Trusted Solaris Administration Overview

Predefined Trusted Solaris Rights Profiles

The Trusted Solaris environment provides a set of predefined rights profiles (see the following table). Before you assign any of these rights profiles, you should familiarize yourself with their contents. To view the contents of predefined rights profiles, use the -list option in the smprofile command (see next section) or the Rights dialog box. The profiles can be modified according to the needs of your organization.

Table 1-2 Rights Profile Descriptions

Rights Profile 



Provides access to all executables but without privileges.  

All Actions 

Provides access to all actions but without privileges.  

All Authorizations

Provides all authorizations. For testing. 

All Commands 

Provides access to all commands but without privileges.  

Audit Control

For managing the audit subsystem but without ability to read files. 

Audit Review

For reading the audit trail. 

Basic Actions

Provides access to the applications on the Front Panel with the necessary privileges. 

Basic Commands

Provides access to rudimentary commands necessary for all roles. 

Basic Solaris User 

Assigned to all users of the Solaris Management Console. Provides Read permissions and lets users add con jobs to their crontab files. Contains All rights profile. 

Convenient Authorizations

Provides authorizations for normal users. 

Cron Management

For managing cron and at jobs. 

Custom Admin Role

This is an empty right for adding security attributes to the default Admin role. 

Custom Oper Role

This is an empty right for adding security attributes to the default Oper role. 

Custom Root Role

This is an empty right for adding security attributes to the default Root role. 

Custom Secadmin Role

This is an empty right for adding security attributes to the default Secadmin role. 

Custom SSP 

This is an empty right for adding security attributes to the default SSP role for Sun Enterprose 10000 administration. 

Device Management 

For allocating and deallocating devices, and correcting error conditions. 

Device Security

For managing and configuring devices. 

Enable Login

Provides the authorization for allowing yourself and other users to log in after boot. 

File System Management

For managing file systems. 

File System Security

For managing file system labels and other security attributes. 

Information Security 

For setting access control policy. 

Mail Management

For configuring sendmail, modifying aliases, and checking mail queues. 

Maintenance and Repair

Provides commands needed to maintain or repair a system. 

Media Backup

Backup files. 

Media Restore

Restore files from backup. 

Name Service Management 

Grants right to control the name service daemon. 

Name Service Security 

Grants right to control the name service properties and table data. 

Network Management

For managing the host and network configuration. 

Network Security 

For managing network and host security, with authorizations for modifying trusted network databases. 

Object Access Management

For changing ownership and permissions on files. 

Object Label Management

For changing labels of files and setting up system-wide labels. 

Object Privilege Management

For changing privileges on executable files. 

Outside Accred

Operate outside system accreditation range. 

Primary Adminstrator 

Contains subordinate rights profiles for primary administrator role. 

Privileged Shells

For developers to run Bourne, Korn, and C shells with all privileges. NOT intended for secure environments. 

Process Management

For managing current processes, including cron and at jobs. 

 Remote Administration Remote administration of headless systems.

Rights Delegation 

Lets user or role assign rights assigned to that user or role to other users or roles. Lets user assign roles assigned to that user to other users. 

Rights Security 

For managing assignment of rights profiles, labels, and privileges, and for setting account security. 

Software Installation 

For adding application software to the system. 

 SSP Administration Tools for administering the SSP.
 SSP Installation Tools for installing the SSP.

System Administrator 

Contains subordinate rights profiles for system administrator role. 

User Management

For creating and modifying users but without the ability to modify self (as a security measure). 

User Security

For creating and modifying users' security attributes but without the ability to modify self (as a security measure).