 1   3.30 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   3.3 VDC 2   3.30 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   1.8 VDC 0   1.81 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Board 0   2.5 VDC 0   2.51 Volts DC    7 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Fan 0     Cooling 0   High             3 sec OK
/N0/IB6 Fan 1     Cooling 0   High             3 sec OK
/N0/IB6 SDC 0     Temp. 0    63    Degrees C   8 sec OK
/N0/IB6 AR 0      Temp. 0    73    Degrees C   8 sec OK
/N0/IB6 DX 0      Temp. 0    68    Degrees C   8 sec OK
/N0/IB6 DX 1      Temp. 0    72    Degrees C   8 sec OK
/N0/IB6 SBBC 0    Temp. 0    49    Degrees C   8 sec OK
/N0/IB6 IOASIC 0  Temp. 0    45    Degrees C   8 sec OK
/N0/IB6 IOASIC 1  Temp. 1    51    Degrees C   8 sec OK

For explanations of the showenvironment output headers see TABLE 9.

TABLE 9 showenvironment Output Header Description

Code Example Header





Slot ID



Device being monitored by the sensor



Component that measures the environmental data of the device



The value returned by the sensor ( data was acquired Age seconds ago)



Applicable unit for the sensor (for valid units, see the Value column)









Age of the reading being displayed (seconds)



For values for Status see the Value column



Value exceeded Max threshold


* NOTICE High *

Value between High-Warning and Max thresholds


* NOTICE Low *

Value below Min threshold



Value below Min threshold



Value is within limits



Failed to receive sensor`s value


Shows the contents of the error buffer.


showerrorbuffer [-p [-n nnn]]

showerrorbuffer -h


-p displays the error messages contained in the persistent system error buffer. This option is available only in systems configured with enhanced-memory system controllers (SC V2s).

-n nnn displays a specified number (where nnn is an integer) of error messages in chronological order. For example, -p -n 5 displays the last five error messages in the persistent system error buffer.

-h displays help for the command.


This command captures error message information detected by the system hardware error registers and stores them in an error buffer.

You and your service provider can use this command to obtain information for troubleshooting purposes.

See Also



CODE EXAMPLE 22 shows a hardware error.

CODE EXAMPLE 22 showerrorbuffer Example Output for a Hardware Error
  Date: Fri Jan 30 10:23:32 EST 2004
  Device: /SSC1/sbbc0/systemepld
  Register: FirstError[0x10] : 0x0200
            SB0 encountered the first error
  Date: Fri Jan 30 10:23:32 EST 2004
  Device: /SB0/bbcGroup0/repeaterepld
  Register: FirstError[0x10]: 0x0002
            sdc0 encountered the first error
  Date: Fri Jan 30 10:23:32 EST 2004
  Device: /SB0/sdc0
  ErrorID: 0x60171010
  Register: SafariPortError0[0x200] : 0x00000002
               ParSglErr [01:01] : 0x1 ParitySingle error

CODE EXAMPLE 23 shows persistent hardware error information maintained in the message buffer of a system configured with SC V2s.

CODE EXAMPLE 23 showerrorbuffer Example Output - Persistent Error Information
lom>showerrorbuffer -p -n 2
  Date: Fri Jan 30 10:23:32 EST 2004
  Device: /SB0/bbcGroup0/repeaterepld
  Register: FirstError[0x10]: 0x0002
            sdc0 encountered the first error
  Date: Fri Jan 30 10:23:32 EST 2004
  Device: /SB0/sdc0
  ErrorID: 0x60171010
  Register: SafariPortError0[0x200] : 0x00000002
               ParSglErr [01:01] : 0x1 ParitySingle error


Display the current escape sequence.



showescape -h


-h shows help for this command.


Shows the current escape sequence.

See Also





Display the settings applied to the LOM software event reporting and messages.



showeventreporting -h


-h shows help for this command.


Show the settings applied to the LOM software event reporting and messages.

See Also



eventreporting is default
reporting level is fatal, warning & information (3)


Display the state of the system Fault LED.



showfault -h


-h displays help for this command.


Shows the state of the system Fault LED.

See Also



fault is off


Display the system hostname.



showhostname -h


-h displays help for this command.


Display the hostname of the Solaris host.

The hostname is only displayed if the Solaris operating environment is running, otherwise a - is displayed

See Also





Display the state of the system Locator LED.



showlocator -h


-h displays help for this command.


locator is off

See Also



Displays the system controller logged events stored in the system controller message buffer.


showlogs [-p [-f filter][-n nnn]][-v]

showlogs -h


-p displays the error messages contained in the persistent error buffer. This option is available only in systems configured with enhanced-memory system controllers (SC V2s).

-n nnn displays a specified number (where nnn is an integer) of error messages in chronological order. For example, -p -n 5 displays the last five error messages in the persistent error buffer.

-f filter indicates a certain type of message information is to be displayed, where filter is one of the following:

-h displays help for the command.


Displays the log messages that are stored in the dynamic message buffer. Message storage in this dynamic buffer is temporary.

