man pages section 2: System Calls
 access — determine accessibility of a file ( Index Term Link )
 Access Control List ( Index Term Link )
 access permission mode of file, change — chmod ( Index Term Link )
 accounting, enable or disable process accounting — acct ( Index Term Link )
 accreditation range ( Index Term Link )
 acct — enable or disable process accounting ( Index Term Link )
 acl — get or set a file's Access Control List (ACL) ( Index Term Link )
 ACL ( Index Term Link )
 ACL Mask ( Index Term Link )
 adjtime — correct the time to allow synchronization of the system clock ( Index Term Link )
 audit — write an audit record ( Index Term Link )
 auditon — manipulate auditing ( Index Term Link )
 auditsvc — write audit log to specified file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 bind LWPs to a processor — processor_bind ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  CMW label of file — setcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
  view of a host state between labeled and unlabeled — chstate ( Index Term Link )
 chdir — change working directory ( Index Term Link )
 chmod — change access permission mode of file ( Index Term Link )
 chown — change owner and group of a file ( Index Term Link )
 chroot — change root directory ( Index Term Link )
 chstate — change the view of a host state between labeled and unlabeled ( Index Term Link )
 classification ( Index Term Link )
 clearance ( Index Term Link )
 CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 CMW label of file
  — fgetcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
  — getcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
  — lgetcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
 compartment ( Index Term Link )
 creat — create a new file or rewrite an existing one ( Index Term Link )
 create a new process — fork ( Index Term Link )
  fork1 ( Index Term Link )
 DAC ( Index Term Link )
 determine accessibility of a file — access ( Index Term Link )
 device objects ( Index Term Link )
 devpolicy — get/set device driver policy table ( Index Term Link )
  change working directory — chdir ( Index Term Link )
  create a new one — mknod ( Index Term Link )
  get configurable pathname variables — pathconf ( Index Term Link )
  make a new one — mkdir ( Index Term Link )
  read directory entries and put in a file system independent format — getdents ( Index Term Link )
  remove — rmdir ( Index Term Link )
 discretionary access control ( Index Term Link )
 disjoint ( Index Term Link )
 dominance ( Index Term Link )
 dominate ( Index Term Link )
 effective group ID, set — setregid ( Index Term Link )
 effective user IDs, set — setreuid ( Index Term Link )
 exec — execute a file ( Index Term Link )
 execl — execute a file ( Index Term Link )
 execle — execute a file ( Index Term Link )
 execlp — execute a file ( Index Term Link )
 execv — execute a file ( Index Term Link )
 execve — execute a file ( Index Term Link )
 execvp — execute a file ( Index Term Link )
 facl — get or set a file's Access Control List (ACL) ( Index Term Link )
 fchdir — change working directory ( Index Term Link )
 fchmod — change access permission mode of file ( Index Term Link )
 fchown — change owner and group of a file ( Index Term Link )
 fcntl — file control ( Index Term Link )
 fgetcmwfsrange — get file system sensitivity label range ( Index Term Link )
 fgetcmwlabel — get file CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 fgetfattrflag — get the security attribute flags of a file ( Index Term Link )
 fgetfpriv — return a privilege set associated with a file ( Index Term Link )
 fgetfsattr — get file system security attributes ( Index Term Link )
 fgetmldadorn — get file system MLD adornment ( Index Term Link )
 fgetsldname — obtain file system SLD name ( Index Term Link )
 file access ( Index Term Link )
 file control — fcntl ( Index Term Link )
 file label
  fgetcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
  getcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
  lgetcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
 file pointer, read/write
  move — lseek ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 file privilege sets ( Index Term Link )
 file status, get — stat, lstat, fstat ( Index Term Link )
 file system
  get information — statvfs, fstatvfs ( Index Term Link )
  make a symbolic link to a file — symlink ( Index Term Link )
  MLD adornment — fgetmldadorn, getmldadorn ( Index Term Link )
  remove link — unlink ( Index Term Link )
  security attributes — fgetfsattr, getfsattr ( Index Term Link )
  sensitivity label range — fgetcmwfsrange, getcmwfsrange ( Index Term Link )
  set label — fsetcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
  set label — lsetcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
