N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the WebLogic 8 Plug-In 1.0

Start and Stop Cluster Might Fail (6243101)

When you use the provisioning system to start or stop a cluster, if some of the Managed Servers in the cluster are running and some of the Managed Servers in the cluster are not running, the procedure fails. When the runtime state of the Managed Servers does not match and you attempt to stop a cluster, the following message appears:

Raise step performed with message: "Managed Server server-name
   is not Stopped". (017149)

When the runtime state of the Managed Servers does not match and you attempt to start a cluster, the following message appears:

Raise step performed with message: "Managed Server server-name
is not running." (017149)

Workaround: To start or stop a cluster when the runtime state is different for the Managed Servers in the cluster, individually start or stop the Managed Servers. For instructions, see Managing WebLogic Managed Servers.