man pages section 1M: Maintenance Commands
 accept -- accept print requests ( Index Term Link )
 adminvi -- edit text with restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 add a new device driver to the system -- add_drv ( Index Term Link )
 add_allocatable, add entries to allocation databases ( Index Term Link )
 add_drv -- add a new device driver to the system ( Index Term Link )
 Address resolution display and control -- arp ( Index Term Link )
 arp -- address resolution display and control ( Index Term Link )
 atohexlabel -- convert a character-coded label to its hexadecimal equivalent ( Index Term Link )
 audit -- maintain audit trail ( Index Term Link )
 audit record, create -- writeaudit ( Index Term Link )
 audit records, select or merge from audit trail files -- auditreduce ( Index Term Link )
 audit_startup shell script ( Index Term Link )
 audit statistics report -- auditstat ( Index Term Link )
 audit trail file, select records from -- auditreduce ( Index Term Link )
 audit_warn -- audit daemon warning script ( Index Term Link )
 auditconfig -- get and set kernel audit parameters ( Index Term Link )
 auditd -- audit daemon ( Index Term Link )
 auditing commands
  -- audit ( Index Term Link )
  -- audit_startup ( Index Term Link )
  -- audit_warn ( Index Term Link )
  -- auditconfig ( Index Term Link )
  -- auditd ( Index Term Link )
  -- auditreduce ( Index Term Link )
  -- auditstat ( Index Term Link )
  -- praudit ( Index Term Link )
 auditreduce -- select or merge audit records from audit trail files ( Index Term Link )
 auditstat -- display kernel audit statistics ( Index Term Link )
  automatically mount file systems -- automount ( Index Term Link )
  mount/unmount request server -- automountd ( Index Term Link )
 automount -- automatically mount file systems ( Index Term Link )
 automountd -- autofs mount/unmount request server ( Index Term Link )
 autopush -- configures lists of automatically pushed STREAMS modules ( Index Term Link )
 boot parameter server -- rpc.bootparamd ( Index Term Link )
 broadcast message, write to all users over a network -- rwall ( Index Term Link )
  managing -- rmmount ( Index Term Link )
  mounting -- rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 change processor operational status -- psradm ( Index Term Link )
 chk_encodings -- check label encodings file syntax ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 chroot -- change root directory for a command ( Index Term Link )
 CIM Boot Manager, starting ( Index Term Link )
 CIM Object Manager, stopping ( Index Term Link )
 configure device policy -- devpolicy ( Index Term Link )
 configure system wide IPsec policy -- ipsecconf ( Index Term Link )
 control and query bindings of processes to processors -- pbind ( Index Term Link )
 convert a character-coded label to its hexadecimal equivalent -- atohexlabel ( Index Term Link )
 convert a hexadecimal label to its character-coded equivalent -- hextoalabel ( Index Term Link )
 core file administration -- coreadm ( Index Term Link )
 coreadm -- core file administration ( Index Term Link )
 create audit record -- writeaudit ( Index Term Link )
 cron -- clock daemon ( Index Term Link )
  clock daemon -- cron ( Index Term Link )
  Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol -- in.tftpd ( Index Term Link )
  network router discovery daemon -- in.rdisc ( Index Term Link )
  network status monitor -- statd ( Index Term Link )
  NFS -- nfsd ( Index Term Link )
  NIS+ service -- rpc.nisd ( Index Term Link )
  remote shell server -- in.rshd ( Index Term Link )
  server which returns peer process information -- rpc.sprayd ( Index Term Link )
 date, set system date from a remote host -- rdate ( Index Term Link )
 devfsadm -- administer /dev and /devices ( Index Term Link )
 devfsadmd -- devfsadm daemon ( Index Term Link )
 device_clean -- device clean programs ( Index Term Link )
 device_maps, display entries -- dminfo ( Index Term Link )
  add to allocation databases -- add_allocatable ( Index Term Link )
 /devices directory
  administer -- devfsadm ( Index Term Link )
  display access control entries from device_maps ( Index Term Link )
  remove a device driver from the system -- rem_drv ( Index Term Link )
  remove from allocation databases-- remove_allocatable ( Index Term Link )
 /devices directory
  configure -- drvconfig ( Index Term Link )
 devpolicy -- configure device policy ( Index Term Link )
 dfmounts -- displays information on resources shared through DFS ( Index Term Link )
