Trusted Solaris 8 HW 7/03 Release Notes

Future Trusted Solaris Releases

Information in this section is provided to help assist customers and vendors with early planning for migration to future releases. This information is based on information that is presently available.

In the future, Sun might no longer supply Trusted Solaris software as a product that is based on modifying the Solaris kernel. Instead, Sun might produce the functionality as software that is designed to meet or exceed the requirements of the Common Criteria's Labeled Security Protection Profile. Sun might also include features such as the multilevel secure desktop and trusted networking. This functionality might be installed with a future release of the Solaris operating system.

Some features that might change are:

Your experience when using future releases of Trusted Solaris software will generally be the same as your current experience. However, the underlying implementation for features such as privileges, file system attributes, and networking might change. For example, the interfaces that are documented in the Trusted Solaris Reference Manual might change.

Sun might produce a transition guide that maps the current interfaces to their new counterparts. Alternatively, Sun might recommend a way to handle removed interfaces.

The following interfaces might be removed in a future Trusted Solaris release:

The following interfaces might be removed or be substituted for by other interfaces:

The following interfaces might change in name or behavior or both: