Trusted Solaris Label Administration
 security administrator role
  background on labels ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 security policy
  setting minimum protect as ( Index Term Link )
  site-specific ( Index Term Link )
  described ( Index Term Link )
  label_encodings example ( Index Term Link )
 session clearances
  choosing a single SL ( Index Term Link )
  restricting the upper bound below the user's clearance ( Index Term Link )
  restricting to a single SL ( Index Term Link )
 session range, defined ( Index Term Link )
  duration of label restrictions chosen at login ( Index Term Link )
  restricting to a single SL ( Index Term Link )
 single-label systems ( Index Term Link )
 single SL sessions ( Index Term Link )
  analysis example ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  implementation example ( Index Term Link )
  length of components ( Index Term Link )
  site implementation example ( Index Term Link )
  specifying colors ( Index Term Link )
 sname=, classification keyword ( Index Term Link )
 strict dominance ( Index Term Link )
 Style Manager, changing session characteristics ( Index Term Link )
 system accreditation range
  administrative labels
   in the system accreditation range ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 system file, labels-related kernel switch settings ( Index Term Link )