Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

Print Job Information on Banner and Trailer Pages

The following figures show a default banner page and the differences in the default trailer page. The names of the various sections are shown because they are needed when configuring what appears.

All the text and the labels and warnings that appear on print jobs are site-configurable. The text can also be replaced with text in another language for localization.

Figure 11-2 Typical Print Job Banner Page


Figure 11-3 Differences on a Trailer Page


The following table shows aspects of trusted printing that the Security Administrator can change by assigning an authorization. For other printing-related authorizations see the Trusted Solaris Administration Overview.

Table 11-2 Modifiable Printing Features

What Can Be Changed 

Authorization Name  

How to Change 

Whether individual users can print jobs without labels on body pages 

Print without Label  

Assign a rights profile with the Print without Label authorization to the user. 

Whether all users can print jobs without labels on body pages 

Print without Label 

Enter AUTHS_GRANTED= solaris.print.unlabeled in policy.conf file.

Whether individual users can print jobs without banner or trailer pages 

Print without Banner 

Assign a rights profile with the Print without Banner authorization to the user. 

Whether all users can print jobs without banner or trailer pages 

Print without Banner  

Security administrator enters Enter AUTHS_GRANTED= solaris.print.nobanner in policy.conf file.

The Security Administrator role can do the following to modify defaults that set labels and handling caveats on printer output:

Note -

For how to do customizations or internationalization, see the comments in the file.