  display information on resources shared -- dfmounts ( Index Term Link )
  list available resources from remote or local systems -- dfshares ( Index Term Link )
 dfshares -- list available resources from remote or local systems ( Index Term Link )
 disk usage, summary -- du ( Index Term Link )
 disks, partitioning and maintenance utility -- format ( Index Term Link )
 dispadmin -- process scheduler administration ( Index Term Link )
  file system security attributes -- getfsattr ( Index Term Link )
  system configuration information -- prtconf ( Index Term Link )
 display file system security attributes -- getfsattr ( Index Term Link )
 Distributed File System -- see DFS ( Index Term Link )
 dl_booting -- inform the kernel that a machine is in the state of disklessly booting ( Index Term Link )
 dl_restore -- inform the kernel that a machine is in the normal state ( Index Term Link )
 dminfo -- display device_maps entries ( Index Term Link )
 drvconfig -- configure /devices ( Index Term Link )
 du -- summarize disk usage ( Index Term Link )
 EEPROM display and load program -- eeprom ( Index Term Link )
 file system
  change the dynamic parameters -- setfsattr ( Index Term Link )
  loopback -- mount ( Index Term Link )
  mount -- mountall ( Index Term Link )
  mount file systems and remote resources -- mount ( Index Term Link )
  mount ufs -- mount_ufs ( Index Term Link )
  report processes using file or file structure -- fuser ( Index Term Link )
  share multiple resources -- shareall ( Index Term Link )
  unmount -- umount ( Index Term Link )
  unmount -- umountall ( Index Term Link )
  unshare multiple resources -- unshareall ( Index Term Link )
 File Transfer Protocol, server -- in.ftpd ( Index Term Link )
  managing -- rmmount ( Index Term Link )
  mounting -- rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 format -- disk partitioning and maintenance utility ( Index Term Link )
 fsdb_ufs -- ufs file system debugger ( Index Term Link )
  Commands ( Index Term Link )
  Expressions ( Index Term Link )
  Formatted Output ( Index Term Link )
  Inode Commands ( Index Term Link )
 FTP, daemon on remote host -- in.ftpd ( Index Term Link )
 fuser -- identify processes using file or file structure ( Index Term Link )
 getfsattr -- display file system security attributes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 halt -- stop the processor ( Index Term Link )
 hextoalabel -- convert a hexadecimal label to its character-coded equivalent ( Index Term Link )
 hsfs, mount -- mount_hsfs ( Index Term Link )
 ICMP, router discovery daemon -- in.rdisc ( Index Term Link )
 ifconfig -- configure network interface parameters ( Index Term Link )
 in.ftpd -- File Transfer Protocol daemon on remote host ( Index Term Link )
 in.named -- internet domain name server ( Index Term Link )
 in.rarpd -- Reverse Address Resolution Protocol Server ( Index Term Link )
 in.rdisc -- ICMP router discovery daemon ( Index Term Link )
 in.rexecd -- remote execution server ( Index Term Link )
 rexecd -- remote execution server ( Index Term Link )
 in.rlogind -- remote login server ( Index Term Link )
 in.routed -- network routing daemon ( Index Term Link )
 in.tftpd -- Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol server ( Index Term Link )
 inetd -- Internet services daemon ( Index Term Link )
 init -- process control initialization ( Index Term Link )
  /etc/defaults/init file ( Index Term Link )
  init and System Booting ( Index Term Link )
  inittab Additions ( Index Term Link )
  Run Level Changes ( Index Term Link )
  Run Level Defined ( Index Term Link )
  telinit ( Index Term Link )
 init.wbem -- start/stop CIM Boot Manager ( Index Term Link )
 install -- install commands ( Index Term Link )
  File Transfer Protocol daemon on remote host -- in.ftpd ( Index Term Link )
  ICMP router discovery daemon -- in.rdisc ( Index Term Link )
  network routing daemon -- in.routed ( Index Term Link )
  query domain name servers -- nslookup ( Index Term Link )
  RARP server -- in.rarpd ( Index Term Link )
  services daemon -- inetd ( Index Term Link )
  Trivial File Transfer Protocol server -- in.tftpd ( Index Term Link )
 Internet Control Message Protocol, -- in.rdisc ( Index Term Link )
 Internet Protocol, to Ethernet addresses -- arp ( Index Term Link )
 ipsecconf -- configure system wide IPsec policy ( Index Term Link )
 ipseckey -- manually manipulate an IPsec Security Association Database (SABD) ( Index Term Link )
  load a module -- modload ( Index Term Link )
