N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the WebSphere Plug-In 1.0

Process Overview

    Creating a WebSphere 5.1 environment within the provisioning system is similar to the process of creating the environment without the provisioning system.

  1. Import the WebSphere 5.1 plug-in.

    See Adding the WebSphere Plug-In to the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System.

  2. Configure the provisioning system's Master Server.

    See How to Configure the Master Server for the WebSphere Plug-in.

  3. Set the WebSphere 5.1 session variables: WS_DEFAULT_USER and WS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD.

    These variables are used during standalone application server installation, deployment manager installation, and node federation.

    See Chapter 5, Session Variables, in N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Plan and Component Developer’s Guide.

  4. Prepare all hosts.

    The WebSphere 5.1 plug-in contains new system services that must be pushed out to all hosts in the provisioning system. See Preparing a Physical Host in N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 System Administration Guide.

  5. Create a standalone WebSphere application server.

    See How to Install a Standalone WebSphere Application Server.

  6. Create additional application server instances.

    See How to Create an Application Server Instance.

  7. (Optional) Create the deployment manager.

    See How to Install a Deployment Manager.

  8. If necessary, add each WebSphere application server to the deployment manager.

    See How to Add Nodes to the Deployment Manager.

  9. (Optional) Create a cluster and add cluster members to the cluster.

    See How to Create a WebSphere Cluster and How to Add Cluster Members.

  10. If necessary, configure the application's connection to the database.

    1. Configure the JDBC Provider.

      See How to Create a JDBC Provider Component.

    2. Configure the data source.

      See How to Create a Data Source Component.

  11. Configure the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) component.

    See How to Configure the JVM Component.

  12. Capture the application files.

  13. Deploy applications to target application servers or clusters.

    An application can target either an application server or a cluster.

    See Installing an Enterprise Application.