Trusted Solaris Label Administration

Suggested Working Policies

    Make a backup copy (on a tape or floppy disk) of the original file installed with the system. If modifying the file on an operational system, back up the current file.

    If your modifications create labels that cannot be resolved, you would need to manually reset labels to ADMIN_LOW before assigning the new labels from the modified file. Restore a known, usable label_encodings file from tape or floppy until problems with the new version are debugged. Backup copies are made using File Manager options.

Note -

The File Manager allows the Security Administrator role to restore ownership, group, and permissions on files. By default, the needed changes to maintain the correct file attributes cannot be made by using utilities on the command line.

    Code the file using any text editor, and save a hard copy when done.

    This procedure is detailed in "To Modify the label_encodings (4) File". As soon as possible after you are satisfied with the file, print it out, and keep a record.

    Check the syntax and relationships of the labels with the chk_encodings command and the -a option.

    Check the syntax with the chk_encodings(1M) command.

    Test the encodings file on a standalone test machine if possible before moving it to a working system.

    Place an identical copy of the label_encodings file on every machine.