  unload a module -- modunload ( Index Term Link )
 lockd -- network lock daemon ( Index Term Link )
 loopback file system, mount file systems and remote resources -- mount ( Index Term Link )
 LP print services
  administer filters -- lpfilter ( Index Term Link )
  administer forms -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  configure -- lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  register remote systems -- lpsystem ( Index Term Link )
  set printing queue priorities -- lpusers ( Index Term Link )
 lpadmin -- configure LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpfilter -- administer filters used with LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpforms -- administer forms used with LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpforms -- administer forms used with the LP print service
  Adding or Changing a Form ( Index Term Link )
  Allowing and Denying Access to a Form ( Index Term Link )
 lpforms -- administer forms used with the, Deleting a Form ( Index Term Link )
 lpforms -- administer forms used with the LP print service
  Listing Form Attributes ( Index Term Link )
  Listing the Current Alert ( Index Term Link )
  Removing an Alert Definition ( Index Term Link )
  Setting an Alert to Mount a Form ( Index Term Link )
  Terminating an Active Alert ( Index Term Link )
 lpmove -- moves print requests that are queued ( Index Term Link )
 lpsched -- start the LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpshut -- stop the LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpsystem -- register remote systems with LP print service ( Index Term Link )
 lpusers -- set printing queue priorities ( Index Term Link )
 mail delivery server -- sendmail ( Index Term Link )
 make device_allocate and device_maps entries -- mkdevdb ( Index Term Link )
 make local NFS file systems available for mounting by remote systems -- share_nfs ( Index Term Link )
 manage bulk operations on user accounts -- smmultiuser ( Index Term Link )
 manage email alias entries -- smmaillist ( Index Term Link )
 manage entries in the exec_attr database -- smexec ( Index Term Link )
 manage entries in the hosts database -- smhost ( Index Term Link )
 manage entries in the interface database -- smnetidb ( Index Term Link )
 manage entries in the network template database -- smnettmpl ( Index Term Link )
 manage entries in the networks database -- smnetwork ( Index Term Link )
 manage group entries -- smgroup ( Index Term Link )
 manage jobs in the crontab database -- smcron ( Index Term Link )
 manage profiles in the prof_attr and exec_attr databases -- smprofile ( Index Term Link )
 manage roles and users in role accounts -- smrole ( Index Term Link )
 manage user entries -- smuser ( Index Term Link )
 manually manipulate an IPsec Security Association Database (SABD) -- ipseckey ( Index Term Link )
 mkdevalloc -- make device_allocate entries ( Index Term Link )
 mkdevdb -- make device_allocate and device_maps entries ( Index Term Link )
 mkdevmaps -- make device_maps entries ( Index Term Link )
 modload -- load a kernel module ( Index Term Link )
 modunload -- unload a kernel module ( Index Term Link )
 mount -- mount file systems and remote resources ( Index Term Link )
 mount -- mount security attributes ( Index Term Link )
 mount, show all remote mounts -- showmount ( Index Term Link )
 mount_hsfs -- mount hsfs file systems ( Index Term Link )
 mount hsfs file systems -- mount_hsfs ( Index Term Link )
 mount_nfs -- mount remote NFS resources ( Index Term Link )
 mount_pcfs -- mount pcfs file systems ( Index Term Link )
 mount pcfs file systems -- mount_pcfs ( Index Term Link )
 mount_tmpfs -- mount tmpfs ( Index Term Link )
 mount_ufs -- mount ufs ( Index Term Link )
 mountall -- mount multiple filesystems ( Index Term Link )
 mountd -- NFS mount request server ( Index Term Link )
 name service cache daemon -- nscd ( Index Term Link )
 named -- internet domain name server ( Index Term Link )
 ndd -- get and set driver configuration parameters ( Index Term Link )
 netstat -- display network status ( Index Term Link )
  Active Sockets (First Form) ( Index Term Link )
  DHCP Interface Information (Seventh Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Extended Metric Routing Table (Fifth Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Interface Status (Third Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Multicast Routing Tables (Sixth Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Network Data Structures (Second Form) ( Index Term Link )
