Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Share a Directory

  1. Assume the System Administrator role in an ADMIN_LOW workspace and invoke the Solaris Management Console.

  2. Under Trusted Solaris Management Console, click this-host: Scope=Files, Policy=TSOL, then Storage. Provide a password when prompted.

  3. Double-click Mounts and Shares, double-click Share, then choose Add Shared Directory from the Action menu.

  4. Enter the file system you want to share.

  5. After adding the directory, modify its attributes by double-clicking it, then modifying its properties.

    Refer to the online help to guide you.

    The following dfstab entry shares a book directory with the nodevices, nopriv, nosuid, and rw options.

    share -F nfs -o nodevices,nopriv,nosuid,rw -d "Books" /spare/books
  6. Click OK when done.

    The tool modifies the dfstab(4) file, runs the shareall(1M) command, and starts the NFS daemon.

  7. To confirm that the file system is shared, enter the share(1M) command with no options.

    $ share
    -               /spare/books   rw   "Books"