In systems with SC V2s, messages in the dynamic buffer that have the following severity levels are retained in persistent storage, and will survive a system reboot or loss in power: .alert, .error, .emerg, .warning, and .critical. If the persistent storage buffer becomes full, any new messages will wrap to the beginning of the buffer and the existing messages at the beginning of the buffer will be overwritten by the newest messages.

If the loghost has been configured, then the messages will also be logged to the loghost for storage.

See Also

history, resetsc


CODE EXAMPLE 24 displays the output of the showlogs command, run at the console after rebooting the system.

CODE EXAMPLE 24 Sample Output of the showlogs Command Run After Rebooting the System
Fri Jan 30 10:07:19 commando lom: [ID 512236 local0.notice] Boot: ScApp 5.17.0, RTOS 38
Fri Jan 30 10:07:21 commando lom: [ID 427980 local0.notice] SBBC Reset Reason(s): Peer Reset, Watchdog Reset
Fri Jan 30 10:07:28 commando lom: [ID 390645 local0.notice] Caching ID information
Fri Jan 30 10:07:29 commando lom: [ID 667165 local0.notice] Clock Source: 12430-synthesizer
Fri Jan 30 10:07:34 commando lom: [ID 641509 local0.notice] /N0/PS0: Status is OK
Fri Jan 30 10:07:35 commando lom: [ID 251798 local0.notice] /N0/PS1: Status is OK
Fri Jan 30 10:07:36 commando lom: [ID 762068 local0.notice] /N0/PS2: Status is OK
Fri Jan 30 10:07:36 commando lom: [ID 372357 local0.notice] /N0/PS3: Status is OK
Fri Jan 30 10:07:37 commando lom: [ID 515227 local0.notice] Chassis is in single partition mode.
Fri Jan 30 10:08:24 commando lom: [ID 428967 local0.notice] Partially powered on board CPU Board V3 at /N0/SB2 powered off
Fri Jan 30 10:08:39 commando lom: [ID 939453 local0.notice] Clear /N0/SB4/P1/B1/D2 invalid segment
Fri Jan 30 10:09:10 commando lom: [ID 965595 local0.warning] Keyswitch was interrupted on domain A. Recovering....
Fri Jan 30 10:09:29 commando lom: [ID 629580 local0.notice] Domain A is now in keyswitch "off" position
Fri Jan 30 10:09:30 commando lom: [ID 596773 local0.notice] Starting telnet server ...

CODE EXAMPLE 25 shows persistent log output for a system with SC V2s, run at the console.

CODE EXAMPLE 25 Sample showlogs Persistent Log Output
lom>showlogs -p
Fri Jan 30 10:09:10 commando lom: [ID 965595 local0.warning] Keyswitch was interrupted on domain A. Recovering....
Fri Jan 30 10:13:45 commando lom: [ID 991471 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB0/P0}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:13:45 commando lom: [ID 388680 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB0/P1}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:04 commando lom: [ID 685870 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB0/P2}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:04 commando lom: [ID 983060 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB0/P3}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:27 commando lom: [ID 392085 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P0/C0}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:27 commando lom: [ID 689275 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P0/C1}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:28 commando lom: [ID 403192 local0.warning] Port {/N0/SB2/P0}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:28 commando lom: [ID 392149 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P1/C0}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:28 commando lom: [ID 689339 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P1/C1}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:28 commando lom: [ID 700382 local0.warning] Port {/N0/SB2/P1}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:44 commando lom: [ID 392213 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P2/C0}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:44 commando lom: [ID 689403 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P2/C1}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:45 commando lom: [ID 997572 local0.warning] Port {/N0/SB2/P2}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:45 commando lom: [ID 392277 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P3/C0}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:45 commando lom: [ID 689467 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P3/C1}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:14:45 commando lom: [ID 394781 local0.warning] Port {/N0/SB2/P3}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:15:15 commando lom: [ID 152595 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB4/P0}  is CHS disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:15:15 commando lom: [ID 152597 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB4/P1}  is CHS disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:15:41 commando lom: [ID 152599 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB4/P2}  is CHS disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:15:41 commando lom: [ID 152601 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB4/P3}  is CHS disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:18:30 commando lom: [ID 947844 local0.warning] Excluded unusable, failed or disabled board: /N0/SB0
Fri Jan 30 10:18:31 commando lom: [ID 947848 local0.warning] Excluded unusable, failed or disabled board: /N0/SB4
Fri Jan 30 10:18:31 commando lom: [ID 947846 local0.warning] Excluded unusable, failed or disabled board: /N0/SB2
Fri Jan 30 10:18:31 commando lom: [ID 304509 local0.error] No usable Cpu board in domain.

CODE EXAMPLE 26 shows persistent log output in which only critical messages are displayed.