  set label— setcmwlabel ( Index Term Link )
  SLD name — fgetsldname, getsldname ( Index Term Link )
  unmount — umount ( Index Term Link )
 file system objects ( Index Term Link )
  change access permission mode of file — chmod ( Index Term Link )
  change owner and group of a file — chown ( Index Term Link )
  change the name of a file — rename ( Index Term Link )
  create a new file or rewrite an existing one — creat ( Index Term Link )
  execute — exec ( Index Term Link )
  get configurable pathname variables — pathconf ( Index Term Link )
  link to a file — link ( Index Term Link )
  move read/write file pointer — lseek ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  set security flags of a file — setfattrflag ( Index Term Link )
 fork — create a new process ( Index Term Link )
 fork, spawn new process in a virtual memory efficient way — vfork ( Index Term Link )
 fork1 — create a new process ( Index Term Link )
 fpathconf — get configurable pathname variables ( Index Term Link )
 fsetcmwlabel — set CMW label of a file ( Index Term Link )
 fsetfattrflag — set security flags of a file ( Index Term Link )
 fsetfpriv — set a privilege set associated with a file ( Index Term Link )
 fstat — get status on open file known by file descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 fstatvfs — get file system information ( Index Term Link )
 get and set process limits — ulimit ( Index Term Link )
 get or change processor operational status — p_online ( Index Term Link )
 get or set a file's Access Control List (ACL)
  — acl ( Index Term Link )
  — facl ( Index Term Link )
 get security configuration information — secconf ( Index Term Link )
 getaudit — get process audit information ( Index Term Link )
 getclearance — obtain process clearance ( Index Term Link )
 getcmwfsrange — get file system sensitivity label range ( Index Term Link )
 getcmwlabel — get file CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 getcmwplabel — get process CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 getdents — read directory entries and put in a file system independent format ( Index Term Link )
 getfattrflag — get the security attribute flags of a file ( Index Term Link )
 getfpriv — return a privilege set associated with a file ( Index Term Link )
 getfsattr — get file system security attributes ( Index Term Link )
 getgroups — get supplementary group access list IDs ( Index Term Link )
 getmldadorn — get file system MLD adornment ( Index Term Link )
 getmsgqcmwlabel — get the CMW labels associated with System V IPC structures ( Index Term Link )
 getpattr — get process attribute flags ( Index Term Link )
 getpgid — get process group IDs ( Index Term Link )
 getpgrp — get process group IDs ( Index Term Link )
 getpid — get process IDs ( Index Term Link )
 getppid — get parent process IDs ( Index Term Link )
 getppriv — return a privilege set associated with the invoking process ( Index Term Link )
 getrlimit — control maximum system resource consumption ( Index Term Link )
 getsemcmwlabel — get the CMW labels associated with System V IPC structures ( Index Term Link )
 getshmcmwlabel — get the CMW labels associated with System V IPC structures ( Index Term Link )
 getsid — get session ID ( Index Term Link )
 getsldname — get file system SLD name ( Index Term Link )
 group ID, set real and effective — setregid ( Index Term Link )
 group IDs
  set — setgid ( Index Term Link )
  supplementary group access list IDs — getgroups, setgroups ( Index Term Link )
 halt system — uadmin ( Index Term Link )
 I/O, audit — audit ( Index Term Link )
 inheritable privileges ( Index Term Link )
 kill — send a signal to a process or a group of processes ( Index Term Link )
 label ( Index Term Link )
 label range ( Index Term Link )
 label translation flags ( Index Term Link )
 label view flags ( Index Term Link )
 lchown — change owner and group of a file ( Index Term Link )
 lgetcmwlabel — get file CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 link — link to a file ( Index Term Link )
 link, remove — unlink ( Index Term Link )
 link, symbolic, make one to a file — symlink ( Index Term Link )
 lseek — move extended read/write file pointer ( Index Term Link )
 llseek — move extended read/write file pointer ( Index Term Link )
 lseek — move read/write file pointer ( Index Term Link )
 lsetcmwlabel — set CMW label of a file ( Index Term Link )
 lstat — get status on symbolic link file ( Index Term Link )
 LWP, scheduler control — priocntl ( Index Term Link )
 MAC ( Index Term Link )
 make a directory, or a special or ordinary file — mknod ( Index Term Link )
 mandatory access control ( Index Term Link )
 manipulate auditing — auditon ( Index Term Link )
 memory, shared
  control operations — shmctl ( Index Term Link )
  get segment identifier — shmget ( Index Term Link )
  operations — shmop ( Index Term Link )
 message control operations, — msgctl ( Index Term Link )
 message queue
  get — msgget ( Index Term Link )
  get — msggetl ( Index Term Link )
 message receive operation — msgrcv ( Index Term Link )
 message send operation — msgsnd ( Index Term Link )
 mkdir — make a directory ( Index Term Link )
 mknod — make a directory, or a special or ordinary file ( Index Term Link )
 MLD ( Index Term Link )
 MLD adornment of file system, fgetmldadorn, getmldadorn ( Index Term Link )
 mldgetfattrflag — get the security attribute flags of a file ( Index Term Link )
 mldsetfattrflag — set security flags of a file ( Index Term Link )
 mount — mount a file system ( Index Term Link )
 mount a file system — mount ( Index Term Link )
 msgctl — message control operations ( Index Term Link )
 msgget — get message queue ( Index Term Link )
 msggetl — get message queue at a certain label ( Index Term Link )
 msgrcv — message receive operation ( Index Term Link )
 msgsnd — message send operation ( Index Term Link )
 multilevel directory ( Index Term Link )
 network endpoint objects ( Index Term Link )
 nice — change priority of a time-sharing process ( Index Term Link )
 object ( Index Term Link )
 open — open a file ( Index Term Link )
 open a file — open ( Index Term Link )
 owner of file, change — chown ( Index Term Link )
 p_online — get or change processor operational status ( Index Term Link )
 pathconf — get configurable pathname variables ( Index Term Link )
 pathname, get configurable variables — pathconf ( Index Term Link )
 pread — read from a file ( Index Term Link )
 preadl — read from a file ( Index Term Link )
 priocntl — process scheduler control ( Index Term Link )
 priocntlset — generalized process scheduler control ( Index Term Link )
 privilege debugging flag ( Index Term Link )
 process, time-sharing, change priority — nice ( Index Term Link )
 process accounting, enable or disable — acct ( Index Term Link )
 process attribute flags ( Index Term Link )
  get — getpattr ( Index Term Link )
  set — setpattr ( Index Term Link )
 process audit information, set process audit information — setaudit ( Index Term Link )
 process CMW label — getcmwplabel ( Index Term Link )
 process objects ( Index Term Link )
 process privilege sets ( Index Term Link )
 process scheduler
  control — priocntl ( Index Term Link )
  generalized control — priocntlset ( Index Term Link )
 process security attribute ( Index Term Link )
  change priority of a time-sharing process — nice ( Index Term Link )
  create a new one — fork ( Index Term Link )
  execute a file — exec ( Index Term Link )
  generalized scheduler control — priocntlset ( Index Term Link )
  get identification — getpid, getpgrp, getppid, getpgid ( Index Term Link )
  get or set session ID — getsid, setsid ( Index Term Link )
  read from a file — read ( Index Term Link )
  read directory entries and put in a file system independent format — getdents ( Index Term Link )
  send a signal to a process or a group of processes — kill ( Index Term Link )
  spawn new process in a virtual memory efficient way — vfork ( Index Term Link )
  supplementary group access list IDs — getgroups, setgroups ( Index Term Link )
 processes and protection
  set group IDs — setregid ( Index Term Link )
  set user IDs — setreuid ( Index Term Link )
 processor_bind — bind LWPs to a processor ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 pwrite — write on a file ( Index Term Link )
 pwritel — write on a file ( Index Term Link )
 read from a file, pread, preadl, read, readv, readvl ( Index Term Link )
 read — read from a file ( Index Term Link )
 read the contents of a symbolic link — readlink ( Index Term Link )
 read/write file pointer
  move — lseek ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 readl — read from a file ( Index Term Link )
 readlink — read the contents of a symbolic link ( Index Term Link )
 readv — read from a file ( Index Term Link )
 readvl — read from a file ( Index Term Link )
 real group ID, set — setregid ( Index Term Link )
 real user IDs, set — setreuid ( Index Term Link )
 reboot system, — uadmin ( Index Term Link )
 remount root file system, — uadmin ( Index Term Link )
 rename — change the name of a file ( Index Term Link )
 rmdir — remove a directory ( Index Term Link )
 root directory, change — chroot ( Index Term Link )
 secconf — get security configuration information ( Index Term Link )
 security attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 security attributes of file system, — fgetfsattr, getfsattr ( Index Term Link )
 security flags of a file, set — setfattrflag ( Index Term Link )
 security policy ( Index Term Link )
 semaphore operations — semop ( Index Term Link )
 semaphore operations — semtimedop ( Index Term Link )
  control operations — semctl ( Index Term Link )
  get a set — semget ( Index Term Link )
  get a set with labels — semgetl ( Index Term Link )
 semctl — semaphore control operations ( Index Term Link )
 semget — get set of semaphores ( Index Term Link )
 semgetl — get set of labeled semaphores ( Index Term Link )
 semop — semaphore operations ( Index Term Link )
 semtimedop — semaphore operations ( Index Term Link )
 sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 sensitivity label of file system
  — fgetcmwfsrange ( Index Term Link )
  — getcmwfsrange ( Index Term Link )
 session ID, get or set — getsid, setsid ( Index Term Link )
 set file access and modification times — utimes ( Index Term Link )
 set process CMW label — setcmwplabel ( Index Term Link )
 setaudit — set process audit information ( Index Term Link )
 setclearance — set process clearance ( Index Term Link )
 setcmwlabel — set CMW label of a file ( Index Term Link )
 setcmwplabel — set process CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 setegid — set effective group ID ( Index Term Link )
 seteuid — set effective user ID ( Index Term Link )
 setfattrflag — set security flags of file ( Index Term Link )
 setfpriv — set a privilege set associated with a file ( Index Term Link )
 setgid — set group ID ( Index Term Link )
 setgroups — set supplementary group access list IDs ( Index Term Link )
 setpattr — set process attribute flags ( Index Term Link )
 setppriv — assign a privilege set associated with the invoking process ( Index Term Link )
 setregid — set real and effective group ID ( Index Term Link )
 setreuid — set real and effective user IDs ( Index Term Link )
 setrlimit — control maximum system resource consumption ( Index Term Link )
 setsid — set session ID ( Index Term Link )
 setuid — set user ID ( Index Term Link )
 shared memory
  control operations — shmctl ( Index Term Link )
  get segment identifier — shmget ( Index Term Link )
  operations — shmop ( Index Term Link )
 shmctl — shared memory control operations ( Index Term Link )
 shmget — get shared memory segment identifier ( Index Term Link )
 shmgetl — get shared memory segment identifier ( Index Term Link )
 shmop — shared memory operations ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown, — uadmin ( Index Term Link )
 sigsend — send a signal to a process or a group of processes ( Index Term Link )
 sigsendset — provides an alternate interface to sigsend for sending signals to sets of processes ( Index Term Link )
 single-level directory ( Index Term Link )
 SLD ( Index Term Link )
 SLD name of file system
  — fgetsldname ( Index Term Link )
  — getsldname ( Index Term Link )
 special files, create a new one — mknod ( Index Term Link )
 stat — get file status ( Index Term Link )
 statvfs — get file system information ( Index Term Link )
 stime — set system time and date ( Index Term Link )
 strictly dominate ( Index Term Link )
 swap space, manage — swapctl ( Index Term Link )
 swapctl — manage swap space ( Index Term Link )
 symbolic link, make one to a file — symlink ( Index Term Link )
 symlink — make a symbolic link to a file ( Index Term Link )
 sysinfo — get and set system information strings ( Index Term Link )
 system accreditation range ( Index Term Link )
 system administration, administrative control — uadmin ( Index Term Link )
 system clock, synchronization — adjtime ( Index Term Link )
 system information, get and set strings — sysinfo ( Index Term Link )
 system resources, control maximum system resource consumption — getrlimit, setrlimit ( Index Term Link )
  correct the time to allow synchronization of the system clock — adjtime ( Index Term Link )
  set system time and date — stime ( Index Term Link )
 tokmapper — manipulates kernel token mapping caches ( Index Term Link )
 trusted path flag ( Index Term Link )
 uadmin — administrative control ( Index Term Link )
 ulimit — get and set process limits ( Index Term Link )
 umount — unmount a file system ( Index Term Link )
 unlink — remove directory entry ( Index Term Link )
 unmount a file system — umount ( Index Term Link )
 user audit identity, get process audit information — getaudit ( Index Term Link )
 user IDs
  set — setuid ( Index Term Link )
  set real and effective — setreuid ( Index Term Link )
 utimes — set file access and modification times ( Index Term Link )
 vfork — spawn new process in a virtual memory efficient way ( Index Term Link )
 write — write on a file ( Index Term Link )
 write on a file, — pwrite, pwritel, write, writel, writev, writevl ( Index Term Link )
 writel — write on a file ( Index Term Link )
 writev — write on a file ( Index Term Link )
 writevl — write on a file ( Index Term Link )