Trusted Solaris Label Administration

Printing Procedures


Note -

See "Specifying Printer Banners", if necessary, before you start. Plan what printer banners you want to associate with any of the words defined in the SENSITIVITY LABELS section of the label_encodings file, using Table 3-2.

  1. Open the label_encodings file for editing as described in "To Modify the label_encodings File" of Chapter 2, Creating or Modifying the Encodings File.

  2. Find the PRINTER BANNERS section of the file.

  3. Enter any prefixes or suffixes to associate with the WORDS in the printer banner line(s) of banner/trailer pages.

    name= ORCON;                    prefix;
  4. Enter the names of words to associate with any already-defined compartments in sensitivity labels, and specify any defined prefixes or suffixes as desired.

    name= (FULL SB NAME);                                   compartments= 3
    name= (FULL SA NAME);                                   compartments= 2

To Configure CHANNELS

Note -

See "Specifying CHANNELS", if necessary, before you start. Plan what channels line you want to associate with any of the words defined in the SENSITIVITY LABELS section of the label_encodings file, using Table 3-3.

  1. Open the label_encodings file for editing as described in "To Modify the label_encodings File" of Chapter 2, Creating or Modifying the Encodings File.

  2. Find the CHANNELS section of the file.

  3. Enter any prefixes or suffixes to associate with the WORDS in the CHANNELS line(s) of banner/trailer pages.

    name= CHANNELS JOINTLY;         suffix;
    name= CHANNELS ONLY;            suffix;
    name= HANDLE VIA;               prefix;
  4. Enter the names of words to associate with any already-defined compartments in sensitivity labels, and specify any defined prefixes or suffixes as desired.

    name= (CH C);   prefix= HANDLE VIA; suffix= CHANNELS JOINTLY;
    compartments= 6;
    name= (CH B);   prefix= HANDLE VIA; suffix= CHANNELS JOINTLY;
    compartments= 1;
    name= (CH A);   prefix= HANDLE VIA; suffix= CHANNELS JOINTLY;
    compartments= 0;