Trusted Solaris Audit Administration

To Warn of Audit Trouble

  1. As role admin, at label admin_low, create a mail alias to warn of audit trouble.

    1. If you are running a name service, on the master server of the name service, launch the Solaris Management Console from the Application Manager.

    2. Choose the toolbox that your site uses for administration, and select the Users node.

    3. Double-click the Mailing Lists node.

    4. From the Action menu, choose Add mailing list.

  2. Create an alias called audit_warn for notifying its members of audit trouble.

    For example, this audit_warn alias emails the security administrator and the system administrator when the auditing subsystem needs attention.

    Mailing List Name: audit_warn
    Mailing List Recipients: secadmin@grebe,admin@grebe