N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 System Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Delete Notification Rules

You might want to delete a notification rule when it is no longer being used or you no longer want to receive email about a particular event.

You can delete notification rules at the following times.

This procedure describes how to delete notification rules by using the browser interface. You can also perform this task by using the following command.

Before You Begin

To delete a notification rule, you must belong to a user group that has write permissions on notification rules.

  1. Go to the Notification Rules page.

    For the procedure about how to navigate to the Notification Rules page, see How to View Notification Rules.

  2. Select each notification rule that you plan to delete.

    You can delete more than one notification rule at a time.

  3. In the last row of the Notification Rules table, click Delete.

    Another page is displayed that provides the option to cancel the deletion.

  4. Verify that you are deleting the correct notification rule and click Continue to Delete.

    The notification rule that you deleted is no longer listed in the table on the Notification Rules page.