Trusted Solaris Developer's Guide

Binary and Hexadecimal Translation

These routines translate a binary CMW label or sensitivity label from binary to hexadecimal and back again. Refer to the btohex(3TSOL) and hextob(3TSOL) man pages.

char h_alloc(const unsigned char id);
void h_free(char *hex); 
char *bcltoh(const bclabel_t *label);
char *bcltoh_r(const bclabel_t *label, char *hex);
int htobcl(const char *hex, bclabel_t *label);
char *bsltoh(const bslabel_t *label);
char *bsltoh_r(const bslabel_t *label, char *hex);
int htobsl(const char *hex, bslabel_t *label);