CODE EXAMPLE 26 Sample showlogs Persistent Log Output,Critical messages Only
lom>showlogs -p -f critical
Mon Jan 26 10:06:07 commando lom: [ID 920266 local0.crit] ErrorMonitor: Domain A has a SYSTEM ERROR
Mon Jan 26 10:06:07 commando lom: [ID 920266 local0.crit] ErrorMonitor: Domain A has a SYSTEM ERROR
Mon Jan 26 10:06:11 commando lom: [ID 764738 local0.crit] A fatal condition is detected on Domain A. Initiating automatic restoration for this domain.
Mon Jan 26 10:06:11 commando lom: [ID 764738 local0.crit] A fatal condition is detected on Domain A. Initiating automatic restoration for this domain.
Fri Jan 30 10:02:39 commando lom: [ID 920266 local0.crit] ErrorMonitor: Domain A has a SYSTEM ERROR
Fri Jan 30 10:02:39 commando lom: [ID 920266 local0.crit] ErrorMonitor: Domain A has a SYSTEM ERROR
Fri Jan 30 10:02:49 commando lom: [ID 764738 local0.crit] A fatal condition is detected on Domain A. Initiating automatic restoration for this domain.
Fri Jan 30 10:02:50 commando lom: [ID 764738 local0.crit] A fatal condition is detected on Domain A. Initiating automatic restoration for this domain.
Fri Jan 30 10:22:55 commando lom: [ID 920266 local0.crit] ErrorMonitor: Domain A has a SYSTEM ERROR
Fri Jan 30 10:22:55 commando lom: [ID 920266 local0.crit] ErrorMonitor: Domain A has a SYSTEM ERROR
Fri Jan 30 10:23:06 commando lom: [ID 764738 local0.crit] A fatal condition is detected on Domain A. Initiating automatic restoration for this domain.
Fri Jan 30 10:23:06 commando lom: [ID 764738 local0.crit] A fatal condition is detected on Domain A. Initiating automatic restoration for this domain.



CODE EXAMPLE 27 shows persistent log output displayed for a specified number of messages. The output displays the last five messages in the buffer.

CODE EXAMPLE 27 Sample showlogs Persistent Log Output, Specific Number of Messages Displayed
lom>showlogs -p -n 5
Fri Jan 30 10:26:20 commando lom: [ID 392277 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P3/C0}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:26:20 commando lom: [ID 689467 local0.warning] Agent {/N0/SB2/P3/C1}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:26:20 commando lom: [ID 394781 local0.warning] Port {/N0/SB2/P3}  is disabled.
Fri Jan 30 10:26:23 commando lom: [ID 947846 local0.warning] Excluded unusable, failed or disabled board: /N0/SB2
Fri Jan 30 10:26:28 commando lom: [ID 304509 local0.error] No usable Cpu board in domain.


Display the platform model.



showmodel -h


-h displays help for this command.


Display the name of the system platform model.

See Also



model: Sun Fire V1280


Display System Controller (LOM) network settings and MAC addresses.


shownetwork [-v]

shownetwork -h


-h displays help for this command.

-v verbose mode. Displays the system Ethernet (MAC) addresses.


Show System Controller (LOM) network settings and MAC addresses.


The system controller is configured to be on a network.
Network settings: static
Hostname: commando-sc
IP Address:
DNS Domain:
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Connection type: telnet

lom>shownetwork -v
The system controller is configured to be on a network.
Network settings: static
Hostname: commando-sc
IP Address:
DNS Domain:
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Connection type: telnet
MAC Address                        HostID  
-------------------------------    --------
Host net0     00:03:ba:19:8b:89    83198b89
Host net1     00:03:ba:19:8b:8a    83198b8a
SC net        00:03:ba:19:8b:92    83198b92



See Also



Display the CPU registers after an abnormal Solaris reset.


showresetstate [-w|-s|-v] [-f <URL>]

showresetstate -h


-w shows windows.

-s shows secondary save registers.

-v shows all registers.

-f specify a URL for the output

<URL> is the file to receive the output

supported protocol: FTP ftp://[<userid>:<password>@]<hostname>/<path>

-h displays help for this command.


Shows the CPU registers after an abnormal Solaris reset, for example, as a result of a Solaris watchdog timeout.


Display version and uptime information about the System Controller.


showsc [-v]

showsc -h


-h displays help for this command.

-v is verbose.


Displays the version and uptime information about the System Controller.


CODE EXAMPLE 28 Using the showsc Command
SC: SSC1  
Clock failover disabled.
SC date: Fri Jan 23 17:44:25 BST 2004
SC uptime: 2 hours 28 minutes 8 seconds 
ScApp version: 5.17.0 Build_02
RTOS version: 38
Solaris Host Status: Active - Solaris


Shut down Solaris and enter standby mode.



shutdown -h


-h displays help for this command.


If Solaris is running, the system is cleanly halted and then powered off to standby mode. If Solaris is not running then the system is powered off to standby mode.

This should be used in preference to the poweroff command.

See Also

poweron, poweroff


Shutting down Solaris ... 
The system is down. 
syncing file systems... done 
Powering off ... 
lom>Powering boards off ... 


Test the specified CPU/Memory board.


testboard [-f] <board_name>

testboard -h


-h displays help for this command.

-f force testing of an already-tested board.

<board_name> is the board to be tested, and must be one of sb0, sb2 or sb4.


Runs POST on the CPU/Memory board specified on the command line. The board must not be in use by Solaris at the time (that is, its status as displayed by showboards must not be Active). To display the board status use the showboards command.


To test CPU/Memory board, sb0, type:

lom>testboard sb0