N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the Sun Java System Web Server Plug-In 1.0

WebAdminServer Component

The WebAdminServer component provides controls that enable you to stop, start, and restart Administration Servers. The component variables and component procedures available for use with the WebAdminServer component are described below. For instructions to control an Administration Server, see Controlling the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q1 SP4.

Component Variables


Path on the target host to install the state file that contains the name/value pairs for the installation of the Administration Server.


The value of this variable determines whether the installation will exit if a dependency fails. The default value is no.


The value of this variable determines whether the provisioning system creates a log of Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q1 SP4 items that are already installed on the target host. Valid values are yes and no.


The value of this variable populates the REMOVE_BUNDLED_PRODUCTS variable in the state file that the provisioning system uses to install the Administration Server. The default value for this variable is blank.


The value of this variable determines whether the provisioning system will upgrade the JDKTM software if the version installed on the target host is incompatible with the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q1 SP4. Valid values are yes and no.


The path in which to install the Administration Server on the target host.


Host name of the target system.


Domain name of the target system.


IP address of the target system.


User ID for all components of the Sun Java Enterprise System. For more information, see CMN_ADMIN_USER in Chapter 4: Configuration Information.


User ID under which component processes run.


Group of the jesSystemUser.

If you are installing the Administration Server on a Linux server, set the jesSystemGroup variable to root.


User ID to use to log into the Adminstration Server.


Port to use to access the Administration Server.


User ID under which the Administration Server processes run.


User ID that the default instance of Web Server uses to run on the system.

If you are installing the Administration Server on a Linux server, set the webInstanceUser variable to nobody.


Group ID in which the default instance of Web Server runs.

If you are installing the Administration Server on a Linux server, set the webInstanceGroup variable to nobody.


Port to use to access the Web Server instance.


Path for the Web Server to store content documents.


The value of this variable determines whether the provisioning server will create a boot script that will start the Administration Server and the Web Server instance upon system boot. Valid values are y and n.


The value of this variable determines whether the provisioning server will start the Administration Server and the Web Server instance when installation is complete. Valid values are y and n.


Path to the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q1 SP4 installation binary on the target server.

Component Procedures


Use this procedure to update the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 database to include any Administration Servers that you installed manually.


Use this procedure to update the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 database to remove any Administration Servers that you uninstalled manually.


Use this procedure to start an Administration Server.


Use this procedure to stop and then restart an Administration Server.


Use this procedure to stop an Administration Server.