N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 XML Schema Reference Guide

<uninstallSteps> Element

The <uninstallSteps> element is a child of the <uninstallList> element. This element lists the sequence of steps to be executed to uninstall the component. When an <uninstall> step causes this component to be uninstalled, the steps listed in this element are executed in order. The <uninstallSteps> element of a simple component is permitted to include an <undeployResource> step, though it is not required. The <uninstallSteps> element of a composite component is permitted include one or more <uninstall> steps to uninstall the referenced components, though these steps are not required.

The <uninstallSteps> element children consist of an optional <paramList> element followed by a body. The body consists of an optional local <varList> element that is followed by an optional <dependantCleanup> block, which is followed by zero or more “shared” or “component uninstall-only” steps. The body is not included if the uninstall block is declared abstract.

The following example shows the contents of a sample <uninstallSteps> element. Everything after </paramList> defines the body.

<uninstallSteps name="default">
     <param name="param1"/>
    <var name="var1" default="my var 1"/>
    <uninstall blockName="default">
        <allDependants name="child2parent"/>

By default, a derived component inherits all of the accessible uninstall blocks of its base component. Semantics for overriding an uninstall block are the same as those for overriding an install block.

Attributes for the <uninstallSteps> Element

The <uninstallSteps> element has the following attributes:

<dependantCleanup> Element

The <dependantCleanup> element is a child of the <uninstallSteps> element. The <dependantCleanup> element specifies a set of steps to be executed to remove components that currently depend on the calling component. This element has no attributes and can include any number of steps that are permitted within the scope of the containing uninstall block.

When included, this element causes the check for dependent components to be deferred until after the contents of the block have been executed. If dependent components still remain after the block has been executed, the uninstall fails and the component remains installed. If no dependent components remain, the uninstall proceeds with the remaining steps.

If the containing component is targetable, the block can be used to remove components that are installed on its associated component targeting host. If installed components remain on the associated host after this block completes, the uninstall fails.

If a <dependantCleanup> block is not included in an uninstall block, the block fails immediately if dependent components exist.

The <dependantCleanup> block is often used in conjunction with the <allDependants> targeter to uninstall all dependent components at one time.