Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 Transition Guide


The Trusted Solaris 8 environment protects the label_encodings(4) at the label admin_high. The default user label and clearance are defined in the label_encodings file.

The Label Builder used by administrators is now Java-based and accessed through the Solaris Management Console. The label builder that is accessed outside the Solaris Management Console is different. The users' label builder is the Motif label builder that was shipped with the Trusted Solaris 7 software.

In the Trusted Solaris 8 environment, the label attributes assigned to commands and actions in a profile no longer represent the restricted label range for execution. Instead, the attributes set the label and clearance of the process that is running the command. The attributes that are set are independent of the label of the original profile shell. This is a change to the profile shell from the Trusted Solaris 7 release. The behavior matches the way the system shell has always worked.