N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 1.0

Chapter 4 Installing and Configuring the OS Provisioning Plug-In

From an operating system (OS) provisioning perspective, installation consists of three phases:

All three installation phases likely also have configuration steps.

This chapter includes the following information:

Installing the OS Provisioning Plug-In

Acquiring the OS Provisioning Plug-In

The OS provisioning plug-in is packaged as a plug-in to the N1 Grid SPS software. Plug-ins are packaged in JavaTM Archive (JAR) files. The plug-in files for the OS provisioning plug-in are available from the N1 Grid SPS Supplement CD or from the Sun Download Center.

Adding the OS Provisioning Plug-In to the N1 Grid SPS

To make a given plug-in known to the N1 Grid SPS product, you need to import the plug-in. To import a plug-in, follow these steps as explained in detail in Chapter 5, Plug-In Administration, in N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 System Administration Guide.

  1. In the Administrative section of the browser interface main window, click Plug-ins.

  2. In the Action column of the Plug-ins page, click Import.

  3. Browse to the location where you downloaded the com.sun.isp_1.0.jar file.

  4. Click the Continue to Import button.

When the import completes successfully, a plug-in details page appears that shows you the objects that the plug-in provides.

You can also import a plug-in archive file from the command line. Use the following command:

% cr-cli -cmd plg.p.add -path com.sun.isp_1.0.jar -u username -p password

Creating the OS Provisioning Server

Although the OS provisioning plug-in has been imported, you cannot provision an operating system until you create and set up an OS provisioning server.

ProcedureHow to Create the OS Provisioning Server (Browser Interface)

At the end of this task, the OS provisioning software is installed on the OS provisioning server. In addition, the DHCP service is installed on the OS provisioning server.

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 Grid SPS browser interface, select OS Provisioning.

  2. On the OS Provisioning Common Tasks page, click Create in the OSP Control Server section.

  3. On the Plans Details page, click Run.

  4. Choose variables to use for this plan.

    • To use an existing variables set, select a name from the drop-down menu in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

    • To create a new variables set, click Select from List in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

      1. Click Create Set.

      2. Type a name for the variables set.

      3. Change variables as needed.

        Variable Name 



        Base directory into which to install the OS provisioning software. 


        Name of the virtual host that represents the OS provisioning server. 


        Path to directory in which target host files reside. 


        Path to directory in which OS profile resides. 


        Path to directory in which subnet files reside. 


        Path to directory in which logs and console files reside. 

      4. Save the variables set.

      5. Select the variables set that you just saved from the drop-down menu in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

  5. Select the host on which you want to create the OS provisioning server.

  6. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

    This plan takes some time to run, usually approximately 15 minutes. While the installation is proceeding, click on the Details links in the Plan Run window to see progress.

  7. To verify that the OS provisioning server is created successfully, click the Hosts link in the left side of the provisioning server window.

    You should see the name of the virtual host appended with -osp. For example, if you installed on host masterserver, the virtual host is masterserver-osp.

ProcedureHow to Create the OS Provisioning Server (Command-Line Interface)


    To create the server from the command line, type a command similar to the following example:

    # cr_cli -cmd pe.p.run -u admin -p admin -PID "NM:/com/sun/n1osp/untyped/Service-create" \
    -tar H:NM:masterserver  -comp + -vs + -pto 30 -nto 10

    Note –

    The target should be the OS provisioning server. In the example, the N1 Grid SPS Master Server is used as the OS provisioning server.

Creating and Registering the Subnet

The OS provisioning server provides DHCP service. The DHCP service has to listen on all the subnets that will be used to provision the targets. In the N1 Grid SPS interface, you need to identify the subnets to be used for provisioning targets so that the OS provisioning server can respond to DHCP requests. The OS provisioning service will create the interfaces with the required addresses on the provisioning server (if not already created) during the provisioning operation.

ProcedureHow to Identify the Subnet for the OS Provisioning Server (Browser Interface)

To manage the subnet from the browser interface, follow these steps.

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the N1 Grid SPS browser interface, select OS Provisioning.

  2. On the OS Provisioning Common Tasks page, click Manage in the OSP Subnets section.

  3. On the Component Details page, click the Run action in the Create row.

  4. Choose variables to use for this plan.

    • To use an existing variables set, select a name from the drop-down menu in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

    • To create a new variables set, click Select from List in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

      1. Click Create Set.

      2. Type a name for the variables set.

      3. Change variables as needed.





        Subnet address 


        Subnet mask 


        Gateway for the subnet 


        Interfaces on the OS provisioning server to be used for this subnet 



        Host address that is assigned to the host_interface

        Note –

        The OS provisioning software creates the interfaces and assigns the addresses during provisioning operation, if those values are not set already.

      4. Save the variables set.

      5. Select the variables set that you just saved from the drop-down menu in the Service component row of the Plan Parameters table.

  5. Select the virtual host to which this subnet applies.

    Tip –

    The virtual host for the OS provisioning server ends in -osp.

  6. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).

ProcedureHow to Identify the Subnet for the OS Provisioning Server (Command-Line Interface)

To manage the subnet from the command line, follow these steps:

  1. Create the variables set.

    Type a command similar to the following example:

    # cr_cli -cmd cdb.vs.add -comp NM:/com/sun/n1osp/untyped/Subnet -name "subnet1" \
    -u admin -p admin -vars "installPath=;mask=;gateway=; \

    For more information about the variables, see Step 4 in How to Identify the Subnet for the OS Provisioning Server (Browser Interface).

  2. Run the plan to create the subnet using the variables set created in the previous step.

    Type a command similar to the following example:

    # cr_cli -cmd pe.p.run -u admin -p admin -PID NM:/com/sun/n1osp/untyped/Subnet-create  \
    -tar H:NM:masterserver-osp -comp + -vs subnet1 -pto 30 -nto 10

ProcedureHow to Add a New Provisioning Subnet

You can use several subnets to provision operating systems. The following steps explain how to add a new subnet to the OS provisioning server.

Before You Begin

Verify that the OS provisioning server, the boot and install server for the applicable operating system, and the target host are in the same IP network.

  1. Create a new subnet component as described in How to Identify the Subnet for the OS Provisioning Server (Browser Interface).

    For IP connectivity, you have two options:

    • Create new IP addresses for the OS provisioning server .

    • Use existing IP addresses, but create a route for DHCP packets to reach from the target to the OS provisioning server.

  2. Create new interfaces on the boot and install servers for the new subnet or define routes so that the boot and install server can be reached by the target.

  3. Verify that the file system shares are updated to deliver the OS media in this new subnet.

  4. Verify that the targets are in this subnet.

  5. Edit the profile you want to provision for IP addresses to be in the new subnet.