Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Enable a User to Track All Others' Jobs

The ability to monitor the cron and at jobs of other users is typically restricted to a role. However, the Security Administrator can assign an authorizations to enable a user to monitor others' jobs.

  1. Assume the Security Administrator role and go to an ADMIN_LOW workspace.

  2. Create a help file for the new right that you are about to create. Name it RtManageJobs.html, and provide it with text.

    For example,

    This right allows users to manage other users' cronjobs and atjobs.
    The user can modify cronjobs and atjobs using the Jobs Scheduler.

    See "To Create a Help File for a Rights Profile" for details of the steps.

  3. Launch the Solaris Management Console, and choose a toolbox in the appropriate scope. If you are using a name service, open the toolbox in the name service scope.

  4. Click the Users tool and supply a password when prompted.

  5. Double-click the Rights tool, and create a Custom_Manage_Jobs rights profile that contains the Manage All Jobs authorization.

    The Manage All Jobs authorization allows the account to add, modify or delete any user's job and to modify cron policies in the Job Scheduler tool of the SMC.

    See "To Create a Rights Profile" for the steps. Substitute the names and help text for your new profile in the procedure.

  6. Assign the right to the user by following the steps in "To Assign an Authorization to a User".