Trusted Solaris Label Administration

Color Values

The /usr/openwin/lib/rgb.txt database translates color names into red, green, blue values. You can either refer to the rgb.txt file for color names to use for your site's labels or use hexadecimal color values.

Briefly, here are a few high-level points about color values:

To minimize conflicts you should use color names, or use hexadecimal color values that you know have been specified for other applications that display without color flashing.

The default color values defined in Trusted Solaris label_encodings COLOR NAMES section have been chosen with these caveats in mind (see the following screen).

Default COLOR NAMES Assigned to Label Components

label= Admin_Low;	color= #bdbdbd;
	label= u;	color= green;
	label= c;	color= blue;
	label= s;	color= yellow;
	label= ts;	color= red;
	word= sb;	color= cyan;
	word= cc;	color= magenta;
	label= Admin_High;	color= #636363;

See "To Assign a Color to a Label or Word".