Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Trusted Solaris Script Examples

The following procedures expand on and modify procedures in "To Add Files With a Finish Script" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.

Reboot the Computer with a Finish Script
  1. The first line in the script must invoke a profile shell.

  2. The last line in the finish script reboots the computer.


Add label_encodings File with a Finish Script
  1. In the admin role at label ADMIN_HIGH, place a copy of the site's label_encodings file into the JumpStart directory on the diskette.

    $ cp /etc/security/tsol/label_encodings  ${SI_CONFIG_DIR}/label_encodings
  2. Copy the label_encodings file onto the system during installtion.

    For example, if you are using a custom JumpStart diskette to install Trusted Solaris software, the following finish script copies the file from the JumpStart directory into a system's /etc/security/tsol directory during a custom JumpStart installation:

    cp ${SI_CONFIG_DIR}/label_encodings  /a/etc/security/tsol

Set the Root Password With a Finish Script

Note -

This example modifies the procedures in "Setting the System's Root Password With a Finish Script" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.

    In the admin role at label ADMIN_LOW, set the variable PASSWD to an encrypted root password obtained from an existing entry in a system's /etc/shadow file.

Caution - Caution -

If you set your root password by using a finish script, be sure to safeguard against those who will try to discover the root password from the encrypted password in the finish script.