  Routing Table (Fourth Form) ( Index Term Link )
  TCP Sockets ( Index Term Link )
 network routing daemon -- in.routed ( Index Term Link )
 network, lock daemon -- lockd ( Index Term Link )
 network interface parameters, configure -- ifconfig ( Index Term Link )
 network packets capture and inspection -- snoop ( Index Term Link )
 network status, display -- netstat ( Index Term Link )
 newsecfs -- set security attributes on a newly created file system ( Index Term Link )
  crash and recovery functions for locking services -- statd ( Index Term Link )
  daemon -- nfsd ( Index Term Link )
  display statistics -- nfsstat ( Index Term Link )
  make local NFS filesystem unavailable for mounting by remote systems -- unshare_nfs ( Index Term Link )
  mount -- mount_nfs ( Index Term Link )
  mount request server -- mountd ( Index Term Link )
 nfsd -- NFS daemon ( Index Term Link )
 nfsstat -- display NFS statistics ( Index Term Link )
  binder process -- ypbind ( Index Term Link )
  transfer NIS map from a NIS server to host -- ypxfr ( Index Term Link )
  initialize a domain to store system administration information-- nissetup ( Index Term Link )
  nissetup -- initialize a NIS+ domain to serve clients ( Index Term Link )
  service daemon -- rpc.nisd ( Index Term Link )
  utility to cache location information about NIS+ servers -- nis_cachemgr ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ credentials for NIS+ principals, initialize -- nisclient ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ password update daemon
  -- nispasswdd ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpc.nispasswdd ( Index Term Link )
 nis_cachemgr -- NIS+ utility to cache location information about NIS+ servers ( Index Term Link )
 NIS server and binder processes
  -- ypserv ( Index Term Link )
  -- ypxfrd ( Index Term Link )
 nisclient -- initialize NIS+ credentials for NIS+ principals ( Index Term Link )
 nispasswdd -- NIS+ password update daemon ( Index Term Link )
 nispopulate -- populate the NIS+ tables in a NIS+ domain ( Index Term Link )
 nissetup -- initialize a domain to serve clients ( Index Term Link )
 nscd -- name service cache daemon ( Index Term Link )
 nslookup -- query Internet domain name servers ( Index Term Link )
 output system definition, display current -- sysdef ( Index Term Link )
 override privilege ( Index Term Link )
 pbind -- control and query bindings of processes to processors ( Index Term Link )
  Binding processes ( Index Term Link )
  Querying Bindings ( Index Term Link )
  Unbinding a process ( Index Term Link )
 pcfs, mount -- mount_pcfs ( Index Term Link )
 pkgchk -- check package installation accuracy ( Index Term Link )
 populate the NIS+ tables in a NIS+ domain -- nispopulate ( Index Term Link )
 poweroff -- stop the processor ( Index Term Link )
 praudit -- display audit trail ( Index Term Link )
 print queue, accept or reject requests -- accept, reject ( Index Term Link )
 print requests, accept or reject -- accept, reject ( Index Term Link )
 print service, LP -- lpmove ( Index Term Link )
 printer filters
  add and change -- lpfilter ( Index Term Link )
  list attributes -- lpfilter ( Index Term Link )
  remove -- lpfilter ( Index Term Link )
 printer forms
  add or change -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  delete -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  list attributes -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  listing the current alert -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  provide access -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  removing an alert definition -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  setting an alert to mount a form -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  terminating an active alert -- lpforms ( Index Term Link )
  add and change printers -- lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  define alerts for printer faults -- lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  mount printer wheels -- lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  remove printers -- lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  set or change system default destination -- lpadmin ( Index Term Link )
  setting priorities -- lpusers ( Index Term Link )
  override ( Index Term Link )
  required ( Index Term Link )
 process scheduler, administration -- dispadmin ( Index Term Link )
  initialization -- init ( Index Term Link )
  using file or file structure -- fuser ( Index Term Link )
