Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Connecting to the Name Server

Verify Communication with the Name Service Master

Skip this procedure if the client specified the name service, NIS or NIS+, during network install.

  1. As root, at label ADMIN_LOW, check to see that you can ping the name service master.

    # ping name-service-master
  2. Check to see that you can rup the name service master.

    # rup name-service-master

    If the rup(1) command succeeds, you may proceed. If it fails, debug your network setup until the rup command succeeds.

    Note -

    If you have added a client that was not initially on the master, you must add it to the master and assign it a template. On the master, the ping and rup commands must work to contact the new client before continuing.

Add Client to the NIS+ Domain

Note -

Skip this procedure if the client specified a name service during network install. After JumpStart installation, you must do the procedure to add the client to the domain.

Prerequisite: The rup command must succeed in both directions: from client to master, and master to client.

  1. In the root role at label ADMIN_LOW, add the host as a NIS+ client using the Create NIS+ Client action in the System_Admin folder.

  2. Enter the NIS+ domain name and host name of the root master. There is a period at the end of the domain name.

    For example,

       Domain Name:
       Hostname of NIS+ Master: eagle

  3. Answer the prompts ( y, (your-master's-ip-address), nisplus, rootpassword).

    You can ignore diagnostics printing out that certain files and directories cannot be located. The files and directories will be created.

  4. Do not reboot when the program prints the message:

       Once initialization is done, you will need to reboot your machine.

    You will reboot after setting up DNS.

Add Client to the NIS Domain
  1. In the root role at label ADMIN_LOW, add the host as a NIS client using the Create NIS Client action in the System_Admin folder.

    Note -

    If this is a NIS slave server, make sure you enter this host name and the name of the master server at the prompts.

    The action copies the nsswitch.nis file to the nsswitch.conf file.

  2. Do not reboot until after you have set up DNS.

Copy the SMC Name Server Toolbox Definitions to the Client

Note -

Administrators who want to administer the name service using SMC from this client system must do this procedure

  1. In the root role at label ADMIN_LOW, copy the name service master's tsol_nameservice.tbx file from the /diskette-mount-point/export/clientfiles directory to the /var/sadm/smc/toolboxes/tsol_nameservice directory.

    If you did not copy the files to the client, do the "Edit SMC Toolbox Definitions for the Name Service" procedure on the client system.

  2. Also copy the name service master's tsol_smc.tbx file from the /diskette-mount-point/export/clientfiles directory to the /var/sadm/smc/toolboxes/tsol_smc directory.

Copy Network Files to the /etc Directory

If you are using DNS to contact hosts outside of your domain, or if you have altered the resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf files on the name service master, set up DNS before rebooting.

    In the root role at label ADMIN_LOW, set up the DNS nameservers and the name service switch by copying the files resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf from the /diskette-mount-point/export/clientfiles directory to the /etc directory.

    If you did not copy the files to the client, follow the procedure in "(Optional) Set Up DNS".

Reboot the Computer

Skip this procedure if the client was installed over the network.

    Shut down the system from the TP (Trusted Path) menu, and reboot it.

Enable the Slave Server (NIS domain only)
  1. If this is a NIS slave server, log in, assume the root role, open a terminal, and enable ypinit.

    # /usr/sbin/ypinit -s NIS-master-server

  2. Before continuing, reboot the machine again to enable it to serve NIS clients.

Add the IMAP Server (NIS+ domain only)
  1. If this is an IMAP mail server, go to the NIS+ master and log in.

    This procedure enables the mail server to authenticate users.

  2. Assume the admin role in an ADMIN_LOW workspace, and open the System_Admin folder in the Application Manager.

  3. Double-click the Add to NIS+ Administrative Group action and enter the group name and the full name of your mail server.

    Use your domain name with the format subdomain.domain.suffix. For example:

    Group Name: admin
    Principal Name:

    Note -

    Remember to type a period (.) at the end of the the principal name.