Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Planning Labels

Planning labels requires extensive knowledge. Trusted Solaris Label Administration describes in detail the modifications required to the label_encodings file you choose.

Label visibility exceptions are implemented per user when creating users.

Label visibility exceptions per system can be done but are not recommended. See Trusted Solaris Label Administration for why and how.

Note -

When localizing a label_encodings file, localize the label names only. However, the names ADMIN_HIGH and ADMIN_LOW must not be localized. All labeled hosts that you contact must have label names that match the label names in the Trusted Solaris label_encodings file.

Label Decisions

Choose a label_encodings file
  1. GFI

  2. Site-specific

  3. Modified Trusted Solaris single-label

  4. Modified Trusted Solaris multilabel

Decide Trusted Solaris configuration
  • Create multiple user Sensitivity Labels -- Yes, default

  • Hide upgraded names in directories -- No, default

Decide label visibility

Visible to each user, default