 programming tools, install -- install commands ( Index Term Link )
 PROM monitor program, display and load program -- eeprom ( Index Term Link )
 prtconf -- print system configuration information ( Index Term Link )
 psradm -- change processor operational status ( Index Term Link )
 quick halt -- halt ( Index Term Link )
 RARP, server -- in.rarpd ( Index Term Link )
 rarpd -- DARPA Reverse Address Resolution Protocol server ( Index Term Link )
 rdate -- set system date from a remote host ( Index Term Link )
 rdisc -- network router discovery daemon ( Index Term Link )
 reboot -- restart the operating system ( Index Term Link )
 reject -- reject print requests ( Index Term Link )
 rem_drv -- remove a device driver from the system ( Index Term Link )
 remote execution server -- in.rexecd ( Index Term Link )
 remote execution server -- rexecd ( Index Term Link )
 remote login server -- in.rlogind ( Index Term Link )
  rlogind ( Index Term Link )
 remote resources
  mount or unmount -- mount ( Index Term Link )
  mount NFS -- mount_nfs ( Index Term Link )
 remote system
  make local resource unavailable for mounting -- unshare ( Index Term Link )
  register with LP print service -- lpsystem ( Index Term Link )
  set system date -- rdate ( Index Term Link )
  shell server -- in.rshd ( Index Term Link )
 removable media mounter for CD-ROM and floppy -- rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 remove_allocatable, remove entries to allocation databases ( Index Term Link )
 required privilege ( Index Term Link )
 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol, -- in.rarpd ( Index Term Link )
 rlogind -- remote login server ( Index Term Link )
 rmmount -- removable media mounter for CD-ROM and floppy ( Index Term Link )
 root directory, change for a command -- chroot ( Index Term Link )
 route -- manually manipulate routing tables ( Index Term Link )
 routed -- network routing daemon ( Index Term Link )
  NIS+ service daemon -- rpc.nisd ( Index Term Link )
  program number to universal addresses mapping -- rpcbind ( Index Term Link )
  report information -- rpcinfo ( Index Term Link )
  sends one-way stream of packets to host -- spray ( Index Term Link )
  server, autofs mount/unmount requests -- automountd ( Index Term Link )
  server, NFS mount requests -- mountd ( Index Term Link )
  server which returns peer process information -- rpc.sprayd ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.bootparamd -- boot parameter server ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.getpeerinfod -- Obtain peer process information ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.nisd -- NIS+ service daemon ( Index Term Link )
  rpc.nisd_resolv ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.nispasswdd -- NIS+ password update daemon ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.tbootparamd -- Trusted Solaris boot parameter server ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.ypupdated -- server for changing NIS information ( Index Term Link )
 rpcbind -- converts RPC program numbers to universal addresses ( Index Term Link )
 rpcinfo -- report RPC information ( Index Term Link )
 runpd, run a command for privilege debugging ( Index Term Link )
 rwall -- write to all users over a network ( Index Term Link )
 scheduler, process, administration -- dispadmin ( Index Term Link )
 sendmail -- mail delivery system ( Index Term Link )
 server for changing NIS information
  -- rpc.ypupdated ( Index Term Link )
  -- ypupdated ( Index Term Link )
  automountd -- mount/unmount request server ( Index Term Link )
  in.rexecd -- remote execution server ( Index Term Link )
  inetd -- Internet services daemon ( Index Term Link )
  mountd -- mount request server ( Index Term Link )
  RARP server -- in.rarpd ( Index Term Link )
  yppasswdd -- NIS password server ( Index Term Link )
 servers, NIS+, location information -- nis_cachemgr ( Index Term Link )
 setaudit -- run a command with the audit mask set ( Index Term Link )
 setfsattr -- tune up an existing file system ( Index Term Link )
 setuname -- changes machine information ( Index Term Link )
 share -- make local resource available for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 share_nfs -- make local NFS file system available for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 shareall -- make multiple resources available for mounting ( Index Term Link )
 shell, remote shell server -- in.rshd ( Index Term Link )
 showmount -- display remote mounts ( Index Term Link )
 smc -- start the Solaris Management Console (SMC) ( Index Term Link )
 smcron -- manage jobs in the crontab database ( Index Term Link )
 smexec -- manage entries in the exec_attr database ( Index Term Link )
 smgroup -- manage group entries ( Index Term Link )
 smhost -- manage entries in the hosts database ( Index Term Link )
 smmaillist -- manage email alias entries ( Index Term Link )
 smmultiuser -- manage bulk operations on user accounts ( Index Term Link )
 smnetidb -- manage entries in the hosts database ( Index Term Link )
 smnettmpl -- manage entries in the network template database ( Index Term Link )
 smnetwork -- manage entries in the networks database ( Index Term Link )
 smprofile -- manage profiles in the prof_attr and exec_attr databases ( Index Term Link )
 smrole -- manage roles and users in role accounts ( Index Term Link )
 smuser -- manage user entries ( Index Term Link )
 snoop -- capture and inspect network packets ( Index Term Link )
 software package, check installation accuracy -- pkgchk ( Index Term Link )
 spray -- sends one-way stream of packets to host ( Index Term Link )
 start the LP print service -- lpsched ( Index Term Link )
 start the Solaris Management Console (SMC) -- smc ( Index Term Link )
 statd -- network status monitor ( Index Term Link )
  audit -- auditstat ( Index Term Link )
  NFS, display -- nfsstat ( Index Term Link )
 stop the processor -- halt ( Index Term Link )
 stop the processor -- poweroff, poweroff ( Index Term Link )
 stop the LP print service -- lpshut ( Index Term Link )
 STREAMS, automatically pushed modules -- autopush ( Index Term Link )
 su -- become a non-role user ( Index Term Link )
 super user command -- su ( Index Term Link )
 swap -- administer the system swap areas ( Index Term Link )
 sysdef -- displays current system definition ( Index Term Link )
 sysh -- system shell ( Index Term Link )
 system administration
  control for basic administrative functions -- uadmin ( Index Term Link )
  install commands -- install ( Index Term Link )
 system configuration, print information -- prtconf ( Index Term Link )
 system definition, display current -- sysdef ( Index Term Link )
 system parameters, change value -- setuname ( Index Term Link )
 system shutdown, -- halt ( Index Term Link )
 tbootparam -- send a request to rpc.tbootparamd to inform it that a host is in normal (labeled) state now ( Index Term Link )
 TCP/IP, File Transfer Protocol daemon on remote host -- in.ftpd ( Index Term Link )
 telinit -- process control initialization ( Index Term Link )
 tftpd -- Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol server ( Index Term Link )
 timed event services, daemon for cron -- cron ( Index Term Link )
 tmpfs, mount -- mount_tmpfs ( Index Term Link )
 tnchkdb -- check file syntax of trusted network databases ( Index Term Link )
 tnctl -- configure Trusted Solaris network-daemon control parameters ( Index Term Link )
 tnd -- Trusted network daemon ( Index Term Link )
 tninfo -- print information and statistics about kernel-level network ( Index Term Link )
 tokmapctl -- configure token-mapping daemon ( Index Term Link )
 tokmapd -- token-mapping daemon ( Index Term Link )
 traceroute -- print the route packets take to network host ( Index Term Link )
 uadmin -- administrative control ( Index Term Link )
 ufs, mount -- mount_ufs ( Index Term Link )
 ufs file system debugger -- fsdb_ufs ( Index Term Link )
 umount -- unmount file systems and remote resources ( Index Term Link )
 umountall -- unmount multiple file systems ( Index Term Link )
 unshare -- make local resource unavailable for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 unshare_nfs -- make local NFS filesystem unavailable for mounting by remote systems ( Index Term Link )
 unshareall -- make multiple resources unavailable for mounting ( Index Term Link )
 updatehome -- update the home directory copy and link files for the current label ( Index Term Link )
 user IDs, become a non-role user -- su ( Index Term Link )
 Volume Management, removable media mounter -- rmmount ( Index Term Link )
 writeaudit -- write an audit record ( Index Term Link )
 ypbind -- NIS binder process ( Index Term Link )
 ypserv -- NIS server and binder processes ( Index Term Link )
  ypserv ( Index Term Link )
 ypupdated -- server for changing NIS information ( Index Term Link )
 ypxfr -- transfer NIS map from a NIS server to host ( Index Term Link )
 ypxfrd -- NIS server and binder processes ( Index Term Link )
 yppasswdd -- NIS password server ( Index Term Link )