Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Create a Multilevel Action for the Alternate Mail Application

  1. Assume the Security Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace.

  2. Use the Admin Editor action from the System_Admin folder to bring up the /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dtwm.fp file to edit.

  3. Find the control section for mail shown below.

    CONTROL Mail
      TYPE                  icon
      CONTAINER_NAME        Top
      POSITION_HINTS        5
      ICON                  DTmail
      LABEL                 Mail
      ALTERNATE_ICON        DtMnew
      MONITOR_TYPE          mail
      DROP_ACTION           Compose
      PUSH_ACTION           DTWmail
      PUSH_RECALL           true
      CLIENT_NAME           dtmail
      HELP_TOPIC            FPOnItemMail
      HELP_VOLUME           FPanel
  4. Copy the control text to a file whose name has the .fp extension, for example, mail.fp, and quit the dtwm.fp file.

  5. Bring up the Admin Editor action from the System_Admin folder and open the new mail.fp file for editing.

  6. Change the title of the mail control to OW_Mail.

  7. Change the following variables to the following values:

     ICON          OWmailtool
     LABEL         OW Mail Tool
     PUSH_ACTION    OWmailtool
     CLIENT_NAME   mailtool

    The ICON field identifies the icon of the replacement application.

    The LABEL field changes the icon label that appears with the icon of the replacement application.

    The PUSH_ACTION field identifies the replacement action to be run when the user clicks on the new mail icon. The action name supplied here must be defined in the one of the application search paths. The OWmailtool action shown is defined in sunOW.dt in the /usr/dt/appconfig/types/locale directory.

    The CLIENT_NAME field identifies the executable for the replacement application. The path for CLIENT_NAME must be defined by an EXEC_STRING in the action's definition. For example, the OWmailtool action has EXEC_STRING defined as /usr/openwin/bin/mailtool.

  8. Change DROP_ACTION or leave as shown below.

     DROP_ACTION     Compose

    Other mailers may or may not have a Compose action. For example, OpenWindows mailtool does not. If you leave the DROP_ACTION as Compose, if someone drags mail to the mail icon, a dtmail Compose window will come up. If you remove the DROP_ACTION, nothing happens if mail is dragged to the mail icon.

  9. Leave the rest of the variables unchanged, as shown below.

     TYPE                   icon
     CONTAINER_NAME         Top
     POSITION_HINTS         5
     ALTERNATE_ICON        DtMnew
     MONITOR_TYPE          mail
     PUSH_RECALL           true
     HELP_TOPIC            FPOnItemMail
     HELP_VOLUME           FPanel

    When PUSH_RECALL is true, an application that is launched for a second time uses an existing application window.

  10. Save the changes and quit the file.

  11. Place the mail.fp file, in an accessible directory, such as $HOME/secadmin.

    $ mv mail.fp /home/secadmin/cde_changes/