Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

Administering Skeleton Directories

The default skeleton path used by the Users tool in the Solaris Management Console is /etc/skel. By default, a set of initialization files for each of the shells are copied from the /etc/skel directory into a user account's $HOME directory and renamed. The directory /etc/skel/tsol exists for role initialization files. The following example shows the default contents of the directory.

Example 3-3 Contents of the Default /etc/skel Directory

trusted% cd /etc/skel
trusted% ls -R
local.cshrc local.login local.profile tsol/
role.link_files role.profile

In the Trusted Solaris environment, files are automatically copied from the skeleton directory only into the SLD at the account's minimum label. Either the user or the administrator must create the files .copy_files and .link_files as described in "Using .copy_files and .link_files", to ensure that subsequently-created SLDs get copies of initialization files.