Trusted Solaris Audit Administration

To Perform Selections Using a praudit Script

To accomplish more sophisticated display and reports, process the output from praudit with sed or awk, or write programs to interpret and process the binary audit records.

It is sometimes useful to manipulate praudit output as lines of text; for example to perform selections that cannot be done with auditreduce. A simple shell script can process the output of praudit. The following example is called praudit_grep:

praudit | sed -e '1,2d' -e '$s/^file.*$//' -e 's/^header/^aheader/' \\
| tr '\\012\\001' '\\002\\012' \\
| grep "$1" \\
| tr '\\002' '\\012'

The example script marks the header tokens by prefixing them with Control-A. (Note that the ^a is Control-A, not the two characters ^ and a. Prefixing is necessary to distinguish them from the string header that might appear as text.) The script then combines all the tokens for a record onto one line while preserving the line breaks as Control-A, runs the grep command, and restores the original newlines.

To run the script in the Trusted Solaris environment, the following conditions must be met: