Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

How to Save and Restore Trusted Solaris Databases

The Trusted Solaris 8 user and profile databases are in new formats with new names. To retain the usable data from their previous versions requires an administrator, before installing Trusted Solaris 8, to run the tsolconvert utility on a Trusted Solaris 7 system, to save the output directory to a safe storage area, and then to restore the files and run a shell script on the Trusted Solaris 8 machine.

The following table shows the name or content difference between earlier releases and the Trusted Solaris 8 release.

Trusted Solaris Databases 

Trusted Solaris 8 Database Description 




exec_attr(4) and prof_attr(4)


Format is extended for IPv6.No conversion required. 


Format is extended for IPv6. New templates with doi and ip_label changes.See the tnrhtp(4) man page.


Format is extended for IPv6.No conversion required. 

To Save Profile and User Attribute Information

    See the README file and tsolconvert(1M) man page on the Trusted Solaris web site, for instructions.

    Backup and conversion must be completed on the Trusted Solaris 2.5.1 or Trusted Solaris 7 NIS+ master before Trusted Solaris 8 is installed.