JavaStation Client Software Guide

PPP-Modem Requirements

In order for the JavaStation computer to boot over PPP, the following must be true:

As the JavaStation computer boots, it checks to see if it has a valid copy of the JavaOS image in its flash RAM and then checks to see if an Ethernet cable is present. If the JavaOS image in flash RAM is valid and no Ethernet cable is plugged into the system, the JavaStation computer will open a dialog window enabling the user to initiate the dialup/PPP process.

Figure 8-1 JavaOS PPP Dialer Window


The JavaStation user can open several windows from the PPP Dialer Window to set up the PPP configuration. The entire set of windows is described in Appendix A, JavaStation User Setup Forms.

Once a connection has been made and the JavaStation computer is configured as a PPP client, operation proceeds as if the JavaStation computer were configured on a local area network. The JavaOS software leases an IP address and (potentially) downloads a Java user application over the PPP connection.