Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 2.0

Component Variables for N1 SPS Remote Agents

The variables described in the following list provide Remote Agent (RA) configuration for the N1 SPS software. These variables directly equate to the JET spsra module.


Description: Whether to install the N1 SPS RA software.

Default value: y


Description: Version of RA to install.

Default value: 5.1


Description: Base directory in which RA files are installed.

Default value: /opt/SUNWn1sps


Description: Determines where to get RA files. When you install the JET server or attach the JET server, a snapshot of the RA on the JET server is taken automatically. As a result, this variable defaults to y. Set the variable to n for a cross architecture install. In this case, you need to import the product media for the JET module by using the Manage link in the JET Solaris Image Servers section of the OS Provisioning common tasks page.

Default value: y


Description: When using the RA installer, specify user name to own the RA filesystem.

Example: jdoe


Description: When using the RA installer, specify group name to own the RA filesystem.

Example: staff


Description: Determines whether to set up user and group account for username_spsra and groupname_spsra.

Default value: n


Description: Encrypted password for username_spsra.

Example: 6GR9gOi1vRVFw shows the encrypted value for the password “n1spspwd.”


Description: User account ID for username_spsra.

Example: 505


Description: Group account ID for groupname_spsra.

Example: 505


Description: Home directory for RA files.

Default value: /opt/SUNWn1sps


Description: Path to the Java runtime environment. If no value is provided, use the path suggested by the installer. If a path is given, the JRE must be installed at that path or the installation fails.


Description: Enable RA root access.

Default value: y


Description: Determines method to use for connecting to RA. By default, uses the connection method defined for the targetable component.

Default value: :[targetableComponent:sps_ra_conn]


Description: SSL authorization to use for network connection.

Default value: 1


Description: Port to use for network connection. By default, uses the port defined for the targetable component.

Note –

To use an SSH connection, set the port number to 70000.

Default value: :[targetableComponent:sps_ra_port]


Description: Advanced parameters to use for network connection. By default, uses the advanced parameters defined for the targetable component.

Default value: :[targetableComponent:sps_ra_adv_parms]