Trusted Solaris Developer's Guide

The User Databases

In the Solaris and the Trusted Solaris environment, user information is held in four databases:

The following figure shows how the user databases work together and with policy.conf(4) and label_encodings(4) to provide user attributes.

Figure 9-1 Trusted Solaris User Databases


The user_attr database contains the attributes shown, including a comma-separated list of profile names. The contents of the profiles are split between the prof_attr database, which contains profile identification information, authorizations assigned to the profile, and subordinate profiles, and the exec_attr database, which contains commands and actions with their associated security attributes. The auth_attr file supplies available authorizations to the prof_attr database and the policy.conf database. (Note that although it is possible to assign authorizations directly to users through user_attr, this practice is discouraged.) The policy.conf file supplies default attributes to be applied to all users on the machine. The label_encodings file supplies label defaults if they are not otherwise specified.

Note -

The exec_attr entries within a profile are searched only in the scope in which that profile is found. The scope ( files, NIS, or NIS+), is specified in the nsswitch.conf file.