Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

Setting Up Printers That do not Support Security Features

PostScript printers are the only types of printers that support labels and other handling information on printer output and on mandatory banner and trailer pages. The following types of printers function correctly, but they do not support page labels or labeled banner and trailer pages.

If desired, the Trusted Solaris computer can be set up to send jobs to a printer connected to or managed by a computer (print server) that is not running Trusted Solaris software. Print servers connected to unlabeled servers can print jobs only at the single label that is specified for the print server in the trusted network databases on the Trusted Solaris computer. Jobs print without labels or trailer pages and without security information on banner pages.

Printing from unlabeled computers to a printer on a Trusted Solaris print server is supported.

Note -

A user submitting a job from a single-label computer to a Trusted Solaris print server cannot cancel that job and cannot remove the job from the print queue. When a user sends a job from a labeled computer, the trusted network provides the UID of the user sending the print request. For unlabeled computers, the UID of the sender of the job is not available, so the UID assigned to the print job does not match that of the submitting user.