Trusted Solaris User's Guide

Using Man Pages

There is an extensive library of man pages available for the Trusted Solaris environment. For an overview of the system and a complete listing of commands available in the Trusted Solaris environment, see the following man pages:

Man Page Paths

The man pages for the Trusted Solaris environment reside in three different directories, which need to be included in your MANPATH environment variable:

The MANPATH variable can be set individually by users in their shell initialization files or globally by administrators in site-wide shell initialization files in /etc/skel (or alternate skeleton directory) for all users. To set the MANPATH variable, type:

setenv MANPATH="/usr/dt/man:/usr/openwin/man:/usr/man:$MANPATH"

To check a system's current MANPATH setting, type:


This should display the three paths mentioned above and any other paths to man pages at your site.

Specifying Man Pages by Section Number

To check whether there are different versions of a topic in different sections, type:

% man -l topic

To specify man pages by section in the Trusted Solaris environment, you type

% man -s sectionnumber topic

specifying the